Author Posts

July 3, 2016 at 5:16 am

@shaloo walia. I used to write 5 to 6 myself but now I have toned down to 2 or 3. It is not just tiring but also one needs an original subject to write on.

July 3, 2016 at 6:47 am

I am steadily reaching the $10 minimum amount for cash-out. As of this writing, I have $8.89 in my available balance. I have 7 days more to go to reach the minimum required cash-out. Some of you here have already suggested on what I am going to do. @swalia has suggested I have to submit my blog post and share comments to the various forums. She is absolute right in giving me such recommendations.

However, though writing is my talent, my forte, I find some time too tedious in doing it. Imagine I have to maintain or to keep up the number of words to get a better credit for that article. If I fail, of course, I fail also to earn the required number of credits assigned to that post with a required number of words. Thoughts are kept pouring out. But the point is how to organize them. It takes skill, patience, and the willpower to do it.

Writing is no joke. Writing is not making words into print, but if it has no sense it fails its purpose to inform, to educate or even to entertain readers. Experience has a lot of things to contribute in making you a good if not a better writer. Through it, you could learn and our writing skill is improved.


July 3, 2016 at 10:33 am

@nakitokona13  You missed the opportunity as we have to  redeem before or by  the last day of a month and expect payment on the 10th or later.

You can relax now and reach payout by the end of July. You may even earn more than 10 dollars. It is left to you to either redeem the whole amount or just 10 and carry forward the balance. At both times I redeemed only 10 and carried,. I already got payment for the first redemption and I am now waiting for the second payment which will be as I said on or after 10th July

  • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by  bestwriter.