SALMAN and Yash Acharya are now friends 6 years, 10 months ago
Ariel brooks and Yash Acharya are now friends 6 years, 10 months ago
Axel Garcia and Yash Acharya are now friends 7 years ago
Shahzebmemon and Yash Acharya are now friends 7 years ago
Yash Acharya posted an update in the group Anime recommendations/discussions 7 years ago
I started my anime journey with Dragon Ball then Dragon Ball Z and then one of the big three,Naruto. One of the most awesome journey which has yet to see its end as different types of Anime keeps coming. Any one who is looking to start their anime journey here, I suggest to follow this order. Also don’t forget the Avatar- The last Air bender…[Read more]
Yash Acharya joined the group Anime recommendations/discussions 7 years ago
Yash Acharya posted an update in the group NewBies 7 years ago
Hello everyone, I just joined recently. I just came upon this site while searching for ways to earn online and I have got to say this looks like an good opportunity to earn and increase your knowledge at the same time
Hello Yash! Glad that you joined! I found the site the same way and I am excited to figure everything out.
Yash Acharya joined the group NewBies 7 years ago
Yash Acharya became a registered member 7 years ago