Inventions need nurturing. - Featured Image Credit:
Some may say that people shouldn’t dream but imagine life without dreams. If we didn’t dream about the “the vision” the vision wouldn’t come into play. We’re in positions to create extraordinary things. The”dreamers” may seem as abnormal in some way but they’re inventors and inventors prosper. We should be encouraged when we come across a dream or vision. Never lose hope when it comes to a vision or dream.
With the right tools anyone can make a dream come alive. Even if it takes some time. We’re able to make our gifts blossom. Some may fear failure or criticism related to their ideas and visions but if one doesn’t try then one can’t succeed. Placing effort on a “dream” can help it come true. Somewhere along the way one may need some guidance or assistance with their vision. Once a vision has been given to a person or persons then it belongs to those individuals.
There’s so many inventors who don’t get enough credit for their contributions. They’ve paved the way for so many. An inventor like G.W. Carver or Alexander Graham Bell. It doesn’t matter who an inventor, creator, or visionary is as long as they’re driven to make their inventions come true then they’ll come true no matter how many disruptions that take place. Not everyone wants to see dreams prosper so “visionaries” have to be careful with their visions. We’re all in positions to allow our visions to shine.
Sometimes it helps for visionaries to communicate with other visionaries.. Surrounding themselves with like minded people will help them grow. A vision can not come alive without love and nurturing. Each day a vision needs some attention. Visions can help others in so many ways. It’s important visionaries, inventors, and dreamers combine. They’re should be a connection that will help create “prosperity” among people.
No one should be fearful of allowing their vision or dream to prosper. A vision starts somewhere. It can start in the mind and then developed from paper and later put into an area where that vision is able to grow. Ideas need light and without the light an idea can not flourish. Some may not understand their ideas right away and others may not understand their ideas at all. Once an idea is set fourth it can become something great.
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Every individual in this world have their own dreams. Self-determination will be the best quality for a person to achieve their ultimate goals. A person who doesn't have a dream is considered useless in the society. There are so many factors that make a person lost its dream in life. Eventually, they will have the dream and realized to have a purpose in this world.
In order to dream there must be some inkling that tells you that a dream could be a reality. Without this inkling just dreaming will not help. When I had this dream to design our home I had all the ingredients that would make it a reality.
Life is full of dream in the real sense life also a dream. The things we see in dram are real and the things see with our physical eyes are allusions or replica of real life said by Plato.
It is said that life is nothing more than a dream and awakening no different in either case. Having studied lucid dreaming in a dedicated way for about two years I have to agree with this assessment. Let me make a couple of key points in this regard but importantly explain why this insight is of any practical use.
We are aware of the random flow of events in dreams but suffer the illusion that our waking life is different. It is not. Our life, just like our dreams, is nothing more than a constant series of responses to completely random events. We do not perceive them as random because we view our lives from a certain perspective in space and time. Our lives are a momentary formation like a swirl in billowing smoke or an eddy in a stream.
However because we view our lives from within that formation, we suffer the illusions of permanence, separateness, meaning and control. Yet just as a cloud forms from random events in the atmosphere, changes and then disappears due to the same forces, so do our lives.
Keeping in mind these facts that it seems that life is a dream not the dream wee see while sleeping all are reality and life is a sweet dream.