cely replied to the topic Small Family or Big Family? in the forum Family & Relationships 8 years, 1 month ago
@Jonalyn Durante, the size of the family never affects the parents for they both agreed to have many or few children. Husband and wife would surely discuss if they want to have a big family. This time, prices are above the head, therefore, it is expected that both husband and wife prefer to have only one or two children.
My friends conducted a…[Read more]
cely replied to the topic Who keeps your family held together? in the forum Family & Relationships 8 years, 1 month ago
Let us hope that our friend @EvilElf has no problem this time. This is the first evening here I noticed that she has no discussions. I am so worried about our friend here. She has a very big problem about the health related issues of her mom. Her mom has just been released from the hospital, but it seems the pain continues.
Let us show our…[Read more]
Jennifer Dombrowski joined the group Family & Relationships 8 years, 1 month ago
Elom ikechukwu awoke replied to the topic Small Family or Big Family? in the forum Family & Relationships 8 years, 1 month ago
Yes and No, the reason I answer yes or no. Let me use the part of the country as example, there is a lady in the community were am staying, someone came to asked her hand in marriage then lady refused and said she don’t want marry this community because her family and relations where all over the places, the lady said that she prefer to marry…[Read more]
Elom ikechukwu awoke replied to the topic Who keeps your family held together? in the forum Family & Relationships 8 years, 1 month ago
Mother held the family together most, Example, when a man wake up as early as 7:30am to go to work, the mother always they with children and other family members, show me a family were children are well behave then i will show you good mother of that house, she is the reason, mother are more responsible in affair of family than man, when family…[Read more]
Anitah Gimase replied to the topic Woman is Trouble on Earth in the forum Family & Relationships 8 years, 1 month ago
Its easy for men who have no respect for women talk in disrespect about them. You talk as if women are to blame for all the wrong things in life or on this earth, let me put something very clearly here, if you want to say or speak something about women in a forum be specific, dont genearlize, because mot all women are the same as the ones in uour…[Read more]
Anitah Gimase replied to the topic Who keeps your family held together? in the forum Family & Relationships 8 years, 1 month ago
I agree with you nehemia.al the family members need to come together to hold th3 family in one peace. I know many say the mothe because most of th3 thingsand responsibilities usually lie on the efforts of the mother. And we can also say that the mother is the one who runs a family inbthe sense that when shopping has to be done, the moyher is the…[Read more]
Many people today are emotionally or psychologically injured due to different losses that they have in curred in crisis. This is true especially though crises. In the recent times as the world over is passing ones, some are raped, some folks have lost their love ones. Some are raped, maimed and tortured while others lost their properties.
Elom ikechukwu awoke replied to the topic Woman is Trouble on Earth in the forum Family & Relationships 8 years, 1 month ago
You know since woman was deceived by serpent to eat that fruit the said that their should not eat, know that God lay a cause on woman, and since then women have been facing difficulties in times of child bearing, God said that shall deliever in pain, again women are emotional being there was created high tension of emotion than man, also you can…[Read more]
@EvilElf, Hi friend? How are you now? How is your mom too this time? I hope she no longer feels pain on her body. You have a very nice topic, so realistic and true to all families on earth. You are right in your contention and the contention of others here that if there is none in the family that acts as the head to keep the bond and held the…[Read more]
Daniel joined the group Family & Relationships 8 years, 1 month ago
nehemia bayawa replied to the topic Who keeps your family held together? in the forum Family & Relationships 8 years, 1 month ago
For my own opinion, I think that every member of the family has the right to held the family together.
Nowadays, there are parents who are irresponsible in letting their families together even ones. Some parents are busy with their works and they don’t have time to bond with their family/children. Or everyone in the family is busy with their…[Read more]
Ezenwa udochukwu replied to the topic Who keeps your family held together? in the forum Family & Relationships 8 years, 1 month ago
The role the father plays in keeping the family together is to provide them with the finances for food and to pay other outstanding fees like school fees and others. The father’s role in keeping the family together is to give advices and having principles and also making the children live by his principles. For a family to be together, the father…[Read more]
I think the person whose sole responsibility to keep the family together is the mother. The mother of the house is responsible for keeping the family together. Though the father and children contribute in one way or the other but I think the mother is the prior holder of the family. When a father passes away, the mother can easily keep the family…[Read more]
EvilElf started the topic Who keeps your family held together? in the forum Family & Relationships 8 years, 2 months ago
Most families are held together by either a grandfather or a grandmother figure. I know on my mom’s side of the family it was my grandmother that held the family together. I don’t know about my father’s side.
My grandmother (mom’s mother) was the one that always kept the peace in the family. She made sure that everyone got along and we always…[Read more]
jhsayyar started the topic How Things Make correspondence: By JH Sayyar in the forum Family & Relationships 8 years, 2 months ago
It is said that all things of the universe make correspondence among themselves said by Hermes written on the Emerald Tablet. Most secret texts of ancient tell that human life and the being of planets talk daily through rays what is truth in it?
The secret exposes many dark paradox and hidden secret of nature how they talk when they talk and how…[Read more]
jhsayyar started the topic Mind versus Mental on Earth: By JH Sayyar in the forum Family & Relationships 8 years, 2 months ago
It is said that all is mind and the universe is mental what is the relationship between the two. The holy books reveal that the reality of universe is mental and man is mind. It is a concrete fact that man is mind and the whole universe is mental that is why the cleverest people have invented ads because not a single man van change mental means t…[Read more]
jhsayyar started the topic Do Divine Laws Support Lottery? By JH Sayyar in the forum Family & Relationships 8 years, 2 months ago
I have searched many books to trace the prime cause of do divine laws support lottery on earth? But i have seen my men and women who have won lottery millions of dollars while other have lost millions of dollars in lottery. Those who win the lottery are supported by divine laws or not is the main question.
I have concluded that divine do not…[Read more]
jhsayyar started the topic Why Men Want Self Respect on Earth?: BY JH Sayyar in the forum Family & Relationships 8 years, 2 months ago
Among all creatures only men are who want honor on earth for his evil or good deeds because men have sense of honor while other creatures do not have. Men follow wisdom and animals follow instinct sine their creation. Men must desire for real honor imposed on them by good deeds not bad deeds as in politicians award honor for bad deeds to their…[Read more]