
Hey Fools! You Ain’t Going To Be Paid!!!

There are a number of fools writing on this site. They are plagiarising, they are post garbage, and they are… Read More

7 years ago

Things To Watch Out For When Joining a Writing Site

The very first thing that should send up a red flag is when someone jumps onto a site you are… Read More

8 years ago

Writing Sites; Trying For the Balance

I was invited to join a writing site.  Unlike the crowd, I do my research first.  I have been on… Read More

8 years ago

A funny Thing Happened to Triond

When the writing site Triond first came into existence back in 2008 the idea was human moderation.  This didn't last… Read More

8 years ago

Beware of Writing Factual Items!

I often write hard core researched articles.  I don't make it up as I go along.   When I am… Read More

8 years ago

Just a Little Information about Plagiarism

Some people don't care.   They copy, paste, and post.   Some do a touch of tweeking before posting.  Some… Read More

8 years ago

Plagiarism, Spin, and Other Rip Off Writing

Years ago, a particular on line publishing site had many 'Top Writers' who were the chief farmers in having the… Read More

8 years ago

What is and is not Plagiarism

Some years ago, on another site, I wrote an article about the Black Plague. I researched the Bubonic plague, and… Read More

8 years ago

How to Write your Post Without Duplicate Content

Duplicate content is one of the most common problem that writers and site owners are facing in the world on… Read More

8 years ago