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    bestwriter replied to the topic Uploading Profile Picture in the forum Group logo of NewBiesNewBies 7 years, 8 months ago

    Click on profile. Then click on ‘change profile picture’ and do the rest. Hope this helps.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Happy life of a loner who knows the art of living 7 years, 9 months ago

    There is a notion that if someone lives alone that person is not happy and this is based on assumptions. ASSUMPTIONS as you know is making an ASS of U and ME. Having said that happiness is relative. Anyone can be […]

    • My partner in New Zealand is a happy loner. He prefers to be alone with his pet cat now.He has a son and is separated from his dad.But what I noticed that there is always association of word blue in his emails, Skype, Facebook, plus, his clothes ,brief, Polo-shirt, t-shirt, pajamas, pants, jogging pants, all in blue. I wonder why he likes but. I never dare to ask him why , but all I know is , he is happy to be alone.In fact, he changed his mind from being marriageable to non-marriageable. That made me sick when he told me that he changed his mind to remain a non-marrying type.I think those who like to live alone pretend to be happy when actually not happy. Man is a social being and he needs someone to talk to. Having gadgets and other things never equal the happiness felt when there is human to be along with, to be happy with and to share some thoughts, problems and heartaches.

      All I can say is, I can never live alone. I will be lonely of alone living in a house. I need someone to be with. It is not enough to just watch TV and do on line activities, so weird, but I cannot blame those whose preference is to live alone. They are loners and I believe they are cowards to face challenges of life just like my foreigner partner.

      • If an individual chooses to be alone even though they may have opportunities to have people in their life then surely they are a happy lo9t. To each their own. We cannot judge anyone and call them cowards.

    • Living alone is an art This is the real meaning of life. Living alone is a challenge. One who overcomes it can take up any kind of challenge and achieve it with a great ease and comfort
      Yes, I agree with you that there are many who are living alone and are happy. Living alone is not a sin. If we say that man is a social animal and he needs some company in life it does not mean that he should be in the company of somebody who will be hammering around him and picks up quarrel with him It is better not to have such company
      In general, most of the people will have a company But, if by chance if one had to live alone he should equip himself to face the situation There are many things available nowadays. We can make a life quite meaningful living alone
      One can do yoga, one can visit ground and watch the games, one can spend time watching T.V. Meditation is another way of spending time which gives good opportunity to realize the things in life Attending foreign languages class is another way of spending time nicely There we will have different types of people we can interact with. Spending time with like-minded people on Fb and other social media sites is also a good way of spending time lonely. There are many ways. One need not worry if one has to live alone

      • Not many are blessed with company that is compatible or shares interests. In today’s world as you have pointed out there is so much one can keep happily occupied with .

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, What is Christmas without singing or listening to Christmas Carols? 7 years, 9 months ago

    The world is changing and so too the widening of the Christmas season which now seems to start right from the beginning of December. This is evident from the carols on hear at every nook and corner starting […]

    • Oohh The joy of christmas, who doesn’t like the sound of carols. If anything carols are what get me into the Christmas mood when I hear a song in radio that imemediately stirs me up to start looking for my old cassettes that played Christmas carols because those songs from way back are the original thing so it brings out Christmas in a more natural way than what we hear nowadays. Its true that nowadays Christmas stats early some people even start it as early as the last week of November in preparation for the festive season. The only bad thing about this early celebration is true fact that when the actual day comes people are bored already so the day usually just comes and passed by nothing much is done.

    • What you have said here is universal. That change of scene is felt everywhere. But I keep to the old traditions and quite enjoy being that way.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Rice laddoos simple and yet delicious – a Christmas goody 7 years, 9 months ago

    Here in this part of the world where I live there are traditional Christmas goodies and among them is the rice laddoo. Here is how it is made

    Boiled or red rice 2 cups
    Jaggery 1 cup
    Half […]

    • Thanks for posting. Reshared to my foodie blog.

    • If you like coconut and jaggery this is a great snack. You must be having an interesting food blog. How is it faring?

      • To date, my Food Ways blog shows 30 published posts. I used the Blogspot platform. Just recently set up a foodie blog on Tumblr for more sharing of more food-related stuff. That’s where I shared your post. Well I don’t know if other people like the blogs but I like them! There is always the goal of successful monetization. However, if I were to draw on my past experiences there are only 4 possible outcomes for my blogging adventures: (1) the blog will be deleted by the site owners, (2) the blog will be allowed by the owners but won’t get any traffic, (3) the blog will be allowed by the owners and might actually get subscribers and followers, and (4) I’ll die and my surviving family members will delete all of my online activity OR let it stay online but ignore it. They ignore what I do now anyway! 🙂 🙂 You’re sweet. Thanks for asking. 🙂

        • I like your logic about what could possibly happen to your blog. I hope your point No.3 is what will happen to your blog. I too have a couple of them there but I also know hardly anyone in the family would be interested in retaining them when I kick the bucket going by their lack of interest in knowing what I do when I am living (lol)

          • LOL. I enjoy talking to you. 🙂

            It’s the strangest thing but when my mother passed away, my brother was going through some of her things and found her handwritten notes. It was a collection of quotes she had written down over the years. They revealed something about her character and nature that even her children didn’t know. He read some of the quotes at her funeral service.

            Comparison? The thing is … I don’t think my own children really know me that well. Also, I have grandchildren and a great grandson. One grandchild I see regularly. But as for the others, circumstances keep us apart and so we don’t really know each other. Perhaps they might find my writings online and read them to learn a little something about me. Who knows? Maybe my work might connect us in some way. It might guide their steps if they need advice, or encourage them or cheer them up, if they feel down.

            That’s my hope. It’s a prayer. 🙂

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, The Joy of Putting Up the Christmas Tree 7 years, 9 months ago

    Then we have the ritual of putting up a Christmas Tree. There is no noteworthy reason why this tradition came into being but suffice it to say putting it up does once again give one an opportunity to get the […]

    • I think there is some truth in your saying. Once the conifer branch is cut and after a day it becomes a dead wood But, it is coming as a tradition. Bringing the entire family under a tree is a great idea It is this idea that has to be viewed with appreciation. A sense of togetherness is involved in decorating the Christmas tree. No doubt the tree will be decorated with many other items also. But, one has to honor and appreciate the interest shown in decorating the tree
      Even in the Hindu religion, there is a similar tradition. Here the people worship an AMLA tree during KARTIKA MASAM
      They actually have to worship the Amla tree lighting a lamp under it. All relatives are invited and they dine as a group sitting under a tree
      During Kartika Poornima, it will be followed very meticulously. They name it VANABHOJAN.
      But, in cities, it is possible to perform such activity.
      So, most of the people purchase a branch of Amla Tree and place it in the prayer hall. They light a lamp under it. They arrange all food items under it. Sit around it and dine along with all the invited guests. After the ritual the branch has little value and it will be thrown out.

    • Christmas is one of the most important religious ceremony on earth because it reminds all of us Jesus Christ’s arrival and departure from this fickle world. In modern age every religious ceremony has become the part of old tradition and lost its religious spirit due to our materialistic thoughts.

      We must ponder over the importance of Christmas Tree reveals the mysterious death of Jesus Christmas. I think all religious festivals must be made with full pomp and show to make alive the dead spirit of religion all over the world.

      • Christmas is the day to celebrate the birth of Christ and I am not sure if the tree has anything to do with religion per se.

      • Christmas Tree is part of Christmas celebration, Since the birth Jesus Christ is wonderful in which the wise men came to worship Jesus Christ as the savior of the world.Jesus was being honor by these people. I think by raising Christmas trees, we are honoring the birth of our Lord Jesus Chris.
        He came to die for us, the raising of this Christmas tree is more than tradition

      • I totally agree with you..I enjoy this time of the year. It seems like no matter how bad your years been Christmas always puts joy in everyone’s heart and puts a smile on there face and best of all brings the family together. Don’t you just love it!!!

    • Sorry to hear about your father but I am sure he will be happy if you continued the tradition. And as for relatives that drift is felt the world over.

    • It is time to thank God through our Lord Jesus Christ who had accepted to died for our sin and rose again on the third day, so raising the Christmas tree because we are celebrate the the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ is worthy to be doing.
      Any living soul who know the important of Christ’s coming to this world will raise Christmas tree for Him

      • @timothy I understand and believe Jesus was sent here to die for my sins. You mention Christmas tree for Him being born. Wouldn’t a Christmas tree be better suited for Easter in your line of reasoning as it would signify the wood of the cross that He dies on for our sins? I do have a Christmas tree put up and do it for the Christmas spirit. But am trying to understand your argument

    • A thought has just crossed my mind why do people put up Christmas trees and decorate them? I know I am one of those people because it was a family tradition during Christmas to cut a tree and get it into the house then decorate it with all sorts of ornaments. Come to think of it we never really use to think about thedudus or aunts for those who may not understand dudus. I remember my brothers going around theestate looking out for a nice tree that they would cut down and bring to the house regardless of whether they had ants or not. Anyway at least I can say that we never had any issues with the ants they were clean trees. Once the tree was in the housewe would go out of our way to decorate it with lights and cotton wool to bring out the feeling of snow, the little balls and the star on the top of the tree. Back in the days having a Christmas tree was a big deal so if you didn’t have that would make you feel like Christmas will not be nice. So it was like a mandatory thing back in the days. Nowadays this things are not so much in people’s minds.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, The Joy of Putting Up a Crib – Yet Another Activity at Christmas Time 7 years, 9 months ago

    In the good old days when socialising was at its minimum children got joy mostly during Christmas time as that was considered to be the best season for everyone.
    Planning started days ahead. While there were […]

    • Christmas is one of the major religious gala of the followers of Jesus Christ but people clever priests has turned it into mere a tradition and thus Muslim Eid, Hindus’ religious festival and Christian’s Christmas all have lost it religious spirit in broader sense. Hollow hearts are making religious festival all over the world that is why moral sins are prevailing on earth all over the world.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Cones Stuffed in Jackfruit Leaves – Yet Another Christms Goody 7 years, 9 months ago

    This is a food item that is prepared during Christmas time. Atleast my mother added that in the list of several other food items she prepared specially on this festive occasion.

    Stuffed cones are steamed and […]

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Precision is the Word While Making kokis 7 years, 9 months ago

    Kokis is yet another food item one only sees at Christmas time. Although the ingredients are simple one needs to be careful while dipping the kokis form in the batter and there lies the secret of making a perfect […]

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Spent a Day With the Mentally Challenged and Felt Rewarded 7 years, 9 months ago

    Each year we throw a party for poor kids at Christmas time and this year I ventured to have a party for the mentally challenged. I was not sure how it would turn out specially when their behaviour would not be […]

    • It would be a great idea to spare some time and to have the company of these little souls. These souls just need our attention.

      Spending some time with them will surely mitigate their sufferings and sorrows.

    • This is really touching. I love hearing about how others care. And it’s good to show this special kids that there just as special as anyone else. Yeah they may seem different but at the same time they still have a heart like we do. And it truly touches my heart to see others caring for the special needs.they should receive the same attention and respect as we do. If anything we should show kids like this just a lil more attention. Care for them in everyway we can. Don’t treat them different because their different. They still deserve a chance in life. It’s okay to hug them show them love they need it more than we do…Most important their still humans and we as people should never forget that.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Foods That Give the Christmas Feel 7 years, 9 months ago

    There are some food items that are only made during the Christmas season. Each country and even each State sometimes have their own delicacies. The aroma that fills the house while making these goodies truly […]

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, With Christmas Come Special Features 7 years, 9 months ago

    There is no limit to what one does to get into the Christmas mood. Here are some are all of the freatures one gets to see at every nook and corner.

    1. There will be new clothes planned for the entire family
    2. […]

    • i love christmas, i always get to either travel or do a safari or stay home with family, either way this christmas will be a special one in Kenya as it’s the eve of an election year and a lot of times with elections comes with tension, stress, so much happening. so this year, i am definitely celebrating christmas with style and my favourite people.

    • It is indeed a season for everyone to meet and have parties galore. I just had one for the mentally challenged yesterday. It went off very well.

    • I normally have parties for poor kids. I had one yesterday and this time for the mentally challenged.

    • Christmas for me is family time. I enjoy everyone participating in cooking, laughing and sharing stories. It magnifies the love.

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    bestwriter replied to the topic Got the Payout Email from LiteracyBase! in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 9 months ago

    Congratulations. It is the first payment that evades us but once you get there rest is smooth. Hope to see more payment proofs from you

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    bestwriter replied to the topic Received payment a sixth time from LiteracyBase in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 9 months ago

    That is the purpose why we post print screen proof of payment. It encourages others to be more active.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Consistency is What Ticks Here at LiteracyBase 7 years, 9 months ago

    I joined LiteracyBase in May of last year and enjoy being here. Writing a blog having 300 words or more is not a great demand.  Unlike other writing sites however LiteracyBase gives credence to informative posts, […]

    • Good to hear that you are being paid regularly for your work which is being appreciated at Literacy base. A site which pays regularly and tries to understand its writers can generate good content through them. Ultimately it is good will which place a big role in any relationship and these are two way streets. Sites should always remember that it takes two hands to clap. So building trust and confidence with the writers is a very important part of these relationships as they work well in the long run and work for the the benefit of all people involved in this activity. Wishing you the best to receive more such payments.

    • Great to see you making repeat payouts and it also shows the site in a positive light. I have also reached my first payout and got the notification email as well.

    • Yes LiteracyBase is one of the best sites as I have experienced for many years because its rules and regulations are good and solid. Other sites use fake reports but LB does not use any such means and respects and regards their writers.

      I think it is the best site in the world of internet, Its payment procedure is also fine and simple.Everyone join this site as soon as possible. I think we are supposed to raise its status all over the world.

      I have planned to write 5000 posts on LB very soon to beat all world records in article writing. Its credit will go to LB.

    • I have seen you are a prolific writer and must be earning good here. Why don’t you send us proof of payments which will encourage others to participate here?

    • Waw .. it is good to invest what you are daily doing

      • I like this site as I can express my self which is then read on the Net and may be those readers could benefit from what I have written

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    bestwriter started the topic Received payment a sixth time from LiteracyBase in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 9 months ago

    I just got a message informing me about payment from LiteracyBase.  This is my sixth payment. Here is the proof.  LBDecember


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    bestwriter started the topic Received payment a sixth time form LiteracyBase in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 9 months ago

    I just got a message informing me about payment from LiteracyBase.  This is my sixth payment. Here is the proof.  LBDecember


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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Flowerless Flower Arrangements is a Work of Art 7 years, 9 months ago

    You really do not need flowers to have an arrangement to add freshness to your ambiance.  I do it all the time.

    I have several coloured leaves and even green creepers that have exotic looking leaves. Even when […]

    • looking nice i also want to decorate my house with flowers please help me in finding more ideas

    • This seems to be a special art and needs loads of creativity. It does look different and unique when seen. Art is making something out things which are thought of as waste or which people think it is no use of. As they have not come across such a thing in their lives. Such concepts however are not easily accepted by the conventional people. As people are averse to something new. But if they keep seeing such a thing again and again they will get used to it. As it costs nothing to make this art. It is a interesting article which has introduced a new concept which people can read understand and appreciate. Maybe they can also experiment with the same. This can be used for a change and adds variety to the art of decorating ones house. Keep up the good work. Look forward to more such articles.

      • Thank you for your appreciation. Rather than plastic flowers something fresh even if they are not flowers can change the ambiance of any set up.

    • I do not have to go far or buy anything for my arrangements. I have them all in my garden

      • Oh! I love gardening, and I was so amazed with person who have gardens around their houses. Gardening is not that easy, it requires proper caring to the plant, and I admire you for that.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Seniors and the Digital World 7 years, 9 months ago

    Seniors I notice have assumed that working on computers is only for youngsters. I am a senior and proved it otherwise. Spending a bit of time to get myself acquainted with it was all that was need for me to start […]

    • What you have told about seniors is very true. I think one of the reason they are not comfortable is that they find too many commands, websites, software, programs and too many service providers providing 101 different options to confuse the already confused individual. While there is a category of people like you who are willing to learn and be with the times by accepting the changes taking place, there will be more than 80 percent of the population in our country who have got used to a system in which they have spent all their life and they suddenly feel left out and see the system is outpacing them by leaps and bounds. Let us take the case of software version or a mobile phone the companies want to make money more than innovations and they want to thrust them on the market to run their respective shops and earn revenue in the process. As people grow and get aged they find it difficult to accept change and would like status quo. Now with economic reforms being thrust into peoples throats in India we are going to see more of these problems coming to the fore. This can be tackled as it is a blessing in disguise. The government has to invest by providing jobs to people in IT sector to teach and enable the rest of India to move forward. If they do this they can provide employment to youth and elders will be digitally educated. Orientation courses have to be conducted on a mass scale. I have written three to four articles about demonetisation and its impacct in the forum in Knowledge is Power Use It Wisely. A good article written by you touching on an important aspect of common mans life especially senior citizens.

      • You are right when you say upgrades are made just to earn and not to improve the life of anyone. Not many will use those additional features but just get those upgraded gadgets to compete with others.
        I have a basic mobile with no internet facility. I prefer my pc for that. The screen is so small and that could be a strain on one’s eyes. And now with digitisation everywhere I may have to change it to a smartphone most unwillingly though.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, The Channel Tunnel and Euro Star 7 years, 9 months ago

    Most organised package tours turn out to be great but our stay in London unfortunately  was very disappointing as we landed there during the week end and most of what we wanted to see was not available. All in […]

    • Felt good about reading the Eurostar. But we cannot see anything as we progress through the journey as it happens to be below the ocean bed. Now for so many years people have been travelling but till date nothing problematic has happened which speaks of the premium put on safety of the passengers. It is a modern technological wonder and if I am not wrong the only one in the world at that. No other project of that sort and magnitude has taken place. Travel to Europe if on individual travel is a different one compared to the groups. Here in the case of individual travel we can buy train tickets which are flexible and costs will be saved if travel is to an interior tourist spot in Europe. Eurail has different trains which offer excellent value for money and a good ambient scenic atmosphere for tourist travel.

      • I have always preferred conducted tours as everything is taken care of. We get to meet new people and also the tour conductor is with us which makes one feel comfortable.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Computers Have Taken Over Jobs of Secretaries 7 years, 9 months ago

    In the good old days there were not many avenues that were open for women in the jobs arena.  Most aspired for becoming secretaries or teachers.

    To become a secretary it was necessary that one was equipped […]

    • You have touched upon a very important subject. Yes computers have taken over jobs of secretaries and many others like accountant’s, record keepers, typists, telephone operators and others. This is one of the negative fallout’s of new technology arriving. Computers, tablets, cellphones with I phones have become like calculators today. They have taken away many of the jobs like the one mentioned above. Even the bank ATM is one such product. So is email. Today we find people sending money and gifts or payments and mails through electronic systems due to its many advantages. Now with new economic reforms in India this problem is only going to aggravate. Children in schools have computers but the knowledge is limited to a large extent and they do not want to pursue it till the tenth class as their are no marks for that subject and they do not count in the final tally. They end up like a blank page when they pass tenth class. Then go for computer courses paying huge fees in a volatile market. Many of their years thus get wasted. Educationists have to seriously look into this anomaly and do course correction. To get a good crop of very well computer literate youngsters.

      • Those computer courses teaching how to work on a computer are a waste. I bought those books – Windows for Dummies and picked up from there. A friend of mine guided me and that was it. Today I can do many things on my computer including creating movies and slideshows.

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