Tierra Lynch
@tierralynch active 8 years, 4 months ago-
It’s sad that she has to be with him again, hoping that he will change. The fact that the second wife next to her eventually left him also, means he hasn’t changed but have the same ways.
It’s even more sad that she has to really study why is he doing those to her. She is not after all an intelligent woman. The husband is, because he can really make things to abuse her.
No. The fact was, she had done a retrospective so she was not shocked or surprised. She believed he had never changed and was proven right. His attempts to annoy her were assumed before she arrived, and proven right.
One of the most important things an abused wife must internalise is that she was an abused wife. That none of the evil was ‘her fault’ that she didn’t ‘jump to conclusions’ that she didn’t ‘give him a chance.’
Many women suffer for years in the belief that they were wrong or misinterpreting. Because she had done all that mind work before she left, had gone over it during the years apart, when she saw him again he was as able to hurt her as a snowflake falling two blocks away.
She returned home in a state of bliss because all her ‘assumptions’ were not assumptions.
Unfortunately, this is the experience of many women and it is a sad fact that emotional abuse eventually leads to physical abuse. Few understand this until it is too late because the emotional abuser leaves the person wondering if they are really over reacting or to blame.
Exactly right. Without the first steps of emotional abuse, the physical would be immediately reacted to.
To some point this story makes me laughed especially when I read how Trevor was making a fool of himself. Would i be right to say that he was in a competition with himself? It sounds so silly, but again it’s very unfortunate that women go through this problem so many times. That’s the reason why people are always told to attend marital counselling before they get married, that way they would know how to deal with issues that come their way in their marriage. It was a good idea that Sonia was able to know who she really was and put a stop to the emotional abuse that she was facing. I like the fact that Trevor got just what he needed in the most unsuspecting way. Men should know that when they do wrong, women can do some pretty bad stuff to them but they choose not too because they know what will work for them or against them.
Trevor didn’t realise that Sonia saw through him. He could have been mad of glass. He just made a clown of himself.
To run a paper shredder at night… no one does that… esp. not when someone had to get up early. But he, in his evil did it until he realised, he has to get up even earlier…he has to drive Sonia to the airport. She can sleep in the car. He can’t.
Most abusive men cut their wives off from their friends and family so he can operate without witnesses. The process of domestic violence wears down the victim to the point where she doesn’t realise she is a victim.
No one will really know why he hates Mexicans but al i can say is, no matter what happened, even if it was a deal com bad with Mexicans there is no need to hate them all.
This is the reason that i think he is just plain racist. He hates a whole culture and that is just one of the many. I am pretty sure he hates more cultures and has some kind of excuse as to why.
Trump is racist. He made no bones about that and his supporters, save for the idiots who don’t have mirrors, are racist.
He chose Mexico to be his scape goat. Happily, he hasn’t notice Jamaica yet. He is bully. But Mexico is going to come out better; they’ve replaced the American car manufacturers with Chinese.
very good content..
thanks for the sharing.
I think there is value in being able to watch a series all through and see if it actually hangs together. People miss a lot if they see something week to week and think the series is better than it is. Twin Peaks is not one I ever watched and from what you say, I don’t think I will bother. Youtube is a good source for old series. I have been watching “Upstairs Downstairs” about a family and their servants in the 1800’s. It is an English family and gives an interesting insight into a period in history.
I too think the BBC leaves a lot to be desired now. It was as you say, a way people learned to speak proper English and I also believe the standard of reporting has gone down. It is a shame, but I doubt things will improve any time soon. It is all about money for most things these days and I doubt the BBC is different although I hope I am wrong!
It was a serious news agency. The people took it serious. Now, it’s been watered down to sound bytes and propaganda. I know there was some shake up and they now have rubbish broadcast over and over again, one can’t listen to it steady.
In old times BBC was good. Then social justice warrior news taken over. And now news channels are just propaganda machines. I wonder how this quality has gone down over the years.
To me it was a way to cut costs, cut information, and go for the quick news, than a bunch of blah blah. Which, I don’t listen to. I know that there’s stupid interviews, but outside of hearing the ‘topic’ I shut it off. What is needed is another station to pop up being the old BBC…
You taught the Spanish teacher a new lesson, not to teach in a loud voice because someone might already be having lessons for free from her. Nice one. ha ha ha
So, that is how you can stop a braggart. Just comment him and let him show how to do the things he is bragging or show you what he is bragging of.
You subtly had your revenge on the ones who were formerly pestering you. Very strategic of yours, my friend. 🙂
I will take note of this. 🙂
I was so annoyed with her loud mouth, but somehow figured her out… and she’s so quiet after that… it’s like two different people.
Most people don’t care about anyone but themselves. I have found people to be loud and nasty and living as far from them as possible is the only way to find peace.
I don’t trust science finding because they will one day come and disprove their own findings and tell us different things meanwhile they have created an information in the mind of people. They told us there were 12 planets in the univers and this was taught in schools over the year wbut now they are telling us they have found other planets disproving their own findings. There are many such things i cant talk about.
One of the reasons why this item caught my attention is because of the ease that people fall for scams. I won’t go into the numerous scams that run in my country… but why do people fall for them?
I have found that obverse of the scientific ‘otherness’ finding; that the person ‘just like you’ is the best scammer. The ‘businessman’ ropes in business men, the high school grad ropes in high school grads…
In court the accused scammer looks just like the people he scammed. They way they dress, talk, hold themselves, often age groups.
Interesting as one thing I learned when I ran pre-school is that children settle best when their key worker looks like their mum or main carer. We do bond best with the earliest good caregiver and so are likely to prefer people like them. As the caregiver is usually the same race and ethnicity then that would figure. It does in a way, come down to survival. That said, most people when you scratch the surface are the same under the skin, but every family is in itself, a culture even within cultures.
The research proves this; the ‘us’ and ‘them’, which is the basis of racism… difference. I have observed a lot of scams and find that the automatic trust we give to ‘us’ can be used against us.
I get beatuflies in my stomach anytime i read blogs on trump and we are been asked to irgnore a charactor like him. I see him as the world biggest threat now who must be watched carefully. the kind of appointment this guy is making should tell us that he is up to something fishy. He is appointing people who will agree to his lies so when he said african are monkeys and so must be killed they will say yah and act. it is like given osama control the worlds weapons. we must watch trump rather
Our eyes see the same because we are outside of the ‘American Net’. The fact this guy lies, and has been caught in so many lies, tricks, and the Americans are going along with him, amazing. We in the 3rd and 4th world have to quickly re-set our priorities our trading partners, our outlooks.
Although a lot of Americans are against him, enough are to keep him in power.
But he’s right about BBC, CNN and Buzzfeed. I have yet to validate a single claim of website such as buzzfeed. Lot of crappy articles on buzzfeed. So Trump is right on that part.
Buzzfeed is not serious news. The BBC/CNN are. They may ‘spin’ an item, but they don’t fabricate. Trump fabricates. He lies and demands you believe it. The Good Thing is that the world knows he is a liar, a shifter, who will say one thing here, another thing there, such as his Sweden thing. So no one believes anything from the US now.
There are lot of spin items at BBC. They were the one who said pakistan is safe country. In reality it turned out that country is the one shipping ISIS mindset all over the world. Same with CNN. They sided with china and guess who is providing support to ISIS and Jem leaders? China. You need to dig very deep to understand where BBC, CNN and Buzzfeed type sites are in order to understand what is fake news and real news.
There is a difference between spin and lies. And Trump lies.
Looks like elections held in different countries in the world in the year 2014 to 2016 had see fine people lossing to old trump like charactors.Two of such trump like presidents is the nigerian oldman buharrie and ghanaian oldman nana addo.
This two figures are another laying individuals who came into power through lies and decert and they are mantain those lies to suvive in power. The world is in trouble with trump in charge of america.
He will one day wake up and tell his troups to bomb the world because he could smell a grand agenda of the world raising up against america. where from this hitlar kind of personality. we must watch out.-
Trump is the most dangerous. He has to go…or we are facing armeggedon.
Hmm the legendry ananse has surface in jemica too. this is the charactor we use in our folkalar story telling in Ghana. Rose smith has send me similar mail before. once you reply they get the chance to brainwash you with some pathetic refuegee or money inheritance story that they need your help in. Am fringe interest just to understand their stupidity. Am not a fool to allow a scammer to outsmart me. They have tried many scams in different form but non got me.
Anancy comes from Ghana…in Jamaica he’s just a trickster… very little good traits. How can someone try to samfie a Jamaican or a Ghanaian? Rose Smith is very stupid.
Well this is something interesting to store up to tell my mixed race (English/Jamaican) grandson. He will need to know his roots. As for scammers. Most are stupid. The other day one got onto my facebook as messaged me as my friend. It was rather amusing as I was actually on the phone to my friend at the time and waited for the request for money and then we both had a good laugh when I called the scammer out. Like you say. Most scammers are not that bright.
Well, Anancy is central to Jamaica. He comes from Ghana. He is a spider… there are many folk stories about Anancy. The nicest one….
One day there were only five pears (avocados) to eat, and it was Anancy, his wife and four children. He gave everyone a pear. The little one said, ‘Daddy what are you going to eat?’ Anancy said, “It’s okay, son, you eat.” “No Daddy, here take half my pear.” “Yes!” said the other children, “Take half of ours!”
As usual Anancy got more than anyone.
Happened with me few times. But not for the cake but for other things.
I know how to stretch food… I’ve expected two and had six or invited ten and had twenty
it is not every one who goes to even and expect cakes under the occassion in my country. it is good advice anyway
If you have to cut something round, don’t do the slice thing the way you are ‘supposed to’
If the situation is already known before the cake is cut all is well but when that is not the case then you can use our home method HPKO – HOUSE PEOPLE KEEP OFF (lol)
I’ve had a lot more kids show up to a birthday party than I expected, so when I had to cut the cake, I made my border, gave that out, made another border, gave that out… I got 14 pieces from the first border, about ten from the second, leaving a small six inches in diameter cake which I made into about eight pieces, so I did get everyone 32 people some of that cake.
Interesting, but are you eating for the taste of the porridge or the nutritional value your body needs out of what you are eating. Old brands are difficult to do away with but it might be for a reason that the mall redraw it from the self. once the new brand gives the needed nutrient just enjoy it. You will be used to it soon.
It is a fairly new concept to make instant peanut porridge. The brand I used was delicious. This one… good stuffing… peanut porridge is really nice
In Jamaica we’ve had peanut porridge for a long time; it’s a very long process to create, and many people don’t make it any more. The Instant porridge is (the first brand) excellent. Peanuts are nutritious, and healthy… if you’re not allergic.
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