Author Posts

August 30, 2016 at 1:36 am


I’m new to this website and I’m curious about its earning potential. I do not have time to invest in small-income project so I’m aiming to find something able to generate a decent income (not talking about being millionarie or even about a full income, but I’m talking about more than 1$/day).

I would like to know your opinion about the potential earning here compared with other similar websites such as TinyCent, Blogbourne and more.

I hope I didn’t break any rule asking for it and I hope to see some comments. A lot! 🙂

Thank you. Can’t wait to see you on the inside 🙂

August 30, 2016 at 3:59 pm

Hi well if you are looking for a fast earning site this may be ideal for you, but it will take a little longer than you think or want it to be. but it all depends on your ability and willingness to work long hours on a daily basis. you can achieve what you want all you need to do is to be very active that way you will get the money that you are looking for

August 30, 2016 at 8:45 pm

Anitah can you give me some numbers?

As far as I can see, there’s no hope in doing more than 10-15$ a month xD

August 30, 2016 at 9:49 pm

My personal opinion on how to earn $1 daily here is by writing  at least 4 “quality” 500-word articles every day. Aim to hit the $0.22 mark for each article so that writing 4 articles will bring you closer to your daily target of $1.

August 30, 2016 at 9:58 pm

S0 you suggest to focus on writing instead of being a part of the community? (talking about profits)

I’m not here to just write posts. You can earn 1$ with your own website with 4 articles daily. I’m here because you get paid for other actions too and I want to know if they can be profitable.

As I can see, the pay for comments is not that bad. But if you suggest to just write, maybe there’s something I’m missing out 🙂

August 30, 2016 at 10:05 pm

@ziogio – You can get paid by sharing blog-post and forum topics on social media. You earn every time whenever someone visit the site using your shared content. So, keep sharing.


Thanks – Support




August 30, 2016 at 10:14 pm

Thank you for the advice member of the support!

Are there any strict rule for sharing content? Like: where, how and how many?

Just to make an example: is it okay to advertise blog posts on traffic exchanges websites? If not, is it allowed to post them on social media profiles raised up by “follow4follow”?

I once joined a website where all of this were prohibited, so I’m asking now because you seem really professional and I don’t want to break any rule. Also, if you explain that part in some rules I’ve missed out, please link them and I’ll read them as soon as possible.

Thank you again and I hope you or some user will find the time to answer 🙂

August 30, 2016 at 10:27 pm

You can share any article or forum topic on any social media website but traffic exchange sites are not allowed.

For reward details, please refer this URL :

& For referral visitor, please read the following URL :


Thanks – Support

August 30, 2016 at 10:47 pm

Yes you can share yr post, forum links at share media to earn cents.


I used to earn 30cents daily on that but nit anymore, don’t kniw why.


How about writing ten posts per day , i am earning 22 cents for five hundred words per post, what do u think ?

August 30, 2016 at 11:02 pm

@support Ok, so it’s ok if the social account is made up by follow4follow (I’m just experimenting that with my “business” twitter account and, in the future, I’m aiming to do that on Instagram too).

Thank you for the in-depth information and for the time you spent by answering the question. I really appreciate that and that really make me see the valuable support here on LB.

@peachpurple I don’t want to take LB and just write post on it because I already have my own post (in my main language) where I have to write and so on. I don’t write that much on it because I just write long articles which take hard work, but when I can I try to post on it.

At this moment in time, I have to write something because I waited too long. Plus: I can earn more by a personal blog than just writing here. But writing here is not the main focus I had when I clicked the button “signup”. I love being part of a community and being part of a community of earners with ethical ways it’s even cooler.

Thank you for your experience and see you! 🙂

September 10, 2016 at 1:13 pm

I think you can reach $10 without much writing if you are active in sharing the content here to your followers in social networking sites, and you are active in forums and commenting in blogs.

It will still take time to reach $10, but that is based on enjoyable effort.

September 10, 2016 at 10:46 pm

@Giorgio My maximum earning so far on LB has been 22$. But I know it’s possible to earn more. Some members have definitely earned more than this and also shared their payment proofs here.