Author Posts

March 26, 2017 at 2:51 am

I often write factual items.  I don’t write ‘Fake News’.   If I touch a real topic, whether the Olympics in Brasil, whether Polio in various parts of the world, whether Obamacare; I do my RESEARCH.

If I were to write about police murders since January 2017 I would go to more than one site to be sure that the number I have is accurate.    When I post 218  it is NOT PLAGIARISM.  It is fact.

All the factual pieces I write come from reliable sources.

It is Not Plagiarism to use facts.

Once on Triond they were slapping everyone who used facts… even if they quoted them… I recall one guy was discussing a Bible passage.   He had written out the passage, gave ‘chapter and verse’ then began to say what it meant to him.

The mod claimed it was ‘Plagiarised’.

Come on…. if I were going to discuss Genesis 1:29  I would quote the passage.  Or should I be vague?   Should I say….”In the Bible theres something about creation in one chapter..?”


March 26, 2017 at 5:50 pm

I promise not to publish any more factual pieces.  I will publish empty items.

March 26, 2017 at 7:09 pm

During my sojourn here, I have sought to write about topical and factual items.  I have verified my facts so that I would be as accurate as possible.  I have had two items removed for plagairism.  Hence, I shall endeavour to lower my standards to match that of this site.

No more sharp factual pieces requiring researc