Author Posts

May 20, 2016 at 4:05 pm

I keep on writing and I have 6 articles pending. When is an exact time that staff publishes?  Do we get published in a  bulk or article per day?

How many articles you have waiting approval?

May 20, 2016 at 8:43 pm

I haven’t figured out what time.

I seem to get 2 blogs published at a time though and the rest held back for the next round of releases though.

May 20, 2016 at 8:46 pm

@lolaze I got 3 blogs published and another 3 are still pending. I’m not sure why they are doing this, there are not so many blog posts per day anyway.


May 20, 2016 at 8:58 pm

@rapidblue  I wonder if the category the blog posts are in make a difference about how many are published at a time?  Mine are always in the Health category.  I’m going to try to get one more blog ready for publishing to see if they will approve three of mine at once this time.

May 20, 2016 at 9:01 pm

Perhaps they have different approvers for different topics, and the approvers do not work every day.

If you publish on a weekend, that may take longer if they are off on weekends.

May 20, 2016 at 9:06 pm

I can’t find any pattern to how many posts are published or how often, but I generally only submit one post every day or two. I’ve been trying to find time for more, so maybe I will see more of a pattern then.

It does seem as though a lot of new posts show up all at once, though, and then nothing for many hours or even upwards of a day. That suggests the staff are approving a lot of posts in a batch, and then focusing on other work before they return to approve the next batch.

May 20, 2016 at 9:15 pm

@lolaze I don’t see any pattern at all, I doubt it has anything with the category.

@scheng1 I don’t think that they have anybody to approve; there are only two people as far as I know that are staff/ admin/owners.

@ruby3881 maybe it could be better if they schedule one post per hour, in this way you have no idea when to come and if you will find anything to read/comment.

May 20, 2016 at 9:54 pm

I agree @rapidblue, the publication schedule here leaves something to be desired. As a writer, I find it long to wait a day for my posts to be published, and as a reader I dislike waiting through the dry spells for new content and then being inundated by a dozen new posts or more all at once. I’m sure that a more constant flow of new content would benefit the site, both from the point of view of human readers and search engines.

I really have no idea what the post approval process involves, and I wonder how much of it is (or could be) automated. I know that the post length is checked, and as I haven’t seen any spammy posts or overt plagiarism, I can surmise that posts are filtered for these.

But as I have seen posts with copyrighted images that bear a watermark, and at least one post that used a copyrighted image from a current news story, I must assume that the staff either aren’t checking for copyright violations in the images or do not have the expertise required to perform the task. In all cases, I’m sure the user meant well and simply didn’t know the image was not theirs to use. But it’s still copyright infringement.

On some sites the staff will set all posts for moderation initially, but then approve trusted authors to publish directly without going through the moderation queue. I would think this could be a good option for LiteracyBase, especially if the site intends to grow without the need to increase staffing significantly. Now is the time to decide on very clear editorial guidelines, and to set policy on which users should be moderated and under what circumstances. Checking each and every post manually will not be feasible as the site grows, and insisting on maintaining 100% moderation will likely prevent that growth from happening.

May 20, 2016 at 10:00 pm

honestly speaking it depends. For example: I had posted 1 article today in the morning, by 9pm, my post had been published.


I don’t post 2 articles, but planning to.

I guess @ruby3881/ is right, the @admin released the posts in a bulk after checking them out.

Sometimes, you can see a backlog of 1-2 days no new articles.

I think they need time to check everything plus the plagrism .

Try to be patient.

As we all know, there are only 1-2 person here, LiteracyBase isn’t a big site with many employees.

So, we should not rush them.

Try 2 posts per day. If you can see your posts out in 24 hours, that means the pattern is there.

As for me, 12 hours, my post is published.


May 20, 2016 at 10:13 pm


Many sites have editors that actually follow you one part of a way and when they prove that you are good to go they let you continue without the moderation.

I have no idea what they have in mind but I saw that pages with quality moderators do much better. Wikinut was doing great job with native English moderators who would go though your submitted posts and approve/disapprove for posting.

My posts were not all that perfect but I had only one refused because I messed up something in the last paragraph with grammar, so mod could not let it.

The point is that with that on mind, that an every post has to pass not plagiarism but quality assessment you do much better, and posts pull better traffic.

Quality mods ( editors) on Wikinut were paid a small amount for tehir trouble, I think 5% of an article or something like that.

Maybe we should think in this direction, because from my point of view it makes sense.

May 20, 2016 at 10:17 pm

@peachpurple well, I don’t need to worry for tomorrow, I get three articles set already. I am not impatient, I have a lot on my hands already, but I am rather interested to know how much to put into this webpage on a daily basis. Commenting is not a problem.

May 20, 2016 at 10:37 pm

@Rapid Blue I think they have fixed the time (US Time) for publication of new articles. I had 8 pending and all of them published in the same order as I posted them.

May 21, 2016 at 1:47 am

@rapidblue I wasn’t aware any revenue sharing sites were still using that type of content moderation (I hesitate to call it editing because even on the sites that paid really well back in the day, the so-called editors were not trained and sometimes had less grasp of the English language than the writers whose content they were reviewing.)

I do think when it comes to improving grammar and mechanics for non-native writers, an editor/content moderator could be helpful. I am not sure it would be cost-effective, though. Many of the issues with content on sites like this are of a much more global nature, such that you’d really want a proper editor or maybe even an SEO specialist to look into it. I think if a site had a budget for just one staffer with such expertise, the mentoring would probably pay off.

May 21, 2016 at 4:08 pm

@ruby3881 that’s why I would prefer to have an editor who actually knows a lot. There was a situation where I had my text published with the flying colors and later I was putting the same text into the ‘robot’ who wanted to terminate my very existence over the mistakes I made.

I saw my soul ascends from my body because of the listed things I done wrong. Because I ‘died’! Where was editor for that??

We all write well, and the mistakes that de-rate our texts are almost invisible. Also, an average written content can attract the traffic, so this sort of the editing should not affect an actual earnings but it should add up to the quality of a page and a quality of an each individual author.


It is definitely much easier to make better texts if you have somebody pointing you into the right direction. In the past these tools were either too expensive or you had to join with the forums and websites where members were disinterested to provide any feedback besides ‘good’ or ‘I have no time right now, but in a two weeks…’.

May 21, 2016 at 5:11 pm

@Rapid Blue  I don’t write more than two posts in a day and most of the times, both the posts are published simultaneously within 24 hours.

@suny  8 pending posts? You seem to write a lot.

@Kyla Matton Osborne (Ruby3881)  This seems to be a pattern. Many posts are published and then comes the dry spell. It seems the staff takes up one task at a time before moving on to the next.