Author Posts

June 20, 2016 at 4:03 am


yeah, I missed BJ too. Hope to hear some good news.

I find that earning there is much faster than here.

But since there isn’t any alternative move now, I would have to wait and hope that LiteracyBase will be as good as BJ.


Yes I had noticed that too. A parenting or health post isn’t getting 22 cents which I used to earn. Other posts had gone down too and not regular paid as before.

If word counts isn’t one of the criteria, does it mean that with 300 words post, good usage of keywords would earn 22 cents instead of 15 cents?

Then nobody would want to write 500 words anymore right?

That puzzles me, where are the answers?? All of us are guessing right now.

No positive answers yet.

June 20, 2016 at 10:24 pm

@peachpurple I miss BJ too. I could earn a hundred dollars every two and a half months with just three posts. But then the site is gone and so it’s better to focus on LB and make the best of the opportunity we have here.

As for the pay rates per post, there are only guesses. Only support can give us the right answer.

June 20, 2016 at 10:34 pm

@ Kyla Matton Osborne (Ruby3881)  Yes, the site has never announced any set pay rate but the members were getting paid according to the word limit of the post and so it was considered to be the set norm. But now it’s kind of confusing as there seem to be no criteria.

June 21, 2016 at 1:49 am

@swalia It’s best not to expect any writing site to keep to a set pay schedule unless it has been specifically laid out as such. Site costs and revenues change over time; there’s no guarantee they can always afford to pay the same rates.

The best way to cope with such fluctuations is to adapt to the needs of the site. By remaining flexible and working to supply the demands of the site, we can always earn the maximum amount the site is offering at the time.

June 21, 2016 at 4:47 am

Is BJ really gone??

I still have posts there. Wondering whether I should pull them out or not.

Did you remove all your articles there?

There isn’t any news about the closing of that site yet but I had already back up all my posts.

I was wondering if let’s say that it did closed down, can we repost those articles at BJ at LB?

June 21, 2016 at 5:15 am

@peachpurple  I suppose you could repost provided they are not found in google search.

June 28, 2016 at 6:20 pm

@nakitakona13, Do you know now who that person is? Why does he play hide and seek? Is there something he keeps from his identity?

June 28, 2016 at 6:50 pm

Yap, @lovern. One of my friend here pointed it out whose that person. I thought he was a man. However, a certain fellow LB member clarified it and informed me that he was not a man, but rather she was a woman whose tendency is to make matter worse if she didn’t like it.

She had been in different online writing sites and she was manifesting that pestering attitude. She had no a permanent sound decision to make. I could even call her as a troublemaker. She was full of pride and too ambitious. Well, I am very sorry. It is too unfair that I am talking about her when she’ not around to defend herself.

Let’s forgive her for she knows what she is doing. She has a lot of things to resolve, to amend to make thing aright. I don’t know if she could recall all her misgivings, insult or whatever she had done. Anyay nobody is perfect; but anyone knows what they are doing.

June 28, 2016 at 8:21 pm

@peachpurple I am not sure if BJ is really gone. Members are still hopeful that it will make a comeback but frankly I have lost hope. There are no updates from Sheridan at all. I have removed some posts from BJ and published them here on LB. So of course, you can repost your articles but I would suggest to check them for plagiarism first before submitting here for approval.

June 28, 2016 at 10:14 pm

@shaloo walia I have not yet posted a rant post but I am seriously thinking to post one and money is not the concern but delay in publication. 

June 28, 2016 at 10:27 pm

@suny  I had written one during earlier days of this site ranting about the low pay rates and some suggestions to compensate. But that was taken in a good spirit and we even saw the staff giving some rewards to the consistent members. Personal rants are a different issue though and I have posted 1-2 and obviously got low rates for them. This delay in publication of posts is frustrating for sure especially because it really jeopardizes your monthly goals.

The thing is that there are hardly any good writing sites where you can work. I have started today with EW also and will see how it goes. But that site again seems to be a low earner.

June 28, 2016 at 11:06 pm


You mentioned Donald Trump here? That’s funny.

I don’t know why people hate him. If we ignore that statement which the world considers racism (It was anyways a temporary suggestion and nothing more) and that Mexican wall (Mexico is not taking that seriously, why should us?), his plans are in the right direction actually. Everybody does mistakes and he too followed the suit. In fact, he is the man who talks of job security and said that he won’t let jobs go out of USA. He thinks of a nuke – free world (no one else thinks that – must be a visionary). He does not want American security to be divided and hence does not believe in providing a military support to Japan and Korea. People wrongly think that he hates immigration. He is against illegal immigration NOT legal immigration of skilled workers. Genuinely speaking, I don’t know of his hairstyle as I haven’t watched him that closely.

Sorry if fellow Americans feel bad but USA is actually a midway between 2 poles. HC thinks of only fiscal deficit & plans to increase taxes. DT totally ignores fiscal deficit problem. The 2 have started personal attacks on each other (I don’t know why?). Yes, the majority of Americans prefer HC over DT but still there is a significant probability of DT being the president.

Anyways, I won’t talk much of American politics because I am a non – American. May be @ruby3881 and others could enlighten us on the subject matter. I am just making a wild guess as this forum was about a rant post.


June 28, 2016 at 11:08 pm

@shaloo walia I have also posted one on EW day before besides I am a regular on 2 Indian sites. However, I suggest you to stay here. maybe they have finished the quota for the current month lol :).

On a serious note, as I had said in the beginning that I can easily post 150-200 posts per month on this site but delay in publication is a deterring factor.

June 28, 2016 at 11:58 pm

This post sounds like a rant post. LOL. just kidding. Silly me. But for me ranting is what I do. lol Have a great day peachpurple.