Categories: Sports

Fake Friends and Part-Time Foes

A good friend may be hard to find. Sometimes one may appear to be friend but is actually foe. Some friends become foes and vice versa. Even a good friend can fall into the trap of betrayal. Perhaps listening to others or going through some sort of struggles. It’s hard to tell at times if some are truly friends. Perhaps monitoring their actions may help but some can “kind” their true colors in order to gain but once they’ve realized that gaining isn’t easy then they may want to be foes.

If being friends isn’t beneficial then some may choose to become a foe. Some may be friend when in the mood and foe when not wanting to be bothered. No rewards then they may just choose foe all the way. Once a friend has taken on the role as foe then it may be a good idea to just allow the friendship to dissolve. Not all friendships are worth saving. Some are toxic friends. Never ever considering their friend’s feelings.

With the way so many engage these days it may not be a bad idea to just disconnect. No person should have to deal with wolf like friends. Some watch to see what it is they can gain from their friends and when they’ve received what they need then they’ll move on to find new victims. Pretending as if there’s some sort of concern but are actually up to no good. Always observe the motives. “Some are genuine” while others are just mere jerks.

Finding a good friend is rewarding and should be cherished. A good friend will try to be there for their friends. They’ll “be understanding” and compassionate. Good listeners and care if there’s some troubles going on in their friend’s lives. Some don’t seem capable of being friends at all. Not everyone is friendly and some may become isolated because of coming in contact with so many foes.

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There is always a friend in Jesus. Jesus Christ never forsakes and always listens. Don’t have to worry about any feuds with Jesus Christ. The world is so corrupt and one may never know which way a wolf will come. There’s a lot of people who prefer to be foes. Some may be afraid of being friends because of bad experiences. Going through certain situations can make some not want to experience any closeness. There’s some who will be friends for many years and distance isn’t “a reason” for friendships to fade.

There are some who live many miles away and can seem as close as the ones who live a block away. String friendships can hold up when there’s a lot of “distance.” The type of friendship where there can be a misunderstanding and not long after there’s connect again. Strong bonds are a blessing. Having at least one good friend is worth more than gold. Having a strong connection is important and a good friend won’t turn foe.

“Know the Difference between the Friend and the Foe. Some can be Tricky.” By: Tanikka Paulk

Photo Credit: Pixabay Free to use & Share Even Commercially

  • Tanikka Paulk

    View Comments

    • Friends is like a gem, hard to find but once you found it, this can be one of the priceless thing in your life. We don't need to find the friend because they are just around the corner. YOu just don't know who the real one. You have to seek them and then treasure them.

      There are fake friends as to like there is fake gems. But that just make the finding meaningful and worth.

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