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    bestwriter replied to the topic Reading updates of members in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 1 month ago

    @Anjee the best is to go to your notifications and tackle everything there.

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    bestwriter posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago

    Paid a third time here at LB. Feels great.

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    bestwriter replied to the topic Payment Proof for July in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 1 month ago

    @Anand  Congrats. You have now joined those who get paid here. Good Luck with your future efforts.

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    bestwriter replied to the topic Payment Proof for July in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 1 month ago

    @suny Just 20 posts and you earn 30 dollars. Great and congrats. More than a dollar a post is super. Congrats again. I hardly earn 15 cents a post. Very rarely 22.


    Here is my proof



  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Homoeopathy and self help 8 years, 1 month ago

    Homeopathy is treating a patient with tiny doses of a substance if given in large doses would produce symptoms of the concerned ailment.
    Unlike Allopathy where self medication could prove to be dangerous, […]

    • Homeopathy medicines are the best medicines all over the world with the passage of time allopathy will disappear from whole world because homeopathy will uproot the diseases and its root cause from human life organs.

      The law of similars states that whatever would cause your symptoms, will also cure those same symptoms. Thus, if you find yourself unable to sleep, taking caffeine will help; streaming eyes due to hayfever can be treated with onions, and so on. This so-called law was based upon nothing other than Hahnemann’s own imagination.

      You don’t need to have a medical degree to see the flawed reasoning in taking caffeine – a stimulant – to help you sleep; yet caffeine is, even today, prescribed by homeopaths (under the name ‘coffea’) as a treatment for insomnia.

      Despite being rooted in supersition, ritual and sympathetic magick, the laws devised by Hahnemann are still in use by homeopaths today.

      For Hahnemann’s Laws to be correct, we would have to toss out practically everything we have learned over the past two centuries about biology, pharmacology, mathematics, chemistry and physics. Illnesses are not effectively treated by administering substances which cause similar symptoms; serial dilution and succussion does not ‘potentize’ a remedy. Water has no memory, nor any way of using one if it did! Homeopathy could never work in the way Hahnemann described it, but does it work at all?

      Modern homeopaths believe that this ‘potentization’ process allows the water to retain the ‘memory’ or ‘vibrations’ of the original substance, long after it has been diluted away to nothing. Of course, there is no good scientific evidence to suggest that water has such an ability, nor any indication of how it might be able to use this ‘memory’ to cure a sick patient.

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    bestwriter replied to the topic How much money can you make online at MyLot in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years, 1 month ago

    @suny  The atmosphere is better there now. The self appointed police is nowhere to be seen. I suffered too then.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, God of One’s Understanding 8 years, 1 month ago


    After strictly following what religion teaches, a day comes in one’s life when many look for the meaning of God on their own, regardless of what they have understood God, as taught to […]

    • nice and beautiful…….

    • Do you really think that there is no literal heaven and hell?

      Have you really researched this topic very well before making your Conclusions.

      • Very good question. You may even ask why I believe in God since I have not seen Him. I believe because I have proof of my interaction with Him. And while heaven and earth is concerned we only talk about it and that’s it.
        Anyway this is my understanding. I would be happy if you have any proof about the existence of heaven and hell. Do share. Thank you.

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    bestwriter posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago

    Have you noticed poems do not do well in blogs?

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Could this be lucrative business? 8 years, 1 month ago

    Time is of the essence for many who are looking for information on the Net.This could be lucrative business for those who have the time and can offer this service.

    As is well known just a keyword, or a phrase […]

    • Not directly but there are sites which offer very focused and niceh information and they try to earn through web page hits and advertising.

      • That could pertain to limited topics but if someone offers services to lighten the work for searching I wonder if there will be demand.

    • Are roses not a common flower in India? If not, what are the flowers of India? (Blog post idea perhaps?)

    • I just gave that as an example. Not all are good in the art of searching. Those who offer these services should be good at hitting the target.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Reiki Empowers While Cults and Godmen Make You Their Slaves 8 years, 1 month ago

    I am a Reiki Channel. It has made me depend on myself with cosmic energy that flows through me.  There are Reiki Masters who help go through that process. There are affirmations that one should recite every sin […]

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, The Mega Role of an Individual 8 years, 1 month ago

    The mega role of an individual cannot be under-estimated. When an individual thinks on their own the best comes out unlike when they join a setup where the one who shouts the loudest is heard. All of us can […]

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    bestwriter posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago

    Having a stuffy nose, probably the weather around that is causing it.

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    bestwriter started the topic Odd smell in the nose in the forum Group logo of Health IssuesHealth Issues 8 years, 1 month ago

    My nose is not stuffed as such but I am getting a peculiar smell inside the nose. Is anyone here who can talk about it?

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Woe betide those who have not understood animals 8 years, 1 month ago

    I was attending a wedding where the hosts had provided accommodation for many of us in their own property. They had enough room for all of us. 

    It was a gala event and we stayed there for 8 days. Each day was […]

    • when i was child , i have 1 dog, he is black , i like him, until one he died, so sad

    • Woes is the child anxiety and spring from sad soul. Anxiety – is a kind of sorrow that emerges when the mind is weighed down with something so as to make escape seem impossible.

      Thomas’ definition is likely rooted in the Latin word angustia which means a narrow pass or straight. And thus anxiety tends to arise when we experience stress about a situation and find no room to maneuver, no way out. Anxiety also tends to regard the future, whereas pain regards to present. In pain, one can suffer in the moment about the situation, but knows that it will pass.

      But anxiety arises when we sense no determined end to the painful situation, no room to maneuver, and no way out.

      Pity is the sorrow that we feel for the evil or misfortune endured by another person. But it is deeper than mere regret or perturbance. Pity is to experience the misfortune of another, as though it were our own.

      Remedies for Woe betide
      Sharing our sorrows with friends
      Contemplating the truth
      A Warm bath and naps

      Act upon these points if someone is woe betide

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Searching for information on the Net 8 years, 1 month ago

    Statistics have it that there are well over one billion – 1,000,000,000 websites on the Net and the total bytes that Internet holds is estimated around 1,200 petabytes that is 1.2 million terabytes (one te […]

    • It’s true that the Internet is the best invention since the napkin and one of the best educational resources ever invented by whoever invented it (read the tech history but forgot!). However, as you say it is overloaded with tons of misinformation and even erroneous information and one does have to sift through a lot of it to extract the gold. But I for one am very happy to have an online library right at my finger tips.

      • Very interesting. Is this online library that you are referring to created by any institution? How does one access it?

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    bestwriter replied to the topic Paid Every After 25 Minutes in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years, 1 month ago

    @shavkat  I always had this dream of teaching online. My pet subjects are English and Maths.

    You are doing good. Congrats.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago

    Woke up with a smooth patter of rain – almost felt like going back to sleep.

    • I like to sleep in rainy day. Now, you make me feel like going back to sleep. It’s almost 7am here, and it looks like the best time for me to sleep. 😀

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Ad Blockers and the fate of writing sites 8 years, 1 month ago


    Writing sites are mushrooming everywhere and they vanish with the same speed for the simple reason that they do not earn enough to share their earnings with the writers.  Most who write on these sites are n […]

    • So many ads that annoy me and annoy you and others.The ads here are getting numerous and so noisy. I just ignore them and click to kick them away.Maybe thus site would survive because of these companies they might want us too to get into.

      • @cely I agree these Ads could be placed appropriately so that they do not interfere with our working. I am putting up with it considering this is a new site and Admin is fully aware of their nuisance value.

    • For sure ad blockers impacts a site’s revenue stream. But not everybody sets their browsers to block ads. I don’t. I don’t like the way my blog looks when I turn on the ad blocker feature. I’m just hoping other people are not as annoyed with ads as it has been reported. I mean … advertising has always been crucial to any type of media, whether it’s television, radio, etc. Why should the Internet be different? It’s a form of media. I do get that too many ads can be annoying. But ads generate income because companies pay to have their products and services advertised at various websites and blogs. So there is the “push back” that makes me think, no matter what ads are not going away! However, with ad blockers, companies have to get more creative and work around them to get the word about the goods and services they offer to the consumer! Of course, this is just my opinion. I could be wrong! 🙂

      • Every site displays them and more Ads means more revenue. I hope however Admin would look into the aspect of placing them suitably so that our work here is not hampered. In the meantime I will go through whatever inconvenience I have to put up with. I am happy this site is getting many Ads.

    • You are very right, Grace. Ads are the lifeblood of a site. And not just on revenue-sharing sites, but on all sites. Even huge sites like Facebook or BuzzFeed depend on their advertisers for the revenue that keeps the sites alive. So using an ad blocker on any site can be detrimental. And if we enjoy a site, it’s only right to allow them to display the ads that provide their revenue.

      That being said, most site owners are very open to feedback about the quality and placement of their ads. If ads are in some way offensive, if they significantly interfere with use of the site (e.g. pop-up ads that cover every page that loads) or if the ad causes users to worry about their safety or their bandwidth usage (ads that hijack browsers, ads that autoplay video, etc.) a good site owner wants to hear their users’ concerns.

      Site owners don’t control what content shows up when the ads are served, but good site owners will usually work with their users and with their advertisers to minimize risks for site users and to ensure that the ads are not posing a significant impediment to the use of the site.

      Any site owner that ignores the feedback or refuses to eliminate ads that are repeatedly reported as an issue is asking the users to bear the consequences while he earns the cash. That is not the sign of a responsible site owner, and I don’t blame users who choose to block ads on such a site.

      We each must decide what’s best for us. If a site is otherwise pleasant to visit, but the owner cannot or will not respond to user reports concerning the ads, he has only himself to blame for the loss of revenue. Ads are not the users’ responsibility and ultimately, it’s their right to decide the ads are too objectionable on a given site.

      • I am not sure about LiteracyBase but let’s take myLot for example. Whenever I search for shopping online those searches will appear on the pages there. It is understood therefore if someone visits a porno site that will also appear there. I am not sure if a site has a control over such situations.

        LB is new and giving them a bit of leeway is fine when it comes to taking their time over listening to feedback.
        So far this is the only site that pays reasonably well. Users perhaps could go through this inconvenience hoping better sense will prevail with regard to placing of the Ads suitably.

    • I agree that adblockers can be quite a problem on sites which rely on them to feed revenue in order to pay users. It has to be a trust based system. Owners must trust users to not use blockers and users must understand that by allowing the ads to show, they are helping to fund the site.

    • Writing website should use ads which cannot be blocked using ad blockers like banner ads,text ads

    • It’s actually the infolinks pop-up here that makes me stay away. I all pop-ups very annoying. People who write for a site put up with it because they want the site to earn. People who have nothing to gain from the ads have no reason to keep being annoyed. They will either block ads or just stay away from the site. Those responses, both of which cut site income, hurt both members and site owners. We want to encourage outside visitors, not discourage them.

    • Ads as we all know is the mainstay for any writing site. I am not sure if LiteracyBase has any control over, for example, infolinks the way they keep moving as also the FB Ads. This has been brought to their notice. May be later when they have wider and better choices they may drop them.

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    bestwriter replied to the topic Backstabber Can Kill You: Is It? in the forum Group logo of The Discussion PlaceThe Discussion Place 8 years, 1 month ago

    Most have back stabbers and that is due to their own insecurity but because of that others suffer.  I too have had them in offices, among friends and among family. I have moved on leaving behind those that interfered with my life.

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    bestwriter replied to the topic Discrimination by LiteracyBase in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 1 month ago

    @suny Don’t worry. You are free to keep whoever you think saw this post as humorous,  to keep them in your list.

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