• Profile picture of Sam muffins

    Sam muffins posted an update 8 years, 4 months ago

    @peachpurple may I know how much you get per blog sis?

    • yeah I would like t know too and my blog is pending since yesterday. it is kind of getting impatient sitting there, you know

      • I think it needs to get approved first sis, right? I haven’t tried to submit yet. Im wondering how much will it give us for posting blogs 🙂

        • yes, it needs to get approval. I think I will wait before deciding to write further. My kites also gives revenue share and so if it is worth it here, I will continue.

    • @krishnaa
      wow,congrats to you.
      At least you got 6 cents.
      I got 0.02 cents, worst than you.
      If I am not wrong, it depends on the quality of your post.
      Mine wasn’t good, the admin had informed me.
      So, I understand why I got 2 cents

    • @sweetmuffins
      I got 2 cents, approved on the same day, 12 hours after I had submitted.