Categories: Arts & Humanities

An Open Letter to my fellow youth

A hero in our country once said “Ang Kabataan ang pag asa ng bayan” ( The youth is the hope of our nation ) and I do agree with what he said but there are a lot of matters that came in to mind which opened my realization in the society where I live today. Dear Fellow Youth, Let me introduce my self.
I am a 15 year old incoming Grade 10 student from Philippines. I am not clever nor outstanding witty girl going up on stage with honors every March, I am Just a normal teenager like you who often spends time doing nothing but surf in the net. Yes, I am just like you. But Are you like me who wonders about the future generation we hold?
(taking things for granted)
It’s almost been 2 months when I decided to have this typing job online where I earn 1 dollar in every 3 articles I post. This has not been easy for me to do since I am a very impatient person. Yet one thing I thought of this was that making money is not easy. I’ve realized that you have to work hard before getting what we want. So don’t feel bad if your parents will rant about how hard it is to earn money and here is you asking a lot from them spending bills for leisure. You are lucky enough to have the things you want if you have capability to do so. But let us think of other people who needs few cents just to buy food which is definitely a NEED for them. What I’m trying to point out is that let us try to work hard for what we want, let us not just be someone who keeps on asking something from our parents without anything in exchange. Make chores at home or hand them good grades in your cards at school. And be thankful enough for the things you have.
Few days ago, I saw an old women passing by the street and there is this one boy with pushed-back hair wearing ripped jeans and black shirt who accidentally bumped into her without saying sorry. I felt disappointment for what I saw. Is respect starting to fade off in our values? I believe that if we want to earn respect from other people, then we should give respect to others too regardless of the age, height, weight, race or skin color. Respect should be given to everyone and anyone. Because a person who knows how to respect exhibits other good values too.

(Social Media)
We can’t doubt in ourselves that the world today is very different compared in the past. It has been advance and modernized because of Internet. Social media is one of the factors that affects us. Yes! You may doubt with this but it is true. Notice punchlines , jokes and even vulgar words were being said in a funny video being shared in facebook by a gradeschooler. As a youth concerned in this generation, I am humbly reminding whoever is reading this to please be aware with what we share and click on social medias. Let us not adopt bad actions that we see on the internet. Internet is not used to put shame on someone or search for something inappropriate for our age or adopt something negatively. Let us use the internet wisely fellow youth!

The world today challenges us to face the changes we are going through. Yes! I believe that we are the hope of our nation. We are the future leading the next generation. So Dear Fellow youth, let us be role models to people and to the next generation. Be one and show the world that their impressions on us are just impressions, that we are not the kind of poisoned youth they think. We are not Poisoned youth, we are not influenced by the negative effect of social media. Show the world that we still value the good morals our schools teaches us. Prove them that you are one of the leading youth who is aware and against of the negative change in our generation. Let us be one in making a great change fellow youth!

Sincerely yours,
Concerned member of the leading youth

  • DaneMalong

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    • Congrats for this; you are a good example to our youth, because you are using your talent in writing to earn even a little. Over time, it will add up to be a bigger amount in your Paypal account.

      It is good you also noticed the way some youth are behaving today; some of them apparently forgot what is good to have a nice character like being courteous. They should not swallow everything they see on social media. They should stick to what is good to make them successful and be role models to their peers.

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