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Are our posts rated?
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I have been a member of Literacy Base for quite a few months but was not active except on forums. In a way I wanted to take a break from writing online. However yesterday, I submitted my first post. It is a movie review of a very famous Bollywood movie which I had enjoyed very much. I had read somewhere that our articles receive a rating. But I can’t find out anything about it. I did receive 15 cents which is quite good as compared to what many other sites are paying right now or are promising to pay. So where can I find my articles rating?
I haven’t written an article on this site yet so I am not sure if there is such a thing as a rating. I believe your payment is what they think your article should be paid. If you want to call that a rating. It would help if they had it in detail how they actually do decide what article gets paid what. Maybe someone else has the answer. |
As i have commented eatlier our ultimate target is to get paid for articles and all we do on liyeracy base what all of us are getting here i am new and havent redeemed my tiny cents but still i csn see them adding up every time i do some activity this is what actually we want |
@dawnwriter, I haven’t known about it that there is rating of our approved post. Try to ask @peach purple or @shaloo walia, they surely know. I already 20 plus approved blogs, but had I see that portion rating of a post. Let us wait for others who knew about it to share it here too. |
As I became member of this site, I hadn’t encountered that our post is being rated. What I actually after if my post gets a credit or has a corresponding coin for it. I know there are sites that posts submitted are being rated and they could be found or displayed in the user’s profile just like the forums. LiteracyBase, I don’t know, if it belongs to the category of a forum. The platform is too different compared to a regular forum. |
| is your post 300 words? Usually 300 -400 words rate is 10-15 cents I write 500 words-700 words- pays 22 cents If you can write 800 words, might get 27-30 cents But I would suggest that you either write 300 words, 4-5 posts per day, then you can earn approximately 50 cents to 65 cents |
Oh I love @peachpurple always there to educate us about literacy base. You see I have been submitting articles here and not really aware how much I got from it. All I know is that I can post 3 posts a day in 300 words and that’s it. Maybe I will get the advice of posting 5 blog posts a day multiplied with 15 cents, sounds fair enough. But hey its not easy to produce 300 words posts when you have no idea to write. |
Thanks for supplying these earnings per post calculations. I checked one time to see what one of my posts earned and I never checked again! Good to know! No way I could write 4 to 5 posts. I just don’t have that much to say!
* * *
By the way … is there such a thing as a purple peach? Found this adorable art at deviantart.com and just have to share it.
Image credit: Purple Peach by deviantretard on DeviantArt
| errmmm… purple peach image looks cute but I am too old for that! For a mother of 2 kids, I guess that pic is suitable for the young ones. peachpurple are 2 colors that my son loved best. So that is how I got that name. Cheers! |
@peachpurple I finally wrote my first article here on LB last night and it was a little over 500 words, I believe. I normally can write 2-3 articles per day back in the day but here lately I’ve been plagued with so many headaches (migraines) that I write as many as I can. I will try my best to write more here and on my other site, I am on. I never like doing just the minimum. I know I am better than that. |
I think there is no rating on this site but is practical site and pays the writers for their brain labors but your article must be full of information and fresh not cheated. I have submitted five articles all have been accepted easily. This is a good site for all of us. |
I can remember when I join the site newly like about 10 days ago. I didn’t know much about it and how they made their payment. I downloaded literacybase.com YouTube video and always read how it works. This was how I could get to know a lot about it and I knew about it when I was just 7 days. For one to keep using literacybase.com, he must learn how to endure re cos literacybase.com pays very low and only one who has the spirit to endure who still be in literacybase.com. Am just 10 days old and I have made 2 dollars, I guess I will set out a goal or task to my self. When I say goal, I mean I will have to give myself a number of article that I will have to complete every day that passes and I know this will challenge me to make more money. Am trying so hard to make upto 15 dollars before the 20th of this month so I will have to schedule my task to it. My only obstacle in making how much I wish to everyday is the power problem. My phone sometimes go dead for awhile day and this reduces my task accomplishments. Any body who wants to make it big should have the spirit of endurance and the person should believe in the notion that drops of water make an ocean. That is what I believe and this has been making me go forward in literacy base. |
Thanks bro,am part of your trend to hit big on this platform..am just two days old and am still struggling to earn big..but the question that goes through my vein are: HOW DO I EARN BIG ON LITERACYBASE? All my refferel link which i thought should ve boost my earnings,seems to be a waste on like other affiliate groups.. Am just so nervious and eager to learn more |
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