Author Posts

August 5, 2016 at 3:40 am

Changing the word count to 400 words per post can be costly to them at BlogBourne. It seems like they are looking for professionals and don’t care for the little “guys” or “gals”. I have read plenty of information on SEO articles that stat a good SEO article can have anywhere between 200 words on up. It also depends on the topic that is being discussed. As long as you can get your point across in such a small article.

Kyla, to me, seems to have the “I want to be in charge” attitude on all sites she is a member of. She seems to want things to go her way. This may be fine for some but not for others. I have seen where someone commented to her stating that the site should have started out at 400 words instead of trying to change it only a few days after the start. That will get the writers frustrated if not angry.

I wouldn’t feel comfortable writing such larger pieces of articles knowing that I will be getting paid very little for it. Then again they really don’t know how much they will be giving to people until they start to get paid by Adsense. I hope they realize that it takes longer than a month to get paid by them. Google Adsense cash out is at $100. So if they don’t do $100 in a month then they don’t get paid until their account reaches that threshold. That in itself may take months to happen. I don’t see them paying anytime soon.

August 5, 2016 at 4:17 am

@pepachpurple  What makes you think it is her?  😀

August 5, 2016 at 10:12 am

@ EvilElf  I have the same opinion. Writing 400 + words article when we are not even sure what the coin value is! All the rules suddenly changed as soon as Kyla became the editor. It’s not even a week since the site’s launch and the word limit is changed from 200 to 400 words which is a huge leap. And then all this emphasis on SEO stuff!

August 5, 2016 at 10:18 am

@ Anand The new rules are horrible and they have been introduced within a week of the site’s launch. This shows the lack of vision at the part of the owners. They are not sure about their plan are steered away by the dictates of the new editor.

@peachpurple  You guessed it right!

@bestwriter It’s really funny how she has taken over everything and pushed John and Opel aside.


August 5, 2016 at 10:40 am

@shall walia  I feel sorry for Opel for placing his trust on this dictator. He thought being a Canadian she  will pep up the site. He still has time. He can just delete her account. And the moment he does it I will go there not to earn but to boost his site.

August 5, 2016 at 10:54 am

@bestwriter Well, if Opel has just given the reigns in someone else’s hand then may be he isn’t confident enough. I am not interested in writing for the site now until the coin value is clear. Meanwhile I will just surf the site on regular basis and may be comment on blogs which earn you coins and see how it goes!

August 5, 2016 at 11:38 am

He is from an underdeveloped country like you and me and so he blindly thought anyone from a developed country would lead him. I have written a blog on this and hopefully it would be published.

August 5, 2016 at 12:37 pm

@bestwriter I can understand! Kyla has a lot of knowledge about blogging and SEO. So he must have thought that she would be a good asset to the site. But it backfired.

August 5, 2016 at 1:25 pm

She may be good there but certainly not good in doing business. She cannot upset those that are responsible for bringing in revenue to the site.

  • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by bestwriter.

August 5, 2016 at 1:43 pm

@ bestwriter you are right. ‘I know it all’ attitude can really put off people.

August 5, 2016 at 2:10 pm

@shaloo walia

Upsetting the applecart is what she did, chopping and changing when users were just about settling down.

August 5, 2016 at 2:36 pm

I think they have taken full advantage of the site Textbroker we had told about on this site. They have probably plans to run a Textbroker of their own but what Textbroker pays for one word that site will pay for 5-6 articles at present rate. I will wait and watch for time being.

August 5, 2016 at 2:58 pm

@ suny  I am also not writing any further on that site. I will wait for the declaration of coin value and some payment proofs. However the enthusiasm of members is surprising. The change in word limit doesn’t seem to bother them at all.

August 6, 2016 at 1:53 am

@swalia Actually, I took time away from LB because I was busy offline. I was also having issues accessing the site for a period of over a week. Too many 500 errors, as we had previously experienced on Bubblews right before the site started to go downhill.

I had hoped to return to do some writing and socializing here, but I’ve got to say I’m really put off by the LB video that autoplays on every single page. The computer-generated voice is jarring. And I don’t see the need to “sell” me on the site, as I’m already a member here! I think @support should move the video to a page that the public is more likely to access, as forums don’t often attract non-members.

I will do my best to answer to my mentions and other notifications today, but participation is hampered by this video. It’s an unnecessary waste of bandwidth, even if I turn the volume off.

August 6, 2016 at 9:03 am

It seems to me BB is heading more towards a professional article writing site rather than a casual blogging site. Though I think it is always good to learn to write better, it may not for all the people. I have not been joining those professional writing sites, as I do not think I am qualified for them, so I just always write in these social networking sites, though I am earning much lesser.


I guess all of us, including the owner and editors have no idea how much the coin value is and how much we can earn there, perhaps it needs to take some time to pay us well. It is quite difficult to make decision whether to write there, it seems to be a good site with good intention, but since it requires lots of effort and is uncertainty in the coin value, we are already busy with many things online and offline, I am not sure if we have more time to spend there, though I understand a new site certainly needs our support.


By the way, I think it is easier to navigate in BB. I do agree that loading in LB is much slower, so sometimes when my computer is slow, it is a bit difficult to visit LB.