Ogochukwu Franklin posted an update 6 years, 9 months ago
My opinion about Submissive from the wife to her husband still remains as that is included in the word of God. i will talk about the Love from the husband to his wife later on, as this is also established by the word of God.this symbolizes the relationship between Christ and the Church. Now to the main matter that i want to correct. Gender Equality. from my understanding and current believe a man and a woman where created equally. Secondly, a woman is not inferior to a man. again, a woman is not weak, she is not subhuman, she is not a personal property of a man or men. she is also not only an object of sensual gratifications. Hear from from him “if the nations of the world had understood God’s purpose for women and men, they would have realized that the spirit of equal rights that demands equality from men was never intended by God, because He has already made men and women equal” . -Dr. Myles Munroe. This believe that men are more superior to women have developed as a result of an age long distortion and it is been fueled by culture and traditions all over. i am beginning to look at it in a different light and i think men and women feel a man and a woman are not created equally because God told the woman to be submissive to her husband. and so most human mind think that the one that submits is the inferior one while the one respected is the superior one and that has been one of the reasons men talk to women like they are their servants, it is also the reason why women find it difficult to get to the top. because in the mind of men is ‘i am superior to you so stay behind me and remain there’. The truth is God made us equal but differently because of his Agenda and we need to know what this agenda is to treat each other with respect and love. have a nice day friends