All these writing sites that have come up are specially meant for people like me. I am no professional in any field although I may have some practical knowledge in different areas. But when it comes to Net Surfers they will seek information from professional and such information is available on the Net – countless of pages will be there.
So what ticks here? What ticks Advertisers to come to sites such as LiteracyBase for example. I have found the answer.
Those who view pages uploaded by writers such as me are really not interested in reading what I have written but more because I have shared my blog on their pages and they are obliging me just as I am obliging them. It is possible some of our personal stories could be read just as they would read a story book and this I know will not be available while surfing.
I wrote a post on growing roses – a simple post. Many must have viewed that post but when I searched the Net I found countless pages that had a professional touch. Those pages are not shared the way what we write here. Our pages are shared and perhaps get more views than those well informed pages. Those pages are not used to generate income at not all of them.
Who does not know that allopathy has side effects? I wrote a post on that. The number of blogs/posts I have written on various sites runs into thousands. Why am I paid for them. Not because there is great professional information in them, not because my English is King’s English, not because I have uploaded the most exotic images but the reason is that they have been shared and many have viewed them. When many view them Ads appear. When Ads appear the site earns.
I write from my heart and so too many here.
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In the vast economic arena, one term that often takes center stage, inciting extensive debates and discussions, is the "debt… Read More
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The curtains closed on a dramatic Bundesliga season with Bayern Munich standing tall once again, clinching their 11th straight title.… Read More
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View Comments
Of course we are not professionals.
If we are, we will have our own paid hosting, and our own blogs that generate thousands of dollars every month.
Some of the professionals are John Chow, and Problogger.
If anyone wants to learn serious blogging for big money, they have to learn from these ones.
I cannot thank these writing sites enough where we just pour out what is in our mind at the same time taking care not to break any rules set by the sites.
You are right. Almost all of the members are not professionals rather they are beginners and using this platform to improve there English Language skills.
Some are here to just kill there time in a better way. Some take it as a part time job.
I think these sites are not meant for professionals because the rates here are so low and the professionals do not like to work at that rates.
Professional writers do not ignore standards.
Yes, to earn dollars online we will have to be declared ourselves professionals otherwise earning will be slow. One common affliction currently plaguing many aspiring freelance writers is that they start a blog because they’ve heard they should. Next, they fall in love with the blog, and then spend way too much time on it. All at the expense of finding the paying clients they need, and without examining what they’re blogging about or why.
Unfortunately, the typical diary-you-put-online type blog posts rarely attract many readers. And they don’t make a good writing sample for luring clients, either. Businesses want fact-filled posts written on a single topic, not random posts about your personal thoughts.
But it’s so empowering, pushing that ‘publish’ button on whatever you want to say…that it becomes addictive.
With the ongoing efforts of Google to exclude mass-content sites from its search results, the forecast is for less blogging-for-hire work in future. Most of the cheap, SEO-keyword driven, short-post assignments are drying up.
It’s a dying niche because semi-literate, half-baked posts you dash off in 15 minutes for search robots to index don’t work any more. They don’t drive traffic because they’re not turning up in search results. So businesses are not going to pay even $5 for them in future.
If you’re dependent on this sort of work for your living right now, it’s time to make plans to move into a new niche. You’ve got all your eggs in a vanishing basket.