Husband and wife should understand each other all the time; if they have different careers, they should allot time for the family together especially on weekends. If the wife stays at home and do home chores, the husband should understand and appreciate her efforts. She should have weekend off with the husband; and the husband should also help in some home chores when he is on day-off.
Agree with what has been stated by you above in your responses to the article. Many a time I find the communication lacking between couples whom I meet and I feel this should not be happening. They should take time out of their busy days to see that they do spend at least some amount of quality time together. Come to think of if if people get married and do not find time for their partner that is not a good thing at the end of the day.
I have also observed some couple tend to have more children say around three and above and they get very little time for each other as they have to tend to more number of children even if both of them are putting effort collectively to see that things are going smooth. It does turnout to be a rough ride sometimes as there are too many mouths to feed and the number of hands are less. Weekends are a time when both should get the required rest to see that they are ready for the coming week. Whether it be good or bad times sticking together as a unit is the most important thing. That is the key to success in a marriage.
The whole problem arises due to the improper attention by the parents. There are mainly 2 reasons for this problem to take place;
1. sexual thirst 2. Social stigma to take the responsibility 3. Financial problem
The factor No.3 in most of the cases is very much less as no parents irrespective of their financial condition will always try to feed their offsprings at any cost, doing whatever job it may be. As far as the reasons 1 and 2 are concerned they both are interrelated. Sometimes, the newborn is thrown into a dustbin with a fear of social stigma.Most of the cases fall into this category.
Another reason is father or mother getting into a remarriage after divorce or in the event of death of another. This makes children being subjected to torture and force them leave their homes to lead a life full of freedom. Most of these children can be found near garbage centers where they will be selling the collectibles of the day. They earn and eat. The Government Department tries in most of the cases to give them a good life with the support of NGOs. This is a great Job. They are doing it. But, still there is some need to do it with the active support of NGOs and especially with the support of the Public.-
When it comes to factor number two as has been mentioned the number of cases see a sharp spike. That act of dumping the child in the dustbin and the other one of torture where the child is unable to bear the same any further and hence sees running away as the only solution. Many lives have been wasted this way as the whole life these poor children end up suffering for no fault of their’s and the protection which they are supposed in the formative years is also missing which also affects their psyche.
They are badly hurt and shaken and are unable to express what they are going through and there is no one to hear them too that confounds the situation which they are in. I only hope things in our country will improve with more accountability by the families as that is where the children come from. If stringent punishments are meted out to those troubling such children then chances of thing improving is possible to a large extent.
Very true, when I was searching for a photo from the net free share on google to upload on to this article. I have seen similar selfies as the ones you are mentioned and felt sad about seeing what people were doing. Hence I choose the picture which you saw on the top of the article. As it does not potray a face committing any of the acts discussed or something other than the ones mentioned above.
I did this because I did not want these people to given any advertisement for the acts they do. I more things is we do not know which picture will provoke what in the readers mind hence I avoided any pictures on this subject. I do not know why so many videos are being uploaded and why sites encourage them too. As told by you since this is a universal issue there should be strict implementation of the technology and communication laws to see that these sort of things are discouraged and prevented. Thanks for voicing you opinion.
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