Author Posts

June 17, 2016 at 9:53 am

@peachpurple  I have noticed that the posts which are personal in nature get paid less than the rest. I have been paid as low as .05 cents for 350 words post as against the standard .15 cents.

@suny  I haven’t noticed how much  earnings are there on the daily basis. I simply go by the notifications which show a decrease in rates and also varied rates for the posts of same word count. I will follow your suggestion and try to keep a count of how much I earn a day and for how many posts.

June 17, 2016 at 9:58 am

@nakitakona13 I can only laugh at someone who says literacybase is a scam. The site has paid us on time as promised. The pay rates may seem low to some but then it’s our choice whether we want to work here or not. Every writing site goes through ups and downs but as long as it’s paying, we cannot term it as scam.

And the person you mentioned has been around on numerous sites and always seem to have something negative to say about each site.

June 17, 2016 at 10:51 am


Thanks for your advice.

I guess that you are right that 10 cents couldn’t pay the electricity bill.

No point hanging on to rant post for me.

I will write 300 words as you had suggested.

That means, I have to write 5 pieces of 300 words per day in order to achieve 50 cents!

Talking about seo, is it related to keywords, right?



Bro, I had been tracking down my pay rate for each post since I started writing here on day 1.

Here is the pay rate:


1- 15 th May 2016

300 words = 0.02 cent

600 words = 0.05 cents

700 words= 0.10 cent


15-30 May 2016

1000 words = 0.35 cent

800 words = 0.27 cent

500 words= 0.22 cent

300 words= ???? Never did try this


1-15 June 2016

Same as above


16 June 2016

650 words = 0.10 cent

700 words  = 0.18 cents


So you see, the current rate is going back to the May pay rate now.



June 17, 2016 at 10:58 am

@peachpurple The pay rates don’t surprise me. Recent payments have brought a few new members on the site. Even the old members are more active now that they have been paid once. That means the site will have to shell out more money as payments. But as of now, I don’t see any revenue generating model for the site. There is no advertising and no affiliate programs. Unless the site earns money, how do we expect it to give us better pay rates?

June 17, 2016 at 11:12 am


Thanks for your suggestion.

Yes I will ask admin about it and see what is going on.



Yup, it is indeed waste of time to get paid 10 cents for 700 words.

Might as well comment 10 forums and paid the same amount, right ???




So it is the SEO stuff again.

In other words, no matter how many words I write, I don’t get paid as in the past unless I have enough keywords in my posts, right?

Might as well write 300 words and pump in with tons of keywords!





Who is this writer?

LB is not a scam site.

Furthermore, we all know that we can’t write review about other sites.

Well, I think that he is just over reacted, impulsive, should cool down.

Admin was kind to give him an honest advice.

But I roughly guess who this person is because he had been around many sites and got kicked out, right?




June 17, 2016 at 11:14 am

@peachpurple I suggest you to not to go by what is written in your notification but when the articles are published check your bank. You will see that your account will add 15 or 22 cents as per your number of words. I have seen that my balance increased @15 cents each time (r 22) while my notification said something different. Check it tonight.

June 17, 2016 at 11:20 am


OK I will take note of the pay rate regardless of words in posts, thanks for your notification!



wow, the new rate is pretty low, seemed to have gone back to the 1st pay rate in May

with 300 words 10 cents and 500 words 17 cents, i sn’t it better to write 300 words maybe 5 posts per day just to hit 50 cents?

Anyway, I agree that focus on sharing the post at social media had helped me to earn 30 cents daily.

I had not only shared my own posts, I also shared new posts from other writers which I find very useful to my FB and twitter friends.

I had shared your posts, all about techno and money making.

Most of my friends said that your posts were very helpful and full of information.

It is alike killing 2 birds with 1 stone, you gain traffic, I gain earnings….


June 17, 2016 at 11:26 am

@ peachpurple Yesterday I posted only two and was paid 30 cents and when I checked today I found 7 cents were added as my 2 posts attracted 70 visitors. (I tweeted both of my posts).

June 17, 2016 at 11:30 am


which site? The B site? Oh I sure missed that site very much.

We can write almost anything we wanted, love it.



oh dear!

with 300 words 5 cents, that is even lower than mine!

So sorry to hear that.

But you write lots of post per day, I had counted 8 of them!

You got a point there.

How do admin pay us with high $$ when they aren’t anything from ads?

Then, I should keep my mouth shut and be satisfied with ti!


I will check my account today.

What is the word written beside the additional 15 cents?

Then I can know that it is based on the word count


June 17, 2016 at 11:35 am

@peachpurple 300+ in both cases and notification gave me 5 cents and 10 cents but my bank increased by 30 cents immediately. I tweeted my posts which brought another 7. I repeat check physically before writing in forums and make sure. 

June 17, 2016 at 11:47 am

@peachpurple Yes, I had been posting almost eight posts of 300-350 words on a daily basis. But I am quite discouraged due to these varied low rates. It’s now the same as before. Focusing on forums will fetch you almost equivalent amount.

June 17, 2016 at 12:09 pm

@sunil That’s not really true.  I have a number of posts that earn just 10 cents only.

I do not mind that amount, since these are old posts, and I have just rewritten to make it reach the 300 words limit.

June 17, 2016 at 12:17 pm

@scheng1 No arguments, I wrote what I got, you wrote what you got. That settles the issue. After all I am not out to prove any point here. Thank you. 

June 17, 2016 at 3:28 pm

@peachpurple, I do not write more than 350 words in a blog, useless the pay is too smal for our struggle and effort.

June 17, 2016 at 3:32 pm

@sunil I haven’t checked to see if my bank matches with the point history after a post publishes, but with so many visitor referrals it would be difficult to keep track. It could also be a delay in the bank balance that makes it seem the amount is off.

@swalia I thought maybe this week my amounts had gone down, but I’m not sure if it’s just a perception. I intend to keep an eye on the rates for the next few weeks to see if anything changes. My monthly amounts look like they have gotten better. But of course, several of my earlier posts were published when rates had been very low.