Categories: Entertainment & Music

The Ingredients of a Successful Television Show

For the past few months, due to programme deprivation, I have been doing a Marathon of viewing.

There was a time Jamaica did have first run shows.  Sure they were often a season or two behind, but they got views.   Then, the schedules changed to a lot of nothing, so many televisions remained off unless the owner had Cable.

As there has been a loud and raucous argument about ‘copyright’ and as many shows have disappeared,  there is not much to watch.

However, popping onto the Internet, finding those free sites which do not even ask you to register has been the bane.

I’ve watched so many programmes, some completed, some still continuing that I’ve found particular aspects which allows a show to go seven plus seasons.


Good Writing

Although this isn’t all there is, and even great writing can not salvage a show that doesn’t capture the viewers, having interesting and well organised scripts goes far.

Where there are ‘episodic’ shows, where the only continuity are the characters, everything depends on how well written each show is.

In ‘story arc’ or ‘visual novels’ this is crucial.   Just as putting a well known novel to screen gets the viewers, so too having a well written story that began life as a visual.

Stories which people want to see to completion get views.  People don’t want to miss those crucial episodes.


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In the early days of television there were One or Two ‘Stars’ and the rest of the cast were fillers.   This proved a very bad idea.

There would always be some greedy ‘star’ who wanted more and virtually held the show for ransom and caused its demise.

Now, with six or seven stars, one avaricious actor can be shown the exit, and the show proceed without disruption.

Often with Ensembles there are spotlights on this one then on that one, which keeps the interest.



The public has tastes, these can change.  The Western was once standard, now is gone.  What the public wants to see will get the eyes.   People like ‘forensics’ for they can learn something.   People like quick moving shows.

Yes, most British dramas take time, and because viewers know, before they turn on the television that actions and dialogue will be measured,  American dramas move quickly.

If one can find a genre that the public wants to visit then even if the writing and ensemble isn’t that strong, the programme will gain views, and the two aspects can be worked on.


Making Sense

To lose viewers, just stop making sense.  Just kill off a central character, or have some stupid action, and people will stop watching.   The show may continue but with less viewers, and it’s ending will be a shrug.


  • kaylar

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