Marjon lauronal camillo replied to the topic Contributions of chemistry to society in the forum Knowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 6 years, 8 months ago
Plastics and other polymers.there are naturally occurring and sxnthetically manufactured polymerr.important natural polymers include proteins and carbohydrates.proteins,minus water,comprise about 50% of the bodies of animals.likewise,carbohydrates in the form of cellulose make up the woody structure of plants.carbohydrates include…[Read more]
Marjon lauronal camillo started the topic Contributions of chemistry to society in the forum Knowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 6 years, 8 months ago
Chemistry is about the things we need and use in our daily lives-air,water,food,clothing,medicine,dwelling,telecommunication,transportation,fuel,eav. our culture and our environment are somehow shaped by the development of our knowledge of science,chemistry particularly ,has made significant contributions to society.
Marjon lauronal camillo replied to the topic Putting method into practice in the forum Knowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 6 years, 8 months ago
Concerns of chemistry are: *The composition and properties of matter *the changes that substance undergo *the energy transformations that accompany the changes
Marjon lauronal camillo replied to the topic HERBOLARIOS and local folks provide valuable kn0wledge on medicinal plants. in the forum Knowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 6 years, 8 months ago
Its true we can use guava leaves as a herbal medicine.also the garlic its help to prevent cholester0l.
Chemistry seeks to find out what living and n0nliving things are made of and to learn h0w their properties relate to their c0mpositi0ns. It also studies how and why matter changes and the acc0mpanying energy changes. This kn0wledge is useful in producing new materials or products to answer specific needs. To illustrate,filipinos has practiced…[Read more]
Marjon lauronal camillo started the topic HERBOLARIOS and local folks provide valuable kn0wledge on medicinal plants. in the forum Knowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 6 years, 8 months ago
Chemist found out the purgative (anthelmintic)property of niyog-niyogan is due to the oil c0ntent of the seeds.the oil c0ntains quisqualic acid that expels worms such as ascaris,hookworms,and pimw0rms. Garlic c0ntains allicin that helps lower bl0od pressure and cholesterol.allicin also has antibacterial effect. In additi0n,the pfculiar penetrating…[Read more]
Marjon lauronal camillo started the topic Putting method into practice in the forum Knowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 6 years, 8 months ago
M0st scientific kn0wledge is the result of carefully planned investigati0ns c0nducted by trained scientists.their meth0d requires h0nesty, the ability to withh0ld decisi0ns until all evidence is on hand,and the desire f0r truth.these statements can be underst0od better if a familiar example is given. 1.identify the problem you want to s0lve.break…[Read more]
EbinJoy joined the group Knowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 6 years, 8 months ago
Marjon lauronal camillo started the topic Study like students in the forum Knowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 6 years, 8 months ago
You will begin your study of chemistry by reb0gnizing its relevance in your life as a you progress in your will learn to appreciate chemistry as one of humankind’s greatest intellectual achievements.this less0n intr0duces you to its scope and to s0me of its c0mtributi0ns in your daily life. it is our aim that the study of…[Read more]
Marjon lauronal camillo started the topic Mixture in the envir0nmet in the forum Knowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 6 years, 8 months ago
So far we have only studied simple our natural environment,substances usually in the sense that there are several compnents. for example.air is a mixture of gases-oxygen,nitrogen,arg0n,and the other gases that are usually released by the activities of human beings or are products of technology.if such gases are present in am0unts that…[Read more]
Marjon lauronal camillo joined the group Knowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 6 years, 8 months ago
Christy joined the group Knowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 6 years, 8 months ago
Vibol Sim joined the group Knowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 6 years, 8 months ago
Robert Reeves posted an update in the group Knowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 6 years, 8 months ago
But that said, the blogs in my reader that get the most clicks by a landslide are in my favorite … And just generally, any posts where he chats about everyday life. but we don’t know what tomorrow would bring but life keeps on going and it doesn’t stop for me or you. Some people always asking why we all have to die, I say life is not promise…[Read more]
Robert Reeves joined the group Knowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 6 years, 8 months ago
rinku posted an update in the group Knowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 6 years, 8 months ago
rinku joined the group Knowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 6 years, 8 months ago
Oluwarotimmy Research Innovation joined the group Knowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 6 years, 8 months ago
Anitah Gimase replied to the topic KEY WORDS FOR SUCCESS in the forum Knowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 6 years, 8 months ago
Your post is quite shallow if you are giving points on key words of something thats as sensitive as success then i think you should expound on it more. Ĺike Gil has said it is too general. I feel that if we are to talk about success, we are actually talking about people who ha e worked for years and are now looking for ways to invest in teir…[Read more]