The Boss From Hell Goes Too Far

Everyone who worked there was used to Mr. Lou Cipher.  He was the King of the Bosses From Hell.

Over time, the staff, as any staff which works for a BFH, had learned how to ‘cope’.

Everyone knew how to unwork.   This is different from ‘not working’.   Unwork requires that one does something which in no way benefits the business, but might benefit one’s self.

This might be writing articles for online publications when they are supposed to be typing documents for the office.   This might be running off copies of an announcement for a child’s school.

The employees had learned how to cut their eight working hours to about five.

Even Ms Smart.

If there had been a vote, everyone would have said that Ms Smart was far better at the job than the Boss From Hell. Everyone would have said that without her, the business could not function.

People expected Mr. Cipher would treat Ms Smart better then he did the others.
But he didn’t.
He felt he could say what he wanted do what he wanted, and she ‘had’ to take it.

Outsiders respected Ms Smart but were a bit reluctant to approach her.  If she declined their offer and Cipher heard about it, well, that would be equivalent to being at Ground Zero during a nuclear blast.

However, there was this funny chap who had worked for Cipher before Ms. Smart had arrived. He had now risen in the ranks of another firm, and knew the value of Ms. Smart.

He set up a ‘casual’ after work coffee on a Thursday at a minor place not far from where she resided.

He said nothing the first two times about Cipher or the work or offered her a post. He mentioned, on the third ‘date’ that he’d always respected her work. She then began a complaint about Cipher.

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He listened quietly, and when she was done, made an offer.

Ms Smart hesitated about 10 seconds and took it.

The next day she went into work to speak to Cipher to give him two weeks notice. When she stepped into his office he began one of his usual tirades.

Ms Smart relished it, because it confirmed she had made the right choice.

He stopped at some point and asked what she wanted. She told him she was leaving. He smirked and asked if this was how she asked for a raise. She didn’t answer. He promised a 10% increase in her salary.

She shook her head slightly and said; “I’m leaving. I’m giving you two weeks notice.”

He began to bluster, insult, attack. A small smile played about her lips.  Cipher didn’t get it right away, he kept his lips banging until, crawling through the quagmire of his brain, came the realization that she had enough of him.

He told her she could leave now if she wanted.

She gave him a brilliant smile and dashed out of the office as a prisoner escaping.

When she was gone, Mr. Cipher realised what he had done, what he had lost, and sat for about ten minutes trying to figure how he would replace her.

Which of course, he couldn’t

  • kaylar

    View Comments

    • Noses can be such a disappointment. There are those that you can tolerate but there are those who are unbearable. I thank God that through my work experience I haven't heard a boss who has been over bearing to the point of shouting or hawling at people. Am one of those people who cannot stand a noisy or abusive boss I don't think I can contain all that rubbish. I mean am just as human as you are why can't you treat me with respect just like I do to you. What people forget is that even though you are my boss, that should not give you the mandate to walk all over me like an nothing. Most of the time if you find such bosses walking all over their employees most of those employees are usually more smarter than that are. If this kind of treatment goes on for long the best thing is to leave that company before you are sacked for being rude. You ar3 better off out then being in a situation where you cannot even grow because of negative treatments all through.

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