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Black Lives Matter just as much as every other color. Racial profiling is wrong, so is profiling based on sexual preference. The KKK is a horrible group, so are radical religious groups who participate in terrorism.
What matters is a life was taken. Plenty people of all colors will be saddened at the news of a life taken violently.
I used to be pro-black, now Im just pro-happiness. That happiness doesnt stop at color barriers or sexual orientation barriers. If the people in todays world thought this way we would live in a MUCH better world.
So you see Racism is overrated, and it has caused the simple factors in recent events to he overlooked.
The Police shouldnt kill ANY COLOR ever. If they do there should be without a doubt just cause.
We shouldnt take the tragedy of a lost life and turn it into a race issue. It says the person no longer with us was only a color to the world. We know from testimony of there family color was not what they were loved for.
Im black but am in total disagreement with the slogan “Black Lives Matter.”
We need to remember tragic events cause pain to people of all colors. I dont want to see white, black, or latin people killed by anyone. There is no difference between a white men and a black men. They both have been created equally by the creator, then why one should discriminate between the two. So I say again, racism is overrated.
I get that it happens to certain races more than others, but thats no reason to respond as if the victim is a color only. Lets respond as if the assailant is a criminal only.
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Any agree or disagree?
I disagree. When racism is systematic and institutionalized to the point where a law-abiding man can be shot while simply reaching for his ID as ordered, there is a very serious problem. The only way to correct the situation is to remind all of society not only that black lives matter but that there are great black minds who invent useful things, black artists, black scholars and entrepreneurs and philanthropists, black lawyers and doctors, black teachers, black parents, and young black men who are kind-hearted and honest and contribute to society in a positive way.
Trying to disregard race hasn't worked to eliminate the appalling racism we see in the United States. It's time for Americans to take a good look at their neighbours, and to see that people of colour are just people. But in order to do that, colour has to be part of the equation.
The problem is most people dont care who invented what, black or whatever race. Honestly it doesnt matter if black people ever invented a single thing.
That attitude is apart of the problem. We are people too rather we contribute to society or not, so we deserve to be protected by the law instead of fearing it.
Fortunately black people have contributed greatly to this country on top of years of free labor.
Law enforcement and people like the guy who killed Trayvon Martin are literally getting away w/ murder. I hate that damn near all of the victims are black I really do. But would still be outraged if they were asian, middle eastern, or whatever.
So race is not the issue. The issue is hot tempered, authority abusing maniacs.
As long as America continues to blame race the real problem will continue.
The fact that we can't love each other as human beings has affected us through the years! This is never going to end. I love all races and enjoy every culture there is. Once people start focusing on what really matters then the world would be in better piece
Exactly Rodolfo! What matters most is one man killed another when it all boils down.
Society over complicates by making everything racial. It may be a factor but also along with age, sex, demeanor who knows what else.
The intent to constantly pull the race card teaches our youth to keep focusing on it
Yes, I have seen and read and pondered that racism is overrated all over the world by those people who are by birth racists such type of behavior is dangerous for all earthly people.
think in SOME CASES, it definitely is. i mean there are verbally abusive a holes in the world, thats not going to change any time soon. but as far as really egregious discrimination like we have had throughout human history, thats relatively rare, at least out in the open.
hat im trying to say is that people over react to it. look at history, there are tons of examples of people discriminating against their own race simply because of differences like country, poor, social status & religion. so i think today, people just flip out & over react like they just did the worst thing...
what do you mean "allow it to continue" cant regulate human nature. the point i just made is that discriminating against different groups of people is part of our nature, whether that group is your same race or another race. my point of everything in saying is that people over react to it. especially
penguin, yes i have been out of the u.s. & you are flat out wrong on a number of things you said. not to mention human history is littered with examples of discrimination against class, social status, poor, race, religion, country, etc...stick to talking about england, at least you'll have some credibility.