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    kaylar wrote a new post, Some Game Cheaters are Too Obvious 7 years, 10 months ago

    Some time ago I posted an article about cheating at Scrabble.

    There is a game on Facebook, (which is why I joined Facebook) in which one can play Scrabble with one or more opponents.  There are  Twenty Four h […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, It isn’t Intelligence, it is Common Sense 7 years, 10 months ago

    Common Sense is the ability to see a situation, to weigh the alternatives, and come to the most rational decision.  It doesn’t matter if one has more degrees than a thermometer or can not read, common sense is […]

    • common sense is from learning, not degrees, but its from leanring from life it self, from experience from many things that sometimes it is realated to degrees but thats not the only reason after common sense. good post thanks for the ideas there and well done and well organized ideas to come with detailed post

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Finger Never Say Look Here 7 years, 10 months ago

    In a previous article called ‘Faight and Look at the Other Guy”  I explained how when you do something ‘wrong’, you attack someone else.

    In that article, I mentioned something kids did in primary, (maybe […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Learning From the Mistakes of Others 7 years, 10 months ago

    It is said that average people learn from their own mistakes, intelligent people learn from the mistakes of others, and stupid people never learn.

    Those in the Netherlands have proven they are intelligent.

    For […]

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    kaylar replied to the topic A Blog Is A Product of Plagiarism: Did You See It? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 10 months ago

    I can see a person publish a hundred words on ML and then, having more to say, come here and make it a three hundred word discussion.   But it would be different, not cut and pasted.  Some times I’ll be on ML and post a few sentences, then a day later get inspired and think;  “I should have written this on LB and made it a real article…”   but…[Read more]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Another Look at the Vintage Series – Twilight Zone 7 years, 10 months ago

    I adore this series, and have mentioned it before.   Why I encourage watching it is that it was, ‘the most innovative series on television’, a quote of what was said at the time.

    Now when you watch, appreciate […]

    • I watch the old episodes of this show either on TV or via Netflix. I can’t get enough Rod Serling. I grew up watching this show and I am so glad to be able to watch the series again!! Images in black and white. Just like how I remember them! 🙂

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Beauty and the Beast; Why the Gay Scene? 7 years, 10 months ago

    This is a Walt Disney movie.   This is a movie for children.   It is a famous story we’ve all seen, heard, read.   One of the most well known Fairy Tales.

    I suppose, the words Fairy Tale is a bit, pr […]

    • Excellent question in the end of your article “One wonders what is going on.” Over the past few years, it seems to me as if the Western media is constantly pushing stories and images of homosexuality in our homes through plays, books, movies, and news. No story seems to be complete without a homosexual character even where it is not needed in the plot or has got nothing to do with the story.

      • Exactly. Here is a story we all know… there is no Gay character in Beauty and the Beast, yet this one is jammed in and you are forced to keep it in… why? Why is homosexuality being forced on people?

    • I must agree that it being a movie that caters for children and their parents, that part should really be cut.

      Indeed it seems that homosexuality now is now being injected in movies. Good if it is to make people laugh, it will be okay and can be watched by children, since gays are people filled with humor.

      Actually, I haven’t seen that movie yet. Maybe because it’s the for children type of movie that’s why I am not interested, although I can watch that should I want to. I think the kid in me has already slept just waiting to be awakened.

      Though here in the Philippines the children are used to seeing gays in fact some of them are already gays at a young age.

      However, in your country where it is not yet openly accepted, it understandable that the said part be cut instead. That’s a good move of your government. I salute your government for doing that.

      • Malayasia went to cut it, and Disney refused. In Jamaica… I don’t think they’ll show the movie. We don’t need to see it.

    • LOL. If people could re-write the Bible they’d make the relationship between David and Jonathan homosexual. Believe me I’ve heard people try to argue that! So there’s a gay scene in the latest version of “Beauty and Beast”. Why am I not surprised?

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    kaylar wrote a new post, People Who Can Not Say; “Sorry” 7 years, 10 months ago

    I wrote an item about those who can admit they are wrong.  This, of course, reflects well on those who can admit it.  Those who can say; “I was wrong”.

    People who can say they were wrong have the magic wand of b […]

    • And I am and my husband one of them. We both don’t say sorry when we realize our mistake. Although, we would hug to make up for the non-existent sorry.

      Yes, I would nag him and accuse him too when he didn’t answer my call. I would text him nagging words also.

      And when he arrives home, he would explain and show to me his phone – drained. I would feel ashamed of myself, but won’t say sorry. I would hug him instead.

      I think we understand each other when we are sorry because we both would hug instead of say the very difficult word sorry.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Some People Just Pick Arguments 7 years, 10 months ago

    It hasn’t happened to me for a while, but just today it happened again.   Someone, living in their own selfish world, has no idea that other people exist.   That even if they close their eyes, other people e […]

    • Funny, how he waited for your response. He is a bit of a paranoid. Imagine waiting for you when it is just a virtual place.

      WHen I am on a blogging site, I don’t actually expect to be responded at once because I know that we all have different time zones.

      But when my comment gets a response at once, I would really have a nice interaction with that person. We would comment on each other’s response until it gets too long and funny.

      • If we are going back and forth, i.e. messenger and I say, brb or I’m going out or whatever… to tell you I’m not there… fine. If I get an email, well it could have been sent yesterday.. I answer. Doesn’t mean I am sitting in email… so.. have to give time… post. No answer… wait. Person could be off line

    • Arguments are often caused by misunderstanding or lack of communication. Some people who are having a bad day, sometimes lash out, to start an argument with the wrong person or it could be the right person. This does not make it right, to start an argument. One thing that I realize, is that nothing can be resolved when this happens.

      When a person is living a miserable life, this is also a reason that a person might become argumentative. It is hard to ignore this person, but would be the best result so the argument will not be escalated. Arguments can turn out to be very ugly if it is not handled correctly. Someone has to be the better adult about it.

      There are times when a person wants to have the last word, which can also trigger an argument. I have learned that you are not always going to get your point across to a person. It does not necessarily have to be your fault, but you have to know when to let things go. If there is no reason for you to respond to this person, then don’t. Sometimes you can just be tested by certain people, to see if they can get a reaction from you. If you bite, then the argument is on!

      So just be mature about the situation and handle it like an adult. If a person wants to start an argument, let them argue by themselves. Talking, being civilized, is often the best solution when an argument occurs. If there is no reasoning, then you need to walk away.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, The Difference between 3rd and 4th World Nations 7 years, 10 months ago

    The term ‘Third World’ is used when dealing with nations which are not European or North American, nor part of the ex-Soviet block, i.e. Russia, China, Ukraine, etc.

    The term is usually pasted on poorer nations […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Less is More on the Internet 7 years, 10 months ago

    Many years ago, publishing sites wanted ‘tomes’.    They demanded Two Thousand Five Hundred words,  (2,500) plus images.

    In those early days there were writers of high caliber who could take a topic and give yo […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Never Miss an Opportunity To Miss an Opportunity 7 years, 10 months ago

    The statement was made by an Israeli Prime Minister in response to the behaviour of Palestinians.   He said that they never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.

    Right now,  with the United Kingdom going f […]

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    sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam replied to the topic Plastic the Slow Poison – Say No to Plastic in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 10 months ago

    The silly thing with our technology is that it discovers many things, finds a  solution to every problem but never roots out the problem,  It should be perennial for others to make a big business out of it . Many people say and support to ‘NO PLASTIC’ without making any publicity of their business.when we say NO PLASTIC the question of WASTE MAN…[Read more]

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    sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam replied to the topic It Is Better To Be Safe Than To Be Sorry Because in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 10 months ago

    Yes. These are all general sayings given to us by our elders after great research and experience. So they are infallible. Still, we do not follow them. Of course, during the last stages of life when we are unable to move and no one around us to talk to we recollect these saying and give them appreciation. This is what  we may call LIFE. Even…[Read more]

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    sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam replied to the topic WISDOM IS FROM GOD in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 10 months ago

    Wisdom is knowing God. It does not come so easily. We use the word GOD without any understanding. When we sit calmly and go on thinking about the things around us with introspection we may reach some stage at which we may arrive at a conclusion. It needs severe thinking. Can everybody think and understand the things? No. So God has provided…[Read more]

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    sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam replied to the topic Why Do Sleep Patterns Change? in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 10 months ago

    Yes . It is true that the sleep pattern changes due to various factors. The emotions, psychological fear, overthinking, age, medicine, atmosphere, temperature, do affect our sleeping pattern. But, one should accept that it is always the sleep after hard work that is good for health and the rest can be ignored. If we are not getting proper sleep,…[Read more]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, The True Story of a Bank Robbery 7 years, 10 months ago

    This is an event that happened about ten years ago.   On the face of it, it seems straight forward, but is it?

    A bank was robbed, the robbers made off with the contents of the vault.   The employees, who had b […]

    • I think insurance companies have a ceiling as to how much should be paid to a bank in case it is robbed. Usually, they make the ceiling of how they can pay only according to the amount that was agreed in the policy according to how much premium also they have paid for it.

      That kind of robbery also happened here in our city. I was also an employee in a bank then. One of the banks were robbed before lunch time. All the employees were all made to drop on the floor. . All the customers were made to lie on the floor, head down. When a pregnant woman can’t lay head facing down well , she was kicked in the butt

      The manager, cashier and the employees were all locked inside the vault.

      When the robbers were gone, they shouted at that small hole in the vault where it is really made for that.

      Officers from the other bank were made to open the vault by telling them the combinations. They changed the combinations after that.

    • In this case, the manager had been embezzeling money from the bank. This is why the numbers didn’t match.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, The Dangers of Too Much Information 7 years, 10 months ago

    This is a frightening but true story.  I’ve changed the names a bit and the locales so as not to perpetuate the situation, which is, bad.

    I was on a forum with people from all over the world.    There was a us […]

    • So true. There are so many scammers on the internet. If one would be so naive, he can be the next victim.

    • With all the cyber crimes being done nowadays, one should really be discerning when on social media. It is just so easy for another person to open an account using a fictitious name or a true name that belongs to a person and whose picture is that person’s.

      That’s why for my protection, I chose to be one a private setting in social media. I only accept friends who are relatives, family and acquiantances that I like.

      That way, no one can cyber bully me.

      • When that first person came on, spewing information, it was done as a ‘hook’ to get others to fall for it. That’s why you have to be so careful

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Carlos the Jackal; Back in the News 7 years, 10 months ago

    We have all heard ot the “Jackal”, maybe we read the novel; Day of the Jackal. Maybe we have seen the movie. The Jackal I am writing about is a real person.

    He was born Ilich Ramirez Sanchez in Venezuela.  His […]

    • I don’t understand, but was he released already or was still in jail? If he was a heinous criminal then why did they release him again.

      Now, he is on the loose and has made that bombing again.

      Imagine he is now 67 and has been jailed for quite sometime, yet he still hasn’t changed. He is still a terrorist.

      I wonder if he is really a human being.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, A few Things You Didn’t Know about United States History 7 years, 10 months ago

    The Assumption, when it comes to slavery is that whites went across the Atlantic Ocean to Africa and captured slaves.   This is not how it happened.

    Europeans were confined to the coast, and local Africans would […]

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