Author Posts

May 22, 2016 at 7:02 pm

Both blog posts earn 35 cents each.

I think that is the maximum amount for a blog post.

I think it is not worth to write long post.  It is much better to write just 300 words to get 15 cents of earnings.

The combined word count for both blogs add to 3900.  If I split into 300 words blogs, I would have 13 blogs, and that will make 15 cents times 13 blogs, which will give me $1.95 instead of the current 70 cents!

May 22, 2016 at 7:28 pm

@scheng1 Thank you for sharing this information with us. It’s good to know this, though I don’t think I will ever write such a long article. I think writing short posts is easier for me too, but I always thought long articles are better for SEO now, as I heard that some sites require more than 1000 words now or rate 1000+ word posts higher.

I am not too sure about this, perhaps it’s still good to stick to the shorter posts, so the readers will not get too bored?

May 22, 2016 at 7:43 pm

@kaka135 yes, it is true that long posts are good for seo, but there is no point in doing that here.

We do not get paid for page views from Google if I read the FAQ correctly.

We will get paid for promoting the links in Facebook or Twitter with url that ends with our username.

SEO requires keyword selection, and having a keyword phrase is very important.  If you can use the same keyword phrase a few times, but not excessive, that will be good.

A general consensus is that keyword density of 4% is ideal.

That means if you are writing about “male breast cancer”, you can have the keyword phrase 40 times in 1000 words content.

May 22, 2016 at 7:46 pm

I prefer writing short ones too but I think I will be getting back to writing day to day journal on that one. I am not counting words of my blog posts right now and not having any goal to take. I am writing just to express my thoughts about something. If I can’t share any words anymore, then I stop. I maintain 500 and more.

@scheng1 more words in blogs will help the site though. I do agree on @kaka135 but anyway, everyone could do everything they want because others are more comfortable with doing short blogs. I love short blogs too.

May 22, 2016 at 7:50 pm

@grecy095 I can write both short, medium and long posts, but that depends on the topics.

For investment related topics, I think 400 to 500 words are enough.

For Bubblews-kind of posts, I maintain 100 to 150 words.

Since the pay rate is best when we write 300 words, I can just take out my old Bubblews posts, add a few more words to make up the 300 words count.

If Literacybase allows us to earn passive income, I will write longer posts with good seo techniques.

Some of my Helium articles are written with very good SEO techniques, and they make more than $100 in passive income.

May 22, 2016 at 7:56 pm

I think you better try to write SEO to help the site @scheng1. To be honest, I don’t know how to write SEO blogs. Also, since you are writing at Helium before, I would love to read your blogs or articles posted in here. You are earning good from there. I guess people like you will help the site based on your experiences.


May 22, 2016 at 8:06 pm

@grecy095  There is no need to rely on SEO articles to help the site.

When Bubblews was paying, the blog rank was very high, because so many people joined, and so many short posts were added every day.

Even though they limit to 10 blog posts a day, there were still many posts added every day.

Once a site is known to pay consistently, writers will come, and readers will come.

I remember that the top earner in Associated Content was Crystal Ray, and she had more than 40 million page views  for her articles.

Her articles were practical but on boring topics, such as how to clean bathroom tiles!

Imagine such topics about bathroom and toilet getting thousand of page views every day.

May 22, 2016 at 8:53 pm

@scheng1 – Don’t be disheartened, surely our moderators find your articles more quality and most probably they have planned some extra rewards for you.  We are always with quality resources like you.

As far as how to clean bathroom tiles! is concerned, she is sharing some very useful Information in which she had experienced. Those articles perform good in SEO as compare to your personal think like what my dog is thinking or story of my life, what am I thinking? and etc. Nobody is interested in your story until and unless you have achieved something or have something inspirational. By writing on the How-to topics is the best way to give some valuable Information that will help them to resolve some problems.   

May 23, 2016 at 8:59 am

@scheng1 you’re here!  So glad to have found you on another site.  The virtual world has become smaller indeed for writers! Lol how have you been?


Anyway,  I do agree that making just enough number of words per blog is fine.  Save your creative juices with other topics to share to us.  I remember that you mostly write about business and financial stuff.  I am sure you would have a huge number of followers for your future blogs.

May 23, 2016 at 9:57 am

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@scheng1  I write short posts because I like them that way. Even short posts if they are informative could fetch good earnings.

May 23, 2016 at 10:00 am

@support Even short posts could be judged by their usefulness to society and not put in a 15 cents groove (lol)

May 23, 2016 at 10:50 am

Can you write such numerous number of words per blog? 1,700 and 2,200 the most. It is not  an ordinary piece of the article. If it does, it could be a study background , a research introduction, or a project plan or proposal. If you are not a seasoned writer, you will find it too difficult to organize your thoughts, your grammar would  be in various errors.

May 23, 2016 at 11:26 am

@scheng1 Thank you for sharing about the keyword density and explaining it so well. I always do not understand about the keyword density.
Yes, I think we don’t get paid by page views, but earn from any referring visitors – if I am not mistaken, anyone who clicks on the link with our referral code we share will make us earn $0.001.

Support has already replied to you, and I am sure they really treasure you as a good asset to the site. 🙂

May 23, 2016 at 11:29 am

Posts that will do well for SEO purposes include DIY/how to, lists, recipes, reviews, etc. The narrower the topic, the better. I have noticed that one or two users here have understood this and are applying the principle to their posts.

While it may be true that writing several 300-word posts will earn you more in the short term than publishing a single longer post, it’s important to keep the long term in sight as well. This is a young site that needs the weight of longer, SEO-friendly content in order to gain ranking as a site. Once this happens, it will benefit us all.

May 23, 2016 at 11:42 am

@ruby3881 Thank you for sharing your thoughts! You are the one who inspired me to want to learn more about blogging and writing more SEO-friendly content. I think it’d benefit all of us to learn to write better content. There are so much for us to learn here, besides making some extra money. 🙂