
No Matter how the Attacks are Directed No!

Some may not understand exactly where I'm coming from. I'm an advocate and will continue to advocate. No matter how… Read More

7 years ago

Bullying and Insults Really Doesn’t Demonstrate Maturity

Being online shouldn't be stressful at all but unfortunately online is where a lot of trolls go to try and… Read More

7 years ago

Abnormal Behaviors Displayed in Competitors

Any area of Business isn't easy and where there's competition there could be danger. Some are overly competitive, always looking… Read More

7 years ago

Work Through the Bullets and Pray

Working right through all of the bullets. Some may wonder whatever does she mean? Well some are like bullets. It's… Read More

7 years ago

Not Exactly the Best Approach

Pretty difficult for a lot of people to ask for help. What's quite strange is some would rather harass a… Read More

8 years ago

How to Ignore Difficult People

It's better to ignore then to say somethings which can be regretted later. We'll come in contact with lots of… Read More

8 years ago

Some of the Tactics Been Way too Much

Why are these people using the same tactics over and over? The same sending messages through my devices and every… Read More

8 years ago