Author Posts

September 7, 2016 at 10:30 pm

@bestwriter – I just visited one of your posts about loving yourself and it looks like you have used embedded content and inserted a post from another website or blog. Two things.

(1) I did not know that we could do that here at Literacy Base.

(2) HOW did you do it?




September 8, 2016 at 12:15 am

Embeded content i thought that was not allowed on this site, how was it submitted anyway? Th  way posts ar3 scrutinized before being posted. Anyway maybe it’s accepted th3 way she did it I would also like to know how she did it as well

September 8, 2016 at 4:24 am

@ Treathyl FOX  You can support your blog with external links and embedding content is not done by the blogger. We cannot do it. It is the site that does it I think.  I only posted that link that you see there. 

@Anitah Gimase  Embedding is not in the hands of a blogger. I myself saw that after the blog went live.

September 8, 2016 at 5:01 am

In your writing pad here, click “text” at the upper right-hand corner. Copy/paste the link URL of the content you want to embed. It is how simple it is. Then click “visual” and you can see the actual or physical view of the link you have embedded.

Why have you to click “text”? The URL is in Html code and it couldn’t be accepted in “visual” page. If you do, it wouldn’t give the proper link or it won’t be displayed or removed.

I understand that some writing sites allow that when it is not a referral link/affiliate link or it doesn’t earn by clicking. Well, as to the LB’s ruling. Let’s check from its FAQs if it is allowed. To wit:

5- Can I use any affiliate link on my blog or any reference link?

No. You can not use any affiliated link. However, you can only use references to support your content from an authentic source. We will be strictly monitoring it and can disable your account in case of any activity against the interest of LiteracyBase.

Now, what can you comment on this post? Since it went live, it means that it’s allowed and the moderator or the admin had checked it. Therefore, we could do the same thing as long as it isn’t an “affiliate link” or a “referral link”.

If you aren’t satisfied yet, you could ask the @admin or the @support as to the ruling regarding embedding a link or links on this site.

September 8, 2016 at 5:08 am

@Nakitakona 13 I have done no such thing that you have taught us here 😀 It is the site that has allowed it. Strangely even though I have posted links in several of my other blogs no embedding is seen there.

September 8, 2016 at 6:37 am

No problem @bestwriter as long as we are on the right track. We’re not violating anything from the rules. As long as it is permitted so much the better. We could bring more links which are of beneficial for others for their reference or source of information.

The point here is we’re in the legit and we’re gained a penny from our efforts we have made. Good luck and more power. 🙂

September 8, 2016 at 8:32 am

@Nakitakona 13 Users should know what is allowed and what is not but I quite understand why there is confusion as in this blog of mine the whole link is opened which normally does not happen. And we as bloggers cannot embed anything. We can only add links which as you say benefits readers.

September 8, 2016 at 1:37 pm

what is embedded content?

I only highlight the word, add url link for the site and thats it.

But those url links are wikipedia, etc, not my site.

Is it OK?

September 8, 2016 at 3:49 pm

@peachpurple Embedded content is where the link opens. And that the blogger cannot do. Some sites have that arrangement. myLot has it. Here at LB not all my supportive links have opened like the way the link that is discussed here.

September 8, 2016 at 4:40 pm

@bestwriter, so it is the site that does the embedding link in your post? Well, that will be nice for they are helping their by blogger having a better blog.The might have observed many visitors of this site with posts or blogs that contain many embedded links.

September 8, 2016 at 4:46 pm

@cely But I do not see it as a normal course as I post links to support my blogs and they just remain as links.

September 8, 2016 at 6:30 pm



That’s interesting!  The blog post looks great!  The content it linked back to was also an excellent link as well!  That must have been a surprise to you too!  Thanks for the explanation.  I do use embedded content on some of my other blogs.  That’s why I wondered about it.  Never had any plans to embedded content it here though.  But I do use external links for my content as I realize that is allowed.  Thanks again!  Clarification much appreciated.  Happy blogging!!  🙂



  • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by  Treathyl FOX.

September 8, 2016 at 6:43 pm

nakitakona13  ~  bestwriter  already responded to my question.  I’m not really sure what you’re going on about but it doesn’t pertain to the question I was asking.  (O.o)  Who said anything about me not being satisfied?  (O.o)  Her post looked great and I wanted to know how to mine look good too.  (O.o)  Really?  What are you talking about??  (O.o)  You sound like you’re beating me up for asking a simple question that I got a simple answer for from the person that I asked the question to.  Are you having a bad day or something?  Because your response is very confusing to me.  (O.o)

CC:  @admin  @support    ~  I am at this site to work in peace.  I don’t come here to harass or be harassed.  As the owners, you reserve the right to tell me get packing and send me on my way at any time.  Y’all have a nice day too!  🙂


September 8, 2016 at 6:51 pm

peachpurple  ~

Easiest way to explain embedded content? There is a site called Embedly. Create a free account. Go to the dashboard, insert a link (pretty much any link, but use one that might have an image). It will create a coding for you to insert into your blog post. That’s embedded content. That are other sites that do this and other blogging platforms and social media networks that have this feature. I just used that site to show you what I am referring to. Embedded content is NOT the same as inserting a hyperlink, which is “OK” and which is what many bloggers do when writing a blog post and referring to additional related content. Are we clear?


September 9, 2016 at 4:37 am

@Treathyl Fox  Let me try that here

<a class=”embedly-card” href=””>her name was jayanthi</a>

<script async src=”//” charset=”UTF-8″></script>

It did not work here but it is a great idea, Thanks



  • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by  bestwriter.