Ezenwa udochukwu joined the group Knowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 6 years ago
Anil Virdi and Ezenwa udochukwu are now friends 6 years ago
Krishna Kumar and Ezenwa udochukwu are now friends 6 years ago
Uwadiegwu Ernest Chekwubechi and Ezenwa udochukwu are now friends 6 years ago
The Ghost and Ezenwa udochukwu are now friends 6 years ago
BillionaireSK and Ezenwa udochukwu are now friends 8 years ago
Timothy and Ezenwa udochukwu are now friends 8 years ago
Melissa Combs and Ezenwa udochukwu are now friends 8 years ago
muhammad ather and Ezenwa udochukwu are now friends 8 years ago
Tiffanie Boucher and Ezenwa udochukwu are now friends 8 years ago
Jessy Flora and Ezenwa udochukwu are now friends 8 years ago
Ezenwa udochukwu replied to the topic I redeemed a fifth time in the forum About LiteracyBase 8 years ago
Am still trying so hard to redeem for the first time and know how it feels to earn from literacybase.com but just that the discouraging payment discourages me but an really trying so hard to earn 10 dollars by writing everyday though as day passes, I get tired of writing on literacybase.com but I know am gonna make upto 10 dollars very soon. Am…[Read more]
That’s really encouraging, I wish I have redeemed for the first time. Am still trying so hard to redeem for the first time and know how it feels to earn from literacybase.com but just that the discouraging payment discourages me but an really trying so hard to earn 10 dollars by writing everyday though as day passes, I get tired of writing on…[Read more]
Wow, congratulations on your success in getting your fifth payment. That’s really encouraging, I wish I have redeemed for the first time. Am still trying so hard to redeem for the first time and know how it feels to earn from literacybase.com but just that the discouraging payment discourages me but an really trying so hard to earn 10 dollars by…[Read more]
300 words just to make your balance counting. Just 300 words. Wish I can be shown how many words I have written as am writing. For someone to earn for the fifth time, he spends the whole day writing. Somimes after writing for a long time in different topics, I get dizzy. I feel like sleeping. So that will make me quit after some time. I started…[Read more]
300 words just to make your balance counting. Just 300 words. Wish I can be shown how many words I have written as am writing. For someone to earn for the fifth time, he spends the whole day writing. Sometimes after writing for a long time in different topics, I get dizzy. I feel like sleeping. So that will make me quit after some time. I…[Read more]
Ezenwa udochukwu replied to the topic Who keeps your family held together? in the forum Family & Relationships 8 years ago
The role the father plays in keeping the family together is to provide them with the finances for food and to pay other outstanding fees like school fees and others. The father’s role in keeping the family together is to give advices and having principles and also making the children live by his principles. For a family to be together, the father…[Read more]