jhsayyar replied to the topic Why do Women Change Lovers? in the forum Family & Relationships 8 years, 2 months ago
I pondered and pondered, all night but could not conclude
In emotion and reason war who wins the night interlude
JH Sayyar
In the symbolical language language woman means construction and man means destruction and it is a fact, and is true definition of man and woman. In scientific language man reason and woman is emotions. It is also a fact that reason can never defeat emotions and always emotions conquer reason the history is replete with this.
If you mind my pos…[Read more]
Your Seldom replied to the topic Why do Women Change Lovers? in the forum Family & Relationships 8 years, 2 months ago
I don’t understand half he says, besides something about cheaters, obviously trolling. Writing is incomprehensible and strange about women being evil force… yadda yadda yadda….
Ignore. He is desperate.
EvilElf your username name is very nice. My friend, give me your ears, be attentive yo me because will expose the secret of cheat who man or women, both blame each other…
Listen, not a single woman claims that the man trapped her what the reason be…but it is a white life..man never entraps woman at any cast because man is reason and wo…[Read more]
that science project was made on a sample of 3000 people only and only concluded that women might cheat more, not that they did.
All other studies show that men are one who cheat more, who are more involved in physical violence in domestic, who drink more, who abuse drugs more… and thousand other disgusting things that lead to b…[Read more]
Your Seldom replied to the topic People who hate women in the forum Family & Relationships 8 years, 2 months ago
I adore men I think they more entertaining and always interesting.
But this is what happen last few days now is completely out of control and hand.
I contact support because what is enough is enough.
I think these things not belong online.
If those think I will let this on my blog post that i work hard to write and some pig come t…[Read more]
Itre replied to the topic People who hate women in the forum Family & Relationships 8 years, 2 months ago
@your seldom i totally agree with you. I personally think women are the beter gender (by the way i’m male). But people who just come online to hate on women are either chauvinistic pigs or have just been hurt realy badly by a woman and can’t seem to draw a line (everybody is different).
I find your latest posts, comments and discussion specifically sexist and aimed against women gender. It is disgusting and sexist and I am going to report this.
I have no idea what is going on with you but I think you have to set yourself in order and make clear in your head.
It is obvious that you suffer form some momentary…[Read more]
Itre replied to the topic Why do Women Change Lovers? in the forum Family & Relationships 8 years, 2 months ago
I concur with @evilelf that it goes both ways but @jhsayyar does have a reason since it is scientifically proven that women do cheat more than men. I think the reason for that is they just have more opportunity to cheat, it’s easier to find a different partner. So it has nothing to do with loyalty some people just don’t think about their action or…[Read more]
Your Seldom started the topic People who hate women in the forum Family & Relationships 8 years, 2 months ago
People who come online for nothing but to put mud on women, entire gender, or to insult with the deformed sexist remarks has some serious psychological issues, serves as a shame to all male gender as well and has big error in upbringing. They think that women-hating is regarded as a desirable characteristic and will not mind to use any examp…[Read more]
Your Seldom joined the group Family & Relationships 8 years, 2 months ago
EvilElf replied to the topic Why do Women Change Lovers? in the forum Family & Relationships 8 years, 2 months ago
Why do men change lovers? This could go both ways. I guess it depends on the culture or the country you are from. Maybe they have no respect for themselves. Who knows? I was married to a cheater. So when he left he already had another woman lined up. He cheated throughout the marriage. Over 10 years. So it’s not just the woman. It has been over 5…[Read more]
jhsayyar started the topic An Immortal Pretty Crime in the forum Family & Relationships 8 years, 2 months ago
Beauty is Immortal Sonnet by JH Sayyar Precious gifts, Yea! Waste of time will decay, But your beauty remains immortal in my rime, Free of time and space like sinking moon in bay, Generation to generation but beauty keeps time, No war but all men’s mortal works over turn, Steel and stone structures will be rooted out, And waters of the seven s…[Read more]
jhsayyar started the topic Smile: The Master Key to Pleasure in the forum Family & Relationships 8 years, 2 months ago
Smile: The Treasure of Pleasure Sonnet by JH Sayyar Ah! I have a master key to open pleasure lock, Others not know the lock inner complex design, All try to open it and get a body jerking shock, At last the wicked wits have to hopefully resign, To guard pleasure lock jealousy sit at the door, With many a changes shapes, key wearing in…[Read more]
jhsayyar started the topic My Mistress' Beauty Steals Innocent Hearts in the forum Family & Relationships 8 years, 2 months ago
My Mistress’ Beauty Sonnet by JH Sayyar O Lady! All know you well you are so cute, All shining flowers shade reflect on your face, Your golden hair make all men anon mute, Your dimple on the cheeks adds more grace, Your beauty natural, free of painted beauty art, Helen’s beauty art hides hide all skin defects, But in your beauty reflects your s…[Read more]
jhsayyar started the topic Why do Women Change Lovers? in the forum Family & Relationships 8 years, 2 months ago
I have seen practically that most of the woman change lovers as grave changes dead bodies. If someone digs the any woman’s heart it will be found many lovers dead bodies one over the other. I could not understand why woman do so. To find the best choice or to lose the present best choice. What is is the thinking behind this philosophy?
jhsayyar replied to the topic Women Worship Child or Image in Child? in the forum Family & Relationships 8 years, 2 months ago
No one can deny that women worship image that they see in the child’s future. What is your children’s future, the aims and objects that parents have in their minds are called children future.
Women bring images up in semblance of children, they feed their images no the children in which they see their safe future is a universal fact. Every…[Read more]
EvilElf replied to the topic Women Worship Child or Image in Child? in the forum Family & Relationships 8 years, 2 months ago
What last 23 hours? I have known some women that were in labor longer. As for me, my longest labor lasted maybe 5 hours. Do we women worship images? No. How and why would you ever say such thing is beyond me. We look at our children and see that we can mold them into a better future since we are our children’s first teacher. They learn from us…[Read more]
Janie joined the group Family & Relationships 8 years, 2 months ago
jhsayyar started the topic Women Worship Child or Image in Child? in the forum Family & Relationships 8 years, 2 months ago
I have observed as poet talking many women sensibly I noted woman love their children not they are their children but hey love their children because their will, wishes, desires, images of future are hidden in the children’ growing up. This the main cause of getting labor pain and upbringing painfully 23 hours.
My observation is that women…[Read more]