Categories: Education & Reference


Find Time For Thinking

If You Are The Type That Do Think Alot And You

Need Some Help. Find Time Out Of Busy Each day

to worry about everything. once you,ve done the

time of thinking, leave it until the next day.

be a lazy being for a while

you know we are used to filling and occupying our

time with useful things to do and being productive

we have forgotten the act of laziness, being lazy is

good every once in a while and allows our mind to

slow down and relax

Having Good Diet

We Underate The Power Of Food To Keep Our

Brains Healthy And Our Minds Alive With Energy. If

You Don.T Eat That Much, make sure you have a

good morning meal to set you up for the day activity

Over Do What You,ve Promised

If You say you are gonna do something, don,t just

do it and get the job complete , make sure you over

deliver on everything you do.

play blind roles

walk in the shoes of a blind person for a full day, it

will forever change the way you are thinking about

the so-called life. Ask For A Bonus

When You buy anything from a shop that is a bit

high, ask for bonus, tell the seller you would like a

10% bonus on the item. not that you lack. but to give

yourself and to bring out the courage in you. most

people are so afraid of exercising this , but it,s a

great way to empower yourself and let go of another

ambition, what,s the worst that can happen!

if you want something, request it

, if you don,t ask you won,t get, asking for your

wants put it out there. i mean like seriously. when

you want a big car. ask out at high range. when you

want the smaller things in life. ask for them from

people who can give you them. pay it forward


believe in your intuition

a lot of people believe thier life has been pre-

destined and there,s nothing that can turn it over nd

change, \absolutely gibberish, you are the architet

of your own life. you are the only one who controls

the universe, yes universe i mean, your universe is

different from mine so you control your own

universe, thing and start act Pattern Breaking

If You Are The Types Who Like Going Shopping, I

Advise You To Swap The Routine With Your Mate.

Or If You Always Go To A Particular Store, Change

It And Go To The Same Store In Another Area. This

Way Your Mind Is Kept More Active When Those

Pattern Is Being Broken

Cultivate Confidence Living

People Can Tell By The Style And Way You Walk If

You Are Confident Or Not. Walk With Aim Nd

Objective. And Have A Purpose For Doing So.

Swapping Active With Passive

Practise Doing This, With You Less Dominant Hand.

If You Are A Left Handed. Start Doing Things With

Your Right Hand. And Vice Versa. If You Are The

Type That Is Perfect At Both, Then Start Doing It

With Your Feet.

improve your style of thinking

If something is not working out the way you expect,

try and change your thinking style and come at it

from another angle. this is true of everything and

aspects in the world

stressors tackling

whatever you are stressed about the most should

be number one in your to do list, tackle the stressFind Time For Thinking


If You Are The Type That Do Think Alot And You


Need Some Help. Find Time Out Of Busy Each day


to worry about everything. once you,ve done the


time of thinking, leave it until the next day.


be a lazy being for a while


you know we are used to filling and occupying our


time with useful things to do and being productive


we have forgotten the act of laziness, being lazy is


good every once in a while and allows our mind to


slow down and relax


Having Good Diet


We Underate The Power Of Food To Keep Our


Brains Healthy And Our Minds Alive With Energy. If


You Don.T Eat That Much, make sure you have a


good morning meal to set you up for the day activity


Over Do What You,ve Promised


If You say you are gonna do something, don,t just


do it and get the job complete , make sure you over


deliver on everything you do.


play blind roles


walk in the shoes of a blind person for a full day, it


will forever change the way you are thinking about


the so-called life. Ask For A Bonus


When You buy anything from a shop that is a bit


high, ask for bonus, tell the seller you would like a


10% bonus on the item. not that you lack. but to give


yourself and to bring out the courage in you. most


people are so afraid of exercising this , but it,s a


great way to empower yourself and let go of another


ambition, what,s the worst that can happen!


if you want something, request it


, if you don,t ask you won,t get, asking for your


wants put it out there. i mean like seriously. when


you want a big car. ask out at high range. when you


want the smaller things in life. ask for them from


people who can give you them. pay it forward




believe in your intuition


a lot of people believe thier life has been pre-


destined and there,s nothing that can turn it over nd


change, \absolutely gibberish, you are the architet


of your own life. you are the only one who controls


the universe, yes universe i mean, your universe is


different from mine so you control your own


universe, thing and start act Pattern Breaking


If You Are The Types Who Like Going Shopping, I


Advise You To Swap The Routine With Your Mate.


Or If You Always Go To A Particular Store, Change


It And Go To The Same Store In Another Area. This


Way Your Mind Is Kept More Active When Those


Pattern Is Being Broken


Cultivate Confidence Living


People Can Tell By The Style And Way You Walk If


You Are Confident Or Not. Walk With Aim Nd


Objective. And Have A Purpose For Doing So.


Swapping Active With Passive


Practise Doing This, With You Less Dominant Hand.


If You Are A Left Handed. Start Doing Things With


Your Right Hand. And Vice Versa. If You Are The


Type That Is Perfect At Both, Then Start Doing It


With Your Feet.


improve your style of thinking


If something is not working out the way you expect,


try and change your thinking style and come at it


from another angle. this is true of everything and


aspects in the world


stressors tackling


whatever you are stressed about the most should


be number one in your to do list, tackle the stress First Because The Less Stress You Have The Less

Your Mind Has To Cope With. Tackle The Biggest

Stressors First And Work Your Way Down, You,re

Down Lifting The Burden

*Dance Privately

It,s A Strange Sensation To Dance On Your Own,

Although It Is Sometime Silly, It,s A Great Way To

Let Go Of Your Inhibitions

*Boundary Expanding

Try To Be Doing The Things You Almost Hate And

Fear The Most, If There,s One Things That Will Only

Change The Thoughts In You Quicker Than Anything

Else, It,s Facing The Fears

*Keep Your Act Of Kindness Secret

We Tell Others About Our Acts Of Kindness To Let

Them Know How Nice We Are And To Request

Approval, If You Keep Your Act Of Kindness To

Yourself Without Ever Telling Anyone . The Feeling

Of Positive Energy Lasts Much Longer

*Frequent Doing Of Something Everyday

Learn A New Word, Cheer Up Your Mind, Read A

Book Read A Stimulating Blog Post, Anything That

Will Help Your Mind Just A Little. Just A Little Turns

Into Something Huge.Find Time For Thinking


If You Are The Type That Do Think Alot And You


Need Some Help. Find Time Out Of Busy Each day


to worry about everything. once you,ve done the


time of thinking, leave it until the next day.


be a lazy being for a while


you know we are used to filling and occupying our


time with useful things to do and being productive


we have forgotten the act of laziness, being lazy is


good every once in a while and allows our mind to


slow down and relax


Having Good Diet


We Underate The Power Of Food To Keep Our


Brains Healthy And Our Minds Alive With Energy. If


You Don.T Eat That Much, make sure you have a


good morning meal to set you up for the day activity


Over Do What You,ve Promised


If You say you are gonna do something, don,t just


do it and get the job complete , make sure you over


deliver on everything you do.


play blind roles


walk in the shoes of a blind person for a full day, it


will forever change the way you are thinking about


the so-called life. Ask For A Bonus


When You buy anything from a shop that is a bit


high, ask for bonus, tell the seller you would like a


10% bonus on the item. not that you lack. but to give


yourself and to bring out the courage in you. most


people are so afraid of exercising this , but it,s a


great way to empower yourself and let go of another


ambition, what,s the worst that can happen!


if you want something, request it


, if you don,t ask you won,t get, asking for your


wants put it out there. i mean like seriously. when


you want a big car. ask out at high range. when you


want the smaller things in life. ask for them from


people who can give you them. pay it forward




believe in your intuition


a lot of people believe thier life has been pre-


destined and there,s nothing that can turn it over nd


change, \absolutely gibberish, you are the architet


of your own life. you are the only one who controls


the universe, yes universe i mean, your universe is


different from mine so you control your own


universe, thing and start act Pattern Breaking


If You Are The Types Who Like Going Shopping, I


Advise You To Swap The Routine With Your Mate.


Or If You Always Go To A Particular Store, Change


It And Go To The Same Store In Another Area. This


Way Your Mind Is Kept More Active When Those


Pattern Is Being Broken


Cultivate Confidence Living


People Can Tell By The Style And Way You Walk If


You Are Confident Or Not. Walk With Aim Nd


Objective. And Have A Purpose For Doing So.


Swapping Active With Passive


Practise Doing This, With You Less Dominant Hand.


If You Are A Left Handed. Start Doing Things With


Your Right Hand. And Vice Versa. If You Are The


Type That Is Perfect At Both, Then Start Doing It


With Your Feet.


improve your style of thinking


If something is not working out the way you expect,


try and change your thinking style and come at it


from another angle. this is true of everything and


aspects in the world


stressors tackling


whatever you are stressed about the most should


be number one in your to do list, tackle the stressFind Time For Thinking




Related Post

If You Are The Type That Do Think Alot And You




Need Some Help. Find Time Out Of Busy Each day




to worry about everything. once you,ve done the




time of thinking, leave it until the next day.




be a lazy being for a while




you know we are used to filling and occupying our




time with useful things to do and being productive




we have forgotten the act of laziness, being lazy is




good every once in a while and allows our mind to




slow down and relax




Having Good Diet




We Underate The Power Of Food To Keep Our




Brains Healthy And Our Minds Alive With Energy. If




You Don.T Eat That Much, make sure you have a




good morning meal to set you up for the day activity




Over Do What You,ve Promised




If You say you are gonna do something, don,t just




do it and get the job complete , make sure you over




deliver on everything you do.




play blind roles




walk in the shoes of a blind person for a full day, it




will forever change the way you are thinking about




the so-called life. Ask For A Bonus




When You buy anything from a shop that is a bit




high, ask for bonus, tell the seller you would like a




10% bonus on the item. not that you lack. but to give




yourself and to bring out the courage in you. most




people are so afraid of exercising this , but it,s a




great way to empower yourself and let go of another




ambition, what,s the worst that can happen!




if you want something, request it




, if you don,t ask you won,t get, asking for your




wants put it out there. i mean like seriously. when




you want a big car. ask out at high range. when you




want the smaller things in life. ask for them from




people who can give you them. pay it forward








believe in your intuition




a lot of people believe thier life has been pre-




destined and there,s nothing that can turn it over nd




change, \absolutely gibberish, you are the architet




of your own life. you are the only one who controls




the universe, yes universe i mean, your universe is




different from mine so you control your own




universe, thing and start act Pattern Breaking




If You Are The Types Who Like Going Shopping, I




Advise You To Swap The Routine With Your Mate.




Or If You Always Go To A Particular Store, Change




It And Go To The Same Store In Another Area. This




Way Your Mind Is Kept More Active When Those




Pattern Is Being Broken




Cultivate Confidence Living




People Can Tell By The Style And Way You Walk If




You Are Confident Or Not. Walk With Aim Nd




Objective. And Have A Purpose For Doing So.




Swapping Active With Passive




Practise Doing This, With You Less Dominant Hand.




If You Are A Left Handed. Start Doing Things With




Your Right Hand. And Vice Versa. If You Are The




Type That Is Perfect At Both, Then Start Doing It




With Your Feet.




improve your style of thinking




If something is not working out the way you expect,




try and change your thinking style and come at it




from another angle. this is true of everything and




aspects in the world




stressors tackling




whatever you are stressed about the most should




be number one in your to do list, tackle the stress First Because The Less Stress You Have The Less


Your Mind Has To Cope With. Tackle The Biggest


Stressors First And Work Your Way Down, You,re


Down Lifting The Burden


*Dance Privately


It,s A Strange Sensation To Dance On Your Own,


Although It Is Sometime Silly, It,s A Great Way To


Let Go Of Your Inhibitions


*Boundary Expanding


Try To Be Doing The Things You Almost Hate And


Fear The Most, If There,s One Things That Will Only


Change The Thoughts In You Quicker Than Anything


Else, It,s Facing The Fears


*Keep Your Act Of Kindness Secret


We Tell Others About Our Acts Of Kindness To Let


Them Know How Nice We Are And To Request


Approval, If You Keep Your Act Of Kindness To


Yourself Without Ever Telling Anyone . The Feeling


Of Positive Energy Lasts Much Longer


*Frequent Doing Of Something Everyday


Learn A New Word, Cheer Up Your Mind, Read A


Book Read A Stimulating Blog Post, Anything That


Will Help Your Mind Just A Little. Just A Little Turns


Into Something Huge. *Boost Your Listening Skills

Improve Nd Develops Your Listening Skills By Not

Ultering A Word When Someone Is In Conversation

With You. Resist The Urge To Speak Your Opinions

When The Person Is Still Talking. Just Listen

Attentive To Them And Ask Them More Open Ended

Questions At The Appropriate And Normal Times, It

Has Advantages Some Of Which Are , The Person

Will Feel Great As You Are Actively Listening To

Them. , You Can Really Listen When You Are Not

The One That Formulated The Stories,

*include Much Fish As Part Of Your Meal

There Is An Abundance Knowledge That Eating Fish

Is Great For Our Brains And Keeping Them Active

And Healthy.

*give Your Mind Some Excercise

We All Know The Important Of Excercising The Body

But Exercising The Mind By Doin Crosswords,

Puzzles ,playing Chess, Reading, E,t,c All Help In

Increasing The Minds Capacity For Learning.

*give Out Money

Whether It Be On The Internet, Or In The Street, Just

Give A Larger Than Normal Donation To Someone,

This Again Is Liberating And Your thought about money will change for some few

moments, that’s all it takes to start the process of

changing to new life

*follow the instincts in you

we don.t trust ourselves nearly enough as we

should. follow your instincts more and pay attention

to the signals your body is picking up and see

where it takes you to. you might find that your

conscious brain gets in the way of your body

signals alot of time.

*forgive behaviour

our true thoughts is not affected by the the way we

behave. be endurance when someone act in the

way you never approve of.


i,m not a big fan of sleeping longer than i had to. but

it,s just good sometime especially leizure time to lie

in bed for few hours longer than normal, it help the

settlement of brain,

*give gift for no reason

we always assume someone buys us a gift for a

reason, buy someone a gift just because you know

they would like it.

*news break

be update by latest news, have you ever think of

this? what would happen if you never read a

newspaper for a week! nothing at all, your life wouldn,t change , you wouldn,t run out

of things to talk about. you would still be as up on

the world as everyone else, newspaper sell

because of their boom and gloom, read it it as you

are buying and engaging into it.

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    Zayn Meek

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