Best Ways To Make A Crying Infant Laugh And Be Happy


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When a human being is born the first thing you hear is a cry of the new born. The infant perfects this as a way of communication. He communicates with the people who are tending to him by using crying as a medium of communication and a language as the infant cannot speak at that age. Most probably he wants to communicate something but his faculties have not developed and will develop so over a period of time. Till that time this is the way to communicate. But this same habit continues till the time one grows into an adult and in many cases continues even in adulthood in a more refined way. Let us discuss different ways how a infant can be calmed down effectively and change his mind into a positive frame. That is one of being happy. Here are the best ways to make a crying infant  laugh and be happy.


Infant is hungry or wetting – When an infant is hungry or wetting the bed the only way it knows how to tell that it is hungry or is uncomfortable is by crying. Here what the parent can do is to see that proper cleaning and drying procedure is done and sanitation done. Once the task is over the infant is hungry as he most probably has slept or it is quite a long time from the last time he had milk. If he gets the milk and his or her hunger is taken care of they tend to be silent. Once a contented meal is given then they are usually jovial after the burping. And they become active if it is their wake up time.


When infants grow –  At that time they are able to recognize facial features. Now they know the warmth the person  provides them with. Warmth and emotional security are important and they feel comfortable with them. So when they see the person and tend to recognize the face they start crying and will cry until they are lifted and carried. It is a way of telling I want your company and  please carry me. If that is done they are fine in a few minutes. The surprising thing is that they are able to recognize the touch of the parents and know who is who. When they are having the emotional comfort they tend to calm down and view things around and become quiet.


When they want to see or play with a toy –  Infants once they turn around or even at the time when they are in a crib would like to view something colorful. If the same changes they observe it well. They are involved in the toy till the time the same rotates and the moment the rotation stops they cry. They want the show to continue and to convey this message they start crying. This cry means ‘I want the show to continue’. The moment the toy starts to rotate again above the crib the cry stops as they are involved in viewing the moment and the colors or the pattern and moment.


Infant crying when unable to reach something – Here when they are able to sit and are learning to  crawl and are unable to do so to reach something which they find interesting they starting crying. Here this means ‘I want that particular thing or I want to reach a particular place’ and am unable to reach the same. Please help me. If the toy or the thing which they are seeking is handed over to them then they start observing it and become quite till the time they are bored or have had enough of it. If they want to see the road or some movement happening on the road and it they are lifted and taken to the scene they are very happy as they got what they wanted. This make them observe different things which keeps them involved for a long period of time at that time they are at their peaceful best.


An year old infant – When infants reach that age they are able to crawl well and are also able to stand and take baby steps. Now when you see the infant crying they would mostly do so because they are unable to reach where there mother is or they see their father going on a bike. Here they do not want to lose their parents who are their window to the world. The mother and the father are the two eyes of the infant. They are uncomfortable when they miss their presence. The best thing to do is to take the infant to the parent who is there and see that they attend the infant. It the scenario is changed or some other thing which is different which raises his curiosity is shown to them with its features attention shifts to it and they stop crying till the time they are involved in it. After a few minutes it is better to shift their attention to something different which will be of interest to them. This will make them stop crying.

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Infant unable to go out – Here the infant who has grown becomes more aware, he wants more adventure and exploration. He wants to check out the house and the different things which are kept in the house. He moves around the house and is familiar with the surroundings in the house and then wants to go out. When this is stopped as it is risky the infant gets annoyed at not being allowed to do what he or she wants to do. To convey this they end up crying and make a big hue and cry about it. The solution to stop this is to show them the pram and tell them we will go in the pram and make him sit on the pram and take a small stroll inside  the house. After this they generally stop crying and are happy travelling and enjoying the small trip. But if you see they cry and are wanting to go out. Just take them on a small trip around the house and spend some time there. Keep moving the pram this gets the feeling that they are travelling this moment makes them fell happy and they would get tired of it after sometime and would want to go inside again.


Infant not wanting to eat food  – Sometimes you find the infant does not want to eat the food being served to them and wants to play if you force him or her to eat they start crying. To see that this crying does not increase what one can do is show them some birds or something related to nature which is far away. This needs a high level of concentration which they will try to do and see what is being shown far away. It can also be an activity like a crow sitting on a branch or squirrels playing. This is literally like a cartoon for the infant and when they are involved in the activity. They will eat the food without their knowledge as they are hungry. If an infant is still not wanting food then stop feeding for sometime till they get really hungry and then feed them. You wont have a problem.


Infant crying as they are hurt –  Generally infants cry when they fall down as the unexpected happened and maybe it pains a bit. Allow them to cry and speak to them and tell them that you will beat the floor because the infant got hurt and show it in action. When you do this they usually get some amount of satisfaction that those who caused trouble to him or her have been told not to do so and the cry will subside in no time. But if the fall is a bit hard then the pain will make them remember the fall and they will cry every few cycle of seconds later. Take it in your stride and allow him to cry out while at the same time consoling as that is a coping mechanism against pain which the infant uses.


When the infant has health issues –  Try to keep your cool see to it that you provide whatever is necessary when the infant cries. Generally as they may be having pain in the stomach or the body they will cry. If the weather is harsh even that makes them uncomfortable and cry. Some medications also make then irritated and their will be mood swings we cannot do  much in such a situation and have to bear with the infant and the infant has to see the doctor regularly and take medication and food prescribed on time. This will be a problem for a few days but the infant will cry and cope with it. Do not stop his crying at this time. As that and sleep are the only coping mechanisms which he has naturally received.


When an infant throws tantrums – It is better if you find your infant is doing fine and is throwing a tantrum because the infant is not given something which he wants to have and which is not practical to give at that time. Just say no and train him that way. He will most probably whine and ask for it again and cry but do not yield. Take it as a test if you teach him that everything will not happen every time as per his or her wish sooner or later they will understand the message and stop crying at the drop of a hat. This behavior once inculcated can be reinforced in the infant and will prove beneficial for the infant in the long run. As this is the time they will know what is allowed and what is not. Better to make them aware of this in a proper way. They will learn to take it in their stride.


These are some of my observations when I have seen people handling infants and even when I had to take care of them. It does not mean that all solutions will work at all times. But these are things which have worked in my presence. What is your experience handling infants? Do you not think they possess knowledge about many things even though they are infants?  Share your experiences with infants and how you were able to make them stop crying.

  • Krishna Kumar

    View Comments

    • A new mother of anyone taking care of a baby, especially those below one year old should know the "baby's language," and that is crying. This is to call the attention of the people around him that something is not good, or he is hungry, or wanted to be caressed.

      What you had shared is a complete guide for mothers and babysitters.

      • There are many different things I observe especially how infants and children of today behave. I learn many new things observing them and these were some of the ones which belong to that. Infants nowadays seem to be more aware and intelligent compared to say those 20 to 30 years back. What is shows is that human brain is developing at a rapid pace while the size of the brain is slowly but surely becoming small.

        Infants also like to have something in their hand to hold. Holding not only is an exercise for the hands and fingers but also teaches them to grip things and what I understand is gripping a toy makes them feel in control of things and if they like to enjoy the sound when the toy gripped is moved they tend to move their hands faster which is a good exercise for the hands of the infants. Thanks for the input, appreciate the same.

    • Well said. New born babies have their own little way of telling their story like for example if they are hungry, wetting, or sick. You will see all of those signs the way the act towards you as if their actions transmitting the words they cant even uttered or express. My childhood friend has a 7 years old baby boy. He's so adorable but at the same time has lots of tantrums. He was crying so loud that everybody in the house would heared even some close neighboor outside the house. He will keep on crying a lot if you are not fast enough to respond on his likes most especially when his hungry, wetting, or sleepy. When his on a good mood he keep on smilling with every people he used to play with, grab your hair, slap you on the face, and keep on turning and turning around as if swaying in the rythm that he only knows. Taking care of new born babies need a lots endurance, patience, and love to get along well with them and to give the essential care they need for their growth.

      • Thanks for the feed back it helps me understand infants and children better. In my opinion if we try understand and communicate with them from the infancy stage then it would be of great help for the parents to handle him or her as they grow older. If the emotional bond is strong then the infant of the child will have lesser difficulties as they grow up. Their coping mechanism will also be far better. Attention has to be given to them and it is their right but one must be careful to see that they are not being spoilt as that creates trouble for them and parents when they grow up.

        I have also seen infants of a year age slapping their brother and they also would want to come and attend the study center where the elder one is going. They want to be with them and they also would want to get what the elder one seems to get in their opinion. They do not want to be left out of the party of life. It is a interesting experience for me observing these things. The mother who is the basic provider and the care giver has to take good care of her health by giving herself sufficient rest and time as it is a must for tending properly to the children as it is energy draining and saps one of the energy and makes them tired running after them the whole day. Appreciate the information you provided.

    • good piece of work and good tips also, crying is not for attintion in babies world, it is for being hungery or having pain or his or her diaper is wet and needs to be changed

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