Categories: Food & Drink

Learning to Leave People Alone

The oldest person in the world today is 117 years old.  She eat three eggs every single day.

Yeah, I know how bad eggs are for you.  I’ve read everything about cholesterol and I don’t eat them, (I’m a vegetarian), but she’s 117.  And you are not.

To tell her what to do, what to eat or not eat would make the speaker look even stupider than they are.  Because she’s 117.  And you are not.

The same point can be made for smoking.

Millions of people have quit smoking and now stuff their faces with junk.  People are obese, morbidly obese, and diabetes is rampant.  People are dying, many in their fifties from all sorts of diseases linked to food.

Whether one wants to talk about the ‘hydrogenated vegetable oil’ which drenches everything from cookies to chicken, or whether one wants to go into a long discussion about G.M. (Genetically Modified) food, it is clear and coming clearer that more people are dying from food related diseases than from cigarette related diseases.

People stuff their faces with such non-nutritional junk that it barely qualifies as food.

Yet, they will rally like a tribe of banshees if they see or think someone smokes cigarettes.

The pollution covering cities is not cigarette smoke.  What is pouring out of vehicles is not cigarette smoke.    But before people rage against this kind of pollution, they go after the easy target of cigarettes.

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To prove how ridiculous people are, a friend of mine walks around with a cigarette box in his top pocket.  Inside are white pencils.  He has stopped counting how many people will see him, start to cough and say; “Cigarettes effect me…”   or claim he ‘stinks of cigarette smoke’.

Sometimes in an elevator he will go to the box so that all those beside him will begin to squeal and take out a pencil, and write something.

Now I would like to march around the kitchen announcing that these people are eating junk and order them to cease.  But I don’t.

That is because I have learned my lesson years ago.

When Miss Aggie was 99 years old she and her 80 year old daughter snuck away from the crowd at Teacher’s funeral.  Teacher died at the age of 45 from complications due to diabetes.

I saw them smoking and moved to where they were, keeping to the side so that I wouldn’t seem to be eavesdropping, and lit my own cigarette.

In minutes Hazel, who was in her thirties, ran up to them to tell them how smoking was bad and they should stop.

What Miss Aggie said to her is unprintable, but standing there, unseen, I decided then not to be a Hazel, and enjoyed my smoke.


  • kaylar

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    • LOL. I was attending the University of Miami and two of the students got into a similar discussion. The guy was adamant about how smoking was bad for you and the girl was insisting that one of her relatives smoked like two packs a day and was an old fart! I'll never forget the guy's response. He said: “The criteria is not longevity of life but quality of life.”

      So I guess my question would be: “I've heard that smoking ages the skin and make you look older than you really are. So she's 117. But how old does she look and what do her insides look like? Would they look any different if she didn't smoke? Would she be enjoying an even better quality of life if she didn't smoke?” LOL. :)

      • The 117 year old woman looks old. But the point is, I don't give health advice to people who lived longer than I have. I can list people who stopped smoking, started face stuffing and died from this or that food related disease. Cigarettes are not healthy, sure, but there are people who smoke and are healthy.

        • LOL. I hear you. :) There's no point giving health advice to somebody who made it beyond the century mark. At this point in time, if their memory is still sharp, I would be asking them everything under the sun rather than trying to advise them. I want to extract as much real life experiences from them as I can before they go. Let' be real. They may not be around for much longer and they probably know a lot of stuff that you can't Google! :)

          • We are not only on the same page, but the same word. I want to hear how it really was.. not how history describes it in official version, but how it was to live in those days.

    • guess people are well-educated by the book.There are some wrong habits that need to be discarded in their lifestyle.It simply means to live in longevity.But then, there are some elders who are living near a hundred.Surprisingly, they don't live with delicateness on what to eat and continued to have some vices such as smoking.For instance, my granny is running to 99 next year.She never followed a secret recipe in consuming the food.Whatever she eats, we also do eat it.I am sure there are some people will react to what makes people live.As you have said, it's not our business but we can give some advice to them.

    • Most of the time older folks are sat in their was so it really don't do any good to try and tell them what s right and what's not. Half the time they don't even like to hear our opinion. I normally just listen in steady of doing too much talking. Plus you always learn something from them anyways.
      I have relatives like this. And boy are they say in their ways. Really enjoy listening to what they have to say cause it's like a history lesson.
      So no they shouldn't even try and give the 117 year ladie advice about what not good for you and what is good for you. They lived longer and experience way more then us.

    • This is an amazing story. 117 years is not a joke she has really lived her years, we would not know what she does to keep herself going for that long but as you say she's doing quite well for herself. Considering the century that she was born where she was born could have something to do with where she is at right now. You know back in the days out grannies knew how to take care of themselves especially when it came to food. They knew what worked for them and what didn't. Unlike nowadays where we eat all sorts of junk food, then we smoke and drink things that have so many chemicals in them how then can we even start to compare ourselves with this old people. Most of them used to get good fresh from their farms. I remember watching a documentary on a woman who is 109 years of age, she looks well kept and can still strike a pose for a picture at that age. When she was asked what has kept her going all this while she says my glass of red wine everyday keeps me a float. And you wonder you, you are being told not to take wine because it's not good for you. So what do you make it that really. Anyway we cannot match up to their game that's the reality let them do what they know best. Kudos to that old lady. She got swag hahaha

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