• Profile picture of Zelda Els

    Zelda Els posted an update in the group Group logo of "Walking with God""Walking with God" 7 years ago

    We as Christians do not keep the old rituals, even though rituals are a bonding experience. I am afraid the only reason I do not partake in these festivals is because Jesus made all of them unnecessary. You did well in highlighting each individual feast, but the beginning and the end of it is that when the veil tore in the temple at the moment Jesus died, we were exempt from having to practice these rituals. For me there is no other reason, but I understand that Paul said we should leave the Christians who still wishes to practice these rituals alone. Those who do not want to eat pork should not be forced, for they will then commit a sin. So, I do not judge either way. Certain churches here in South Africa have decided to keep some of the rituals and festivals, even though they are not mentioned in the New Testament. Like I said, I do not judge them at all. Sometimes I take part, if my family invites me to a different church than my normal one. It is a great bonding experience and the churches go out of their way to explain the rituals etc. It is quite informative to hop from church to church sometimes!