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How to Teach Prepositions in the Advance Classes


Rules of Using Prepositions

Definition: word used before noun: a member of a set of words used in close connection with, and usually before, nouns and pronouns to show their relation to some other part of a clause.

An example is “off” in “He fell off his bike” and “What did he fall off?”

Preposition Problem

In using preposition the students have two main problems. He has to know first, whether in any construction a preposition is required or not, second, which preposition to use when one is required.

(Wh) Family and Preposition

  1. The questions beginning with wh family, we add preposition in the beginning or before the wh family words.

Example: With whom are you going Lahore?

In which school do you read?

  1. In phrasal verbs the prepositions remain after verb in a sentence.

Example: Are you are waiting for Aisha?

  1. We can omit (to and for) before indirect object.

Example: I gave the book to Maha. Or we say

I gave Maha the book.

  1. Promise, show and tell take direct object and are used without (to).

Example: I promise him to come.

She shows him the right way.

  1. Read, write, play and sing demand (to).

Example: I want to read.

She wants to play.

Omission of (to) with the Verb Communication

WE can leave preposition with the verbs of command, request, invitation and advise. The verbs are these: advise, ask, beg, command, encourage, implore, invite, order, recommend, remind, request, tell, urge and warn.

Note: All these take direct object.

Example: I advise her not to go there.

He urged him to take part in games.

He asked me a question.

Usage of Common Preposition


  1. It is a preposition used to indicate general position or location. In order to be more precise about exact physical location,

Example: a conference at the school

Someone’s at the door.

I work at home.

  1. It is used with age:

Example: He dies at the age of fifty.

He reaches at six.


  1. It is used with (date and date).

He was born on Monday.

She was born on 4 June, 1960.

It indicates position: used to describe something in a position above and in contact with the surface of something else.

Sitting on the bed.

  1. Attached to something: used to indicate attachment to or suspension from a surface or object.

A wooden wheel mounted on the wall.

  1. Supporting weight: used to indicate what part of the body is supporting somebody’s weight.

They sat there leaning on their elbows.

  1. Carrying something: carrying something that is therefore readily accessible.

I didn’t have any cash on me at the time.

  1. In the vicinity of: located in a place or situated close to or alongside a place driving around on dirt roads.

A town on the coast of Trinidad

  1. At a time: used to indicate when something happens.

Just before noon on Tuesday

  1. Relating to something: concerned with or relating to a particular subject, thing, or activity
  1. Where something is available: used to indicate that specific information is currently available from a machine or instrument.

A comedy show on the radio

  1. As means of functioning: used to indicate the means by which somebody or something subsists or functions.

Animals that feed on the leaves of the trees

  1. By means of: using something as a means of transport.

They arrived on horseback.

  1. During: engaged in an activity.

My assistant is away on a course.

  1. According to: used to indicate that something is grounds for a statement, way of thinking, or action.

Allowing them to compete on an equal basis

  1. In current rank or position: used to indicate somebody’s current status or position in an organization or institution.

My sister is on the committee.

  1. Directed toward: used to indicate that something is directed toward somebody or something.

I shone my flashlight on the inscription.

  1. Charged to: used to indicate that the cost of drinks or a meal is charged to a particular person.

The drinks are on me.


  1. It means, some minutes before the appointed time and is used with date, period and time.

Example: The college bys reaches at 8; 30am.

So, you must reach there by 8; 15.


It is used before any gerund in any sentence.

Example: Before going she taught me how to deceive.


It is a preposition used to indicate the source or beginning of something, in terms of

location, situation, or time.

Example: The condition can manifest itself anytime from adolescence onward.

Most funding comes from government and private grants and loans.

Highlights from her latest novel

You can connect to our computer network from home.


It is a preposition or adverb indicating the direction, destination, or position of somebody or something.

I met him on his way to school.

She climbed all the way to the top.

You’ll see a supermarket to your left.


  1. Indicates direction: indicates the direction or destination of somebody or something Example: He was on his way to the party.
  1. Indicates position: indicates the position of somebody or something.

To the right of the door is a bulletin board.

  1. Forms infinitive: used before the base form of a verb to make the infinitive of that verb.

I want to leave now.

  1. Indicates purpose: used with the base form of a verb to indicate the intention or purpose of an action.

The news agency is used to distribute information.

  1. Indicates recipient: indicates the recipient of something (used with a noun phrase to form the indirect object).

Give it to me.

Mail sent to another user on the same computer.

  1. Indicates direction of feeling or action: indicates who or what a particular feeling or action is directed toward.

I was very grateful to her for everything she did for me.

  1. Indicates attachment: indicates that two things are joined together.

Each triangle consists of three square faces joined to one another along two edges.


  1. It is a preposition conjunction happening after: happening at some point or points after the stated period of time or event.

Example: The rate of job growth is higher than under any administration since 1920.

Since Ryland became commissioner in 1994, all complaints are investigated fully.


It is a preposition indicating that something is directed at somebody, done to benefit somebody, or done on somebody’s behalf.

Look –there’s a letter for you.

I’d do anything for you.

The lawyer acted for some of the heirs.

It is for you darling.


  1. Preposition aimed at: intended to be received or used by, or aimed at somebody it’s for you –it’s a present.

Advice for first-time buyers

  1. Preposition to the benefit of: intending or intended to benefit somebody or something.

She would make any sacrifice for the cause.

  1. Preposition on behalf of: on behalf of or instead of somebody or something

Would you mind making my apologies for me?

  1. Preposition in the service of: in the service or employment of somebody or something.

She works for a large company.

  1. Preposition toward: in the direction of.

The following day, we headed for Paris.

  1. Preposition lasting: indicating how long something lasts, continues, or extends

The interview only lasted for a few minutes. • There was fog for the next mile or so.

  1. Preposition because of: indicating a reason why something happens or is done.

I did it for love.

  1. Preposition designed with a purpose: indicating the purpose of an object, action, or activity.

That towel is for drying your hands.

  1. Preposition links concepts: used to link two concepts, one of which is the object of the other.

A cause for concern

A passion for opera

  1. Preposition in exchange for: at a cost of, or giving or receiving something in exchange.

I got this hat in the market for next to nothing.

  1. Preposition instead of: instead of or in place of something, sometimes mistakenly You’ll have to find a stand-in for him while he’s away.

I took her for the boss.

  1. Preposition given what is usual: with reference to the normal characteristics of something.

It’s very warm for April.

  1. Preposition indicating occasion: at, or planned to be at, a particular time, or on a particular occasion.

The meeting was scheduled for four o’clock.

Will you be home for Christmas?

  1. Preposition indicates comparison: indicating a comparison or equivalence between two things.

Pound for pound, the elephant’s energy consumption is the lowest of all land animals.

  1. Preposition in order to get: in order to get, achieve, have, keep, or become something.

Lee’s hoping for promotion.

He was searching for a place to sit.

  1. Preposition despite: in spite of or notwithstanding something.

He enjoyed himself very much, for all his complaining.

  1. Preposition indicates responsibility: indicating that somebody has the right or responsibility to do something.

I can’t help you –it’s for you to decide.

  1. Preposition having the same meaning: having the same meaning as another word or phrase.

The everyday term for rubella is German measles.

  1. Preposition indicates cross-reference: indicating that information can be found elsewhere.

For further details, consult the owner’s manual.


  1. Throughout: throughout a particular period or event, either continuously or several times between the beginning and the end

There was not even a whisper during the service.

  1. at some point in a period: at some point or moment within a particular period or event.

I can’t remember the date, but it was during the winter.


Both words have the same meaning and function (preposition and conjunction), and are largely interchangeable. In practice, however, till is more informal than until and is more likely to be heard in speech:

Example: Just wait till we get home!

Until is more usual at the beginning of a sentence:

Until last week there was no one here that we knew.


  1. It means following in time, place or order:

Example: Shall we go for a walk after breakfast?

Some people believe in life after death.

Her name came after mine on the list.

There’s a good film on the day after tomorrow.

She waited until well after midnight.


It means: a grammatical word indicating that something or somebody is within or inside something:

The dinner’s in the oven.

  1. Preposition indicates a place: indicates that something happens or is situated somewhere:

He spent a whole year in Russia.

  1. Preposition indicates a state: indicates a state or condition that something or somebody is experiencing.

The banking industry is in a state of flux.

  1. Preposition indicates after: after a period of time that will pass before something happens.

She should be well enough to leave in a week or two.

  1. Preposition during: indicates that something happens during a period of time.

He crossed the desert in 39 days.

  1. Preposition indicates how something is expressed: indicates the means of communication used to express something.

I managed to write the whole speech in French.

  1. Preposition indicates subject area: indicates a subject or field of activity.

She graduated with a degree in biology.

  1. Preposition as a consequence of: while doing something or as a consequence of


In reaching for a glass he knocked over the ashtray.

  1. Preposition covered by: indicates that something is wrapped or covered by something.

The floor was covered in balloons and toys.

  1. Preposition indicates how somebody is dressed: indicates that somebody is dressed in a particular way.

She was dressed in a smart suit.

  1. Preposition ZOOLOGY pregnant with: pregnant with.

The cows were in calf.


It is a preposition indicating that somebody or something is or moves inside something, either physically or figuratively.

I released the balloon into the air.

In case you get into difficulties.

I decided to go into the army.

When did you go into partnership with them?

  1. Indicates movement: moving or putting something from outside to the interior or inner part of something.

He stuck his hand into his pocket and pulled out a pencil.

  1. Indicates movement to the midst of: indicates that something or somebody moves to the middle of something and becomes part of it or is surrounded by it.

He leapt into the water.

  1. Indicates entry: indicates entering a state, career, or period of time • She decided to go into marketing.

He went on working until he was well into his seventies.

The fire department burst into action.

  1. Indicates contact with: indicates coming up against something accidentally.

I happened to bump into him last night quite by chance.

  1. Indicates change: indicates becoming a new entity, shape, or form as a result of a change or transformation.

Change water into wine.

The caterpillar changes into a butterfly.

  1. Indicates result: indicates a situation resulting from somebody’s persuasion.

My friends talked me into getting this haircut.

  1. Arithmetic indicates dividend: indicates the division of numbers • 9 into 63 equals 7.
  2. Divided: indicates that something is divided so that it becomes several smaller parts.

She divided the cake into six, and gave each of us a slice.

  1. Enthusiastic about: indicates interest in or enthusiasm about something (informal) I was really into tennis that summer.


It is a preposition indicating that somebody or something is located on something, or moves toward it so as to be on it.

I splashed water onto my face.

Hop onto a bus

Shine a flashlight onto the wall


It is a grammatical word indicating a position directly overhead, on top of, or higher than something.

The bird flew up above the trees.

  1. Preposition too good for: too good or important to be affected by or involved in something.

They felt they were above small town gossip.

  1. Preposition beyond: not subject to something negative such as criticism or


He wanted her to know that here too his conduct should be above suspicion.

  1. Preposition in position of higher respect: in a position that is valued more or considered more important than other people or things.

We put your needs above everything else.

  1. Preposition too difficult: outside or beyond somebody’s understanding.

The lecture was completely above me.

  1. Preposition louder than other noise: louder than or over another sound.

She couldn’t hear him above the roar of the band.

  1. Preposition north of: lying north of a place.

A small town just above Seattle


It is a grammatical word used to indicate a position directly above something, either resting on the top of something, or above the upper surface of something with a space in between.

Example: He wore a red flannel shirt over a T-shirt.

Julia was bent over the sink washing glasses.


It is a grammatical word indicating a position directly overhead, on top of, or higher than something .

Example: The bird flew up above the trees.

  1. Preposition adverb more than: greater than an amount or level.

100 pounds above the ideal body weight.

  1. Preposition too good for: too good or important to be affected by or involved in something.

They felt they were above small town gossip.

  1. Preposition beyond: not subject to something negative such as criticism or reproach.

“He wanted her to know that here too his conduct should be above suspicion.” George Eliot Middlemarch 1872

  1. Preposition in position of higher respect: in a position that is valued more or considered more important than other people or things.

We put your needs above everything else.

  1. Preposition too difficult: outside or beyond somebody’s understanding.

The lecture was completely above me.

  1. Preposition louder than other noise: louder than or over another sound.

She couldn’t hear him above the roar of the band.

  1. Preposition north of: lying north of a place.

A small town just above Seattle


It is a grammatical word used to express the concept of being beneath or below something, for example, in location, size, age, or price.

Example:  Johnny had the book hidden under his tunic.

The machine is under a foot high and will fit on to any work surface.

The toy should not be given to children under three years old.

It’s the best meal you can get for under $5.

  1. Preposition below: directly below or underneath the base of something.

They were sheltering under a huge umbrella.

  1. Preposition beneath: beneath a layer of something.

He had two sweaters on under his jacket.

  1. Preposition less than: fewer in number than or less than something, for example, in age, quantity, size, or price.

By the age of sixteen she was still under five feet tall.

  1. Preposition subordinate to: lower in rank or status than somebody.

I was under him in the company hierarchy.

  1. Preposition subject to: subject to the control or authority of somebody or something • under existing legislation.

Working under a new boss

  1. Preposition during the rule of: during the rule of a person or government.

The crime rate had in fact gone down under the new mayor.

  1. Preposition in view of: in view of something or while something, especially conditions or circumstances, prevails.

Serious work is impossible under these conditions.

  1. Preposition undergoing a process: used to indicate that somebody or something is going through a particular process or experience.

The proposals have come under attack.

  1. Preposition using the name of: using a particular name, especially an assumed name.

Traveling under a false name

  1. Preposition classified within: classified as or in something.

You should find it in the filing cabinet under “Miscellaneous.”

  1. Preposition planted with: planted with a particular crop.

That field will be under rye next year.

  1. Preposition powered by: powered or driven by something.

Under sail


It is a grammatical word indicating a position underneath or lower than something.

  1. Preposition adverb underneath: in, at, or to a lower position or less superficial level than that specified or understood.

Kept in a box beneath the bed

A door giving access to the cellar beneath

Beneath his veneer of politeness lay hostility.

  1. Preposition adverb lower: in, at, or to a lower level, grade, or standard than that specified or understood.

She always supported those beneath her.

  1. Preposition too low for: too low in status or character for • beneath contempt Telling tales should be beneath you.


  1. At the side of: in a position next to or alongside.

Sit beside me.

  1. Compared with: in comparison with.

Handsome beside his brother

  1. As well as: in addition to.

In another dictionary beside this one


It is a preposition adverb as well: in addition to something or somebody specified or understood.

Besides fruit, we will also need cheese, and crackers.


It is a grammatical word indicating an intermediate point between two places or times.

Preposition; I was standing between two other women.

He worked two shifts, with an hour off between.

  1. To and from: from one place to another.

She travels between Los Angeles and Santa Monica most days.

  1. Together: together or in combination with.

Between us we should have enough money to pay for the trip.

  1. Indicates comparison: indicates a comparison, discussion, or relationship involving two people or groups.

Reconciliation was hampered by personality conflicts between company executives.

  1. Indicates choices: indicates two or more possible courses of action.

The Court offers them a choice between a fine or community service.


It is a preposition indicating that something or somebody is surrounded by people, things, ideas, or circumstances.

You’re among friends here.

  1. Of a group: of the stated group or class.

Her carvings are among the world’s finest.

  1. In a group: in or by the particular group stated.

A widely-held notion among physicists

  1. Between group members: by, between, or to each person or thing in a group

Divided among six of us

  1. In addition to: in addition to other things or people.

The photos showed, among other things, a birthday party.


  • jhsayyar

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