• Profile picture of Ogochukwu Franklin

    Ogochukwu Franklin posted an update 6 years, 6 months ago

    *Does It Make Sense?*
    Three friends had an accident in a car and
    became unconscious.A stranger got to the scene
    and wanted to call for help. He had no phone.
    *There were six mobile phones in the accident
    car but all had password on them*. They all died
    as a result.
    A pregnant lady collapsed at home with her little
    daughter(a minor). The little girl had no idea of
    what was happening but saw her mother gasping
    for air. *She picked her mother’s phone to call
    her daddy but there was a password on the
    phone*. By grace, her big brother left his phone
    on his bed while going to school and she called
    the father and her mother was saved because
    her brother had no password on his phone else
    the pregnant woman would have lost her life.
    Whose fault would that have been?
    An armed men came to rob a family. The second
    child happen to be in a little room which the
    armed men thought it was a store room and
    never entered. He had no phone but his sister’s
    phone was on charge in his room. *He tried to
    call for help but there was password on his
    sister’s phone*. They raped and killed them
    leaving only the little one. He saw everything
    through the key hole. Police station and military
    barracks were closer. He knew numbers he could
    call for help but “password” was on the sister’s
    A young man died with so much wealth in an
    unknown bank. The information was on his
    phone. *No one could access the information
    because there is password on the phone.*
    *My advice is this.* You are too precious than
    the information you are securing on your phone.
    *The password on your phone can be your death
    Please share with your family and friends.qqpp