Categories: Health

Be Thankful for Waking Up

I just watched the movie “The Shift” by Dr Wayne Dyer, one of my favorite motivational or inspirational speakers.

At the start of the movie, the clock displayed at 3:13AM, and Dr Wayne woke up. After he woke up, he sat on the bed, and kept saying “thank you” a few times before he actually got up and started his day.

I am not going to write a review about the movie, not in this post at least, I am writing about being thankful. I am learning to be thankful for everything, every moment, every person I meet, etc. Being thankful makes me feel good, calm and peaceful as well. After watching the movie, I think it is also a good way to really say it out loud when we wake up in the morning, say “thank you” to the universe and to ourselves, just to be humble, just to express our gratitude.

How grateful we are to be able to wake up in the morning, to see the sky turning bright, to hear the birds chirping and to enjoy the fresh air. We are so blessed to be able to feel comfortable, feel our body movements, feel ourselves and also know that there is a gift waiting for us – the new day is the present given to us every day.

Being thankful can really help us to stay positive, it is even more helpful when we are feeling down or depressed. I am learning to express thankfulness whenever we are facing any challenges in our life. Stop blaming others or ourselves, stop questioning and stop thinking of the solution at the first place, but just calm down and express our thankfulness. Thank for what have happened to us, and believe that this will surely help us to learn and grow, and to be a better us.

I always like to plan, and I always like to write down my plan as well, otherwise it might just fly off by the wind and I might forget about it. Here is my action plan to help me to stay thankfulness.

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1. Say “thank you” when I wake up every morning.

2. Close my eyes and meditate for a short while, if I can’t do it for long. Seek for my inner self, higher self or real self, and express my thankfulness to her as well, as she is there to guide and lead me all the time, with or without me knowing it.

3. Write down three things I am thankful for in my journal.

4. Be mindful throughout the day, and remind myself to be thankful for everything.

5. Before I sleep, write down three things I am thankful for in my journal.

These steps are simple to do, but might require our willingness and persistence to work on them consistently. I believe we can always change our life with some simple steps, if we are willing to do so.

Would you like to join me with this thankfulness action plan? Or just try to be thankful every morning when you wake up, I believe it will make your life more joyful.

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  • Lee Ka

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      • Thank you for reading my post. It's always good for us to be thankful and helpful as well. Hope this will always make our life more cheerful, and make others happier, thus the more beautiful world!

        Let’s start saying “Thank You” to everything, everyone, every moment more often. :)

    • To those who are reading this post,

      I am really sorry for the poor formatting, I just realized it when it is published, though I have already checked it before I submitted it. I wish I can straight away edit this post. This is the first time I copied and pasted from Word document.
      Hope I will be able to edit it as soon as possible. I found that this makes the readers so hard to read. I apologize for this, but I will take note on this when copying from Word document.

      From Lee Ka

    • Being grateful is now my way of life. Every time I wake up in the morning, I always pray and give thanks to the Lord for giving me another time to serve my fellow being, my family, and the Lord. Prayer is always my instrument of being thankful to the Lord.

      • Yes, I think that's really good. I started to learn that in these recent years too, and it really helped to change my life to be more positive, joyful and peaceful as well. :)

        Let's spread this positive energy around too!

    • I am very thankful god wake me up healthy..I know i have still porpose in life that is why i am still here he wake me up

    • I always say thankful for waking up in the morning. It is another day to share things to others. Waking up with such determination to fulfill my purpose here on earth. I am so grateful to see the people that inspires to keep on going in my life.

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