Thinker replied to the topic SkyPip in the forum Making Money Online 9 years ago
I was there. I did not use it as the rules were funny. They paid for views. I was shocked on reading them. They do not pay for visitors from general public. They pay from registered members view. So, 1000 people saw your content worldwide but only 5 are registered on skypip, they paid as per those 5 views.
I don’t know if the system is…[Read more]
Kyla Matton Osborne (Ruby3881) replied to the topic What earns for us at different writing sites in the forum About LiteracyBase 9 years ago
@swalia I suspect one of the reasons for it being quiet on LiteracyBase is that the site is not actively recruiting anywhere. Users must come to the site by word of mouth, and many newbies find it difficult to navigate a site with this specific type of interface. I know a lot of people said they disliked BlogJob, even when it was paying well,…[Read more]
Kyla Matton Osborne (Ruby3881) replied to the topic Blank pages at EliteWriters in the forum Entertainment 9 years ago
@swalia It’s good that they have a low threshold for cashing out, especially if earning is slow on the site. I hope lots of people can earn there but honestly if their minimum posts length is only 200 words, I think it will be difficult for the site to gain any kind of ranking. Even at 300 words, we are just at the bare minimum for a post to get…[Read more]
Kyla Matton Osborne (Ruby3881) replied to the topic An appeal in the forum About LiteracyBase 9 years ago
I agree with what @swalia has said. It looks better for the site and improves the chances that users will respect site rules when the staff honour them as well. While there may have been a good reason for the payments to be late, it just takes a moment to post a message explaining the situation. That makes the staff look professional and it im…[Read more]
Kyla Matton Osborne (Ruby3881) replied to the topic Has anyone received the payment today? in the forum About LiteracyBase 9 years ago
@swalia I finally received my payment. As happened with others, there was a fee (about 79 cents) deducted from the amount I claimed, but the money is now finally in my PayPal and I am relieved.
I think LB staff really need to sit down and think some things through. They then need to let us know some things honestly – how many staff there really…[Read more]
Thinker replied to the topic Transfer of Coins to Test1 in the forum Making Money Online 9 years ago
I am glad that you liked it.
I never knew it was a good formula. I just thought about it randomly. Still you can anyways create your own formula anytime.
No – I can’t be a mentor. I am just a newbie / fresher rarely being online more than 1 hour a day (and sometimes not even that. )
If you want a mentor, you can…[Read more]
Grecy Garcia replied to the topic My First Redemption in the forum About LiteracyBase 9 years ago
@kaka135 @ruby3881 @swalia @bestwriter @lovern
Thank you guys!! I love to tell you that this payment is a good news for me because it makes me feel I found another site to stick myself whenever I am not busy. I will try to be active, “oh no not again” but yes, I will try for I am comfortable in the site as most of my dear friends are here.
I…[Read more]
Kyla Matton Osborne (Ruby3881) replied to the topic Made My Redemption in the forum Proof of Payment 9 years ago
@swalia I agree with you that a Sunday should not be an excuse for late payments. And if the admin know there will be a problem making payments over a weekend, they have only to adjust the payment schedule. This way members can be notified well in advance, and there will be no unpleasant surprises.
With all of the little issues lately, I am…[Read more]
PEEUSH TRIKHA replied to the topic Transfer of Coins to Test1 in the forum Making Money Online 9 years ago
That is fast going @swalia
Lee Ka replied to the topic Has anyone received the payment today? in the forum About LiteracyBase 9 years ago
Congratulations to all who have got the payment. It’s always joyful to hear someone has been paid and also good to hear that this site is paying too, though I am still very far away from the minimum payout.
@swalia Have you got your payment yet? At first I was curious why someone has received theirs but you have not, perhaps as suny said,…[Read more]
Angeles replied to the topic Rabadaba app in the forum Making Money Online 9 years ago
Hello, and sorry so much for that, @swalia. I’m also using that app, and it’s working fine, for now. It takes time to reach the minimum, but… wouldn’t be able to use the old version? Maybe you can find a way to find it!
Kyla Matton Osborne (Ruby3881) replied to the topic Your personal experience gets less rating on blogs in the forum About LiteracyBase 9 years ago
@swalia A lot of people feel that SEO takes away from the spontaneity or creativity of their writing. I like to look upon it the same way I would using a condom when lovemaking: it’s awkward when one isn’t used to doing it but with practice, it becomes very natural.
@bestwriter It’s a little bit more clear when the exact keywords and number of…[Read more]
scheng1 replied to the topic Your personal experience gets less rating on blogs in the forum About LiteracyBase 9 years ago
@swalia Actually the quality of the posts does not improve just because we write with seo techniques.
The improvement is in the number of readers from search engines, and the corresponding ad revenue.
Though Literacybase does not have Adsense yet, sooner or later they will have, and they will see higher earnings due to the posts that attract…[Read more]
nakitakona13 replied to the topic 2nd Redemption at LB in the forum About LiteracyBase 9 years ago
I am steadily reaching the $10 minimum amount for cash-out. As of this writing, I have $8.89 in my available balance. I have 7 days more to go to reach the minimum required cash-out. Some of you here have already suggested on what I am going to do. @swalia has suggested I have to submit my blog post and share comments to the various forums. She is…[Read more]
Grecy Garcia replied to the topic I Thought I am Going to Die in the forum Health Issues 9 years ago
I really want to do it sis, but I don’t know how. There is something in me that stopping to ask people for money but I will never lie to myself that I really need it and I will be grateful for the donation in any amount. That is the reason why I always ask for prayers, prayers could move mountains so I guess praying for people to send me money…[Read more]
Manasi replied to the topic Anyone Redeeming $20 end of June? in the forum About LiteracyBase 9 years ago
wow.. @swalia congratulations
well as for me i was hardly active after the rates dropped. just came back to check in. still on $1+
i am far far away from redemption
nakitakona13 replied to the topic Anyone Redeeming $20 end of June? in the forum About LiteracyBase 9 years ago
@swalia is right to say that everything here goes normally. You have not noticed that some of her posts which had been not touched or approved for several days or weeks are now published. I highly regarded her as a prolific writer. Have you not notice it? I for one she could make it to $20 by 10th of June. Congratz in advance!
Kyla Matton Osborne (Ruby3881) replied to the topic Topic marked for inappropritate content in the forum About LiteracyBase 9 years ago
I think sometimes it’s just a slip of the finger. It’s especially easy to flag a post or comment when trying to vote up – especially if one is using a mobile device! Glad support took care of it right away, @swalia.
cessy08 replied to the topic 24-Working-Hours Approval in the forum About LiteracyBase 9 years ago
@swalia: I think the orange array thing is for notifications. Normally, we get a pop up message at the right corner of the screen for notifications but maybe, as a result of the maintenance, it is not working probably. I noticed that too and when I go to my profile’s notification, noticed that it coincides when somebody added me as a friend or…[Read more]
nakitakona13 replied to the topic Topic marked for inappropritate content in the forum About LiteracyBase 9 years ago
Where’s the link to this article for I want to read it? @swalia