
Why Some Shows are Hits

Blue Bloods just completed its 7th Season and has signed for an 8th.   It is a show that is… Read More

7 years ago

The Impact of the Internet on Television

Years ago, people would look forward to specific shows on television.  People had schedules.  Tonight is this show and that… Read More

7 years ago

What Makes a Long Running Hit Show?

Some shows struggle through three seasons. Although the plot might be interesting, for some reason it doesn’t catch on. A… Read More

7 years ago

Learning How To Pace Yourself Watching Television Programs Online

You are sitting in front of your television set.  The show you are watching ends with a cliff hanger.  You… Read More

7 years ago

The Strange Genesis of Television Serials

American serials, be they drama, science fiction, comedy, thriller, or a combination, all begin being 'episodic'. The term means that… Read More

7 years ago

How Not To Suffer Serial Withdrawal

It has happened to me, more than once.  I'll be watching a serial, and there's the last episode, and suddenly,… Read More

8 years ago