About ceduction or how to attract any girl

I read about Neil Strauss’s the game, Alan Rodger’s the mode one, T. Derden’s the blueprint and others. but every book can’t tell me meaning of woman. the meaning of woman is very important. if you know your listener, you can talk with him very simple. you don’t need to make any afford to attract her mind. I am not very famous like film star. But I am not film star like  Tom Cruise. but I don’t need to be a film star. the meaning is your attitude and your actions can tell woman about your plans. you think that every woman are stupid that loves bad boys. NO.. Stop thinking about such kind of nonsense like this. if you want to be seducer like Neil Strauss, show your sexual interests to woman who is important for you. don’t look for short time sex night for your need. Trust – When a woman says “I just want to meet a nice guy”,
she is telling you that trust is important to her. Most men have no idea how important trust is in creating
attraction. From the first encounter, a woman needs to feel she can trust you before she can even begin to consider you as a romantic or sexual option.
The problem is, most guys don’t even recognize the importance of trust, let alone know how to really build solid
trust with a woman. show your interest openly and don’t be shy. you are the mode one who can be honest with his interest in sex. women like bad boy because they can show their interest openly. they arenot shy. talking to a girl who they don’t know is very easy for them. because they don’t think about their mood. When you’re honest, and at one with yourself, you stand differently, you act differently, you make people feel
comfortable around you. I would also like to point out that being trustworthy doesn’t mean being mister nice-guy. Nice guys (the bad kind) think that being good with women means telling women what they want to hear, or pretending they’re something they’re not. But when you understand the importance of trust, and how it relates to your integrity as a man, you realize the opposite is true. Attraction comes from telling women the truth as you see it, even if they don’t like it – and having the strength to stand by what you say. It means showing women exactly what you’re

all about, without shame or guilt or self-censorship.

if you are scared about express your interest, it will be your problem. don’t blame other for it. talking about something isnot necessary, how to express your ideas is the most important thing in your actions with woman.

  • Tags: seduction
    Mr Zet

    View Comments

    • Yes trust is key to some women but it is not the only form of attraction and thus cant attract any/every girl. Realistically and sadly, many women today are consciously or otherwise attracted to material things. "Attraction" may not be the word you were looking to use.
      NB: "ceduction" is with an S not c

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