Very very true. I have had almost everything in that most that has been done to me. So I can say confidently that yes my voyfriend had fallen head over heels for me. But the irony of it all is I decided to take a back seat in therelationship just to think some things through. It’s funny that you can be so much in love and still find a reason to end the relationship. I can’t tell what normally happens. How does someone just fell out of love i don’t understand. But I like the above tips they actually do happen.
Mmmhhh this is very interesting. This are the exact foods that you will hear people say that are the best in curbing certain illnesses. But lo and behold they turn out to be the killer foods. what is actually going on, are people now using the internet to dupe unsuspecting people into trying stuff that will hurt them in the name of wellness of to gain money from them?
I might say that this is very saddening. Despite the fact that we have Google to do our searches we are still being misled. I just wish the truth would be told the way it is.But well this is the world we live in.
Sometimes when I do searches on the net I kind of get a little sceptical on what I should take in and what I should leave out. It’s so hard to trust anyone nowadays.we have oftenly been told to have cereals in the morning for breaksfast because it supplies fibre to the body, now he’re we are being advices Not to eat cereals because they contain lots of sugar. Honestly I think it’s best to just stick to what you think is good and healthy to be eaten. Because at this rate people may and up eating stuff that won’t even help them. -
So, given that those are after all not exactly “diet” foods, what can you suggest that we eat to at least lose some fats especially in the tummy area which is actually my problem.
Do you think, my just eating an apple for dinner is already a good way to diet. I have tried eating an apple only, for a straight one week and the next week my pants have loosened and my tummy a bit flatter.
Though, my hubby’s aunt says that apple is acidic so it might harm my stomach?
that is very good interesting list of things to gain weight, but there is one thing that do make you lose weight is whole wheat bread or flour that does not make you gain weight, its in the diet things to eat and it add little onlly calories, so its perfect to lose weight or burn fat
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