taken by peachpurple
Do you know how to balance your diet?
A well-balanced diet means to eat food that
provides all the essential nutrients your body needs in
order to be healthy, strong and fit.
It is wise to know what nutrients consist in the food you
eat and consume moderately.
Too much of a certain food is not good either.
If you are eating the same food every day, you would most
likely to absorb too much of carbohydrates (potato, rice,
noodles) and protein (eggs, fish, chicken )
but your body also needs other vitamins and minerals
which are equally important for your body to produce
healthy skin, cells and tissues for a healthier well being.
You should follow 3 essential tips to meet
vitality eating plan for a healthier eating habits.
Hence, by getting to know what food can provide you the right nutrients, you can choose a wide variety of food to
enhance a healthy balance diet for you and your family.
• Functions: Improve eye visions, prevent infections and
strong immunity against disease or common sickness.
• What To eat: Dar green leaf vegetables, carrots, yellow
or orange fruits and vegetables.
In addition, you have find it in liver, milk, dairy products
and fish liver oil. (Scotts Emulsion)
• Tips: ½ cup of cooked spinach is sufficient to provide
your daily needs of vitamin A.
I preferred to mix match lots of vegetables and fruits in my daily salads!
Functions: Aid to produce blood cells and normal nerves
What to eat: Meat, fish, milk and dairy products.
Tips: Vegetarians who abstain themselves from milk and
eggs should take food fortified with vitamin B12 or a
vitamin B supplement.
***Luckily I am not a vegetarian!
Functions: A good source of antioxidant that aids to heal
wounds and produce formation of collagen in the skin.
It also helps to keep bones and teeth strong and healthy.
What to eat: Orange, citrus fruits, guava, starfruit, papaya,
tomatoes and vegetables.
Tip: Blend a glass of fresh orange juice is sufficient to
meet your daily nutrients intake.
***Naturally sweet and yummy especially topped with
cold ice!
Functions: Important to absorb calcium into the bones and
What to eat: Fatty fish like salmon, sardines, egg yolk and
Food fortified ingredients such as milk and other dairy
products. Natural vitamin D comes from sunlight exposure
Tips: Morning exercise is good to help your body form
natural vitamin D.
Functions: Another antioxidant that helps to prevent any
damages to the body cell membranes.
What to eat: Nuts, seeds, vegetable oils such as corn oil
or sun flower seed oil, wholegrains and egg yolk.
Tips: For breakfast, eat wholegrain food like oats,
wholemeal bread, wheat noodles that give you lots of fibre,
vitamin E and other nutrients.
***My favorite breakfast is toast wholemeal bread with
MILO and cereals with fresh milk!
So, the next time to intend to do your grocery shopping
or wet market shopping, do remember to jot down the
ingredients list on a piece of paper or key into your
handset, tablet PC or whatever electronic gadgets that you
always used for shopping as a reminder.
You won’t be leaving the essential ingredients behind.
Good luck and Happy Eating !
Copyright allrights reserved by peachpurple
Photo belonged to peachpurple
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View Comments
Thanks for the info. Always looking for healthy ways to eat.
That is great- getting information for balanced eating is very useful and always welcome.
Very informative your post. I think our body needs the body nutrients but the problem is we just don't know how to do it and sometimes we just ignored it. With this informative post, this really help to us.
Those are some good tips to follow. I always try to incoperate my daily good with a mix of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins etc. I k is how healthy eating is good for your body, so I try to keep up with routine. Though sometimes it's hard especially when you have people in the house who will want to eat something totally different from what you are used to it what you want to cook. Like there are people who will eat the same good every single day and when you try to change the diet that would lament and say that good will not satisfy them or they don't like that type of food. How can you convince them that it is good for them. And these are the same kinds of people who don't take juices or tea that has milk neither are they keen on taking water after meals. Honestly I don't know how some people survive without taking water the whole day it buffles me.
Yes, vegetables are full of vitamins not minerals. Human body makes just scan vitamins when we take vegetables as vitamins A B C D E ....these vitamins are most important for human body if our body is lack of vitamins our great and small intestines will not work properly and we will have a lot of problem.
The health benefits of vitamins include their ability to prevent and treat various diseases including heart problems, high cholesterol levels, eye disorders, and skin disorders. Most vitamins also facilitate many of the body's mechanisms and perform functions which are not performed by any other nutrients.
The health benefits of vitamins include their ability to prevent and treat various diseases including heart problems, high cholesterol levels, eye disorders, and skin disorders. Most vitamins also facilitate many of the body’s mechanisms and perform functions which are not performed by any other nutrients. Click on any of the vitamins below to find out more about its health benefits.
Vitamins can be consumed in a variety of ways. Most common vitamins are acquired through the foods we eat, but depending on your cultural or cuisine traditions, it is possible to be low in some natural vitamin intake. Therefore, the nutrition industry has made supplements available that can boost the vitamin content in your body.
A multivitamin is often considered one of the best options for improving the overall balance of your body, particularly if you have a job or a lifestyle that frequently causes you to miss meals, eat at strange times, or eat the same food very often.