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    SuperD wrote a new post, What, Our President Is Called Psychopath! 7 years, 11 months ago

    Well, someone just called our president Rody Duterte a psychopath. Such a rude, harsh and no respect word to the highest leader of the Philippines. And take note, the person who called him this troubling […]

    • Those people who dislike our president are drug addicts. For so many years, there was one in the presidential side who did the way President DU30 is doing at present,none , right?
      I wonder about the mentality of some why they want to remain traditional. Maybe they like traditional politician,for they can continue to corrupt the Filipino people.Just imagine the buller olanting that stained the reputation pf our country,If not throw President DU30, out NAIA airport will remain scary this time. Thanks for treading.

      • I don’t know about Agot if she’s an addict or not but her comments are just few of other comments that coming out now because of bursting words of our President. He is labeled psychopath and then a French newspaper tagged him as ‘serial killer’. And all of these are because of 3,600 deaths on war on drugs. I believe FVR words that Digong should not only concentrate on drugs but headed also to some matter like economy. Maybe, some people just wanted to finesse our presidents’ words.

    • One thing about the actress, her words created a clear divide. You sure can tell the people who support the nation’s leader and the people who don’t. Just because a person is a junkie (drug addict) doesn’t mean their words are not true. Either he is or he isn’t. That remains to be proven.

      On thing I’ve noted is there are a lot intense, controversial, “explosive” events being reported in the Philippines since Duerte was elected. My goodness! Has he even been president for a year? Perhaps these are things he believes need to be done just to get things settled, so he can get on with creating order and making the country great! Hate to think what is happening now are the “calm before the storm” moments of his administration and that the years ahead are going to be a lot more heated, more tense and more difficult for the ordinary law-abiding hard-working peaceful decent citizens.

      Another thing? In the US, we hear a lot more about what’s going on in the Philippines in our news than we used to since Duerte became president. It’s rather worrisome to other countries when a country that wasn’t heard of much is all of a sudden on the radar. The citizens of the other countries start wondering about the “ripple effect”. In other words, how far reaching is the situation in one country and what impact will that situation have on their country? When a country’s activities start getting reported in our media, that means that place is carefully monitored for potential “spill over” into US!

      • Clearly President is not the type of self controlled or calm President, he easily reacted and got burst even in public. And clearly, he is more to offensive one because he is on challenging other leaders and countries like the US and European countries. He cannot do it to China and Russia, anyway. He got pride which sometimes is only to his personal attitude and not considering other people feelings. You attacked him on drug killing and he will attack you. We cannot only be ruled with drug problem.

    • Mrs. Isidro is a drug addict. There will be some monkeys always to spoil a good event. For Mr. Duterte eradication of Drugs in Philippines is the main goal of his administration. The people though initially make a hue and cry over the killings of the pushers have now realized and supporting Mr. Duterte and even ready to take up a campaign in this regard. The parents who lost their beautiful and handsome children are now moving towards making their nation a stronger one than it was earlier under other Presidents.

      Mr. Duterte is a boon for the people of Philippines. If one or two mad people make comments it does not make any difference. They made similar comments earlier when the earlier Presidents had worked at all. Now they are making comments who is working for the people and his own Nation with dedication. So the comments have no value at all. They can be treated and thrown into a trash bag.

      Now the Philippines has become a role model for taking stringent action against the drug peddlers and so the drug addicts and the Dons in other countries are fearing a lot to face the same situation from the Governments of their countries.

      The whole world is looking at the Philippines and at Mr. Duterte now .

      • He could be a role model to other people but sometimes he must also consider the future of these poor people being killed by unknown suspects and police officers, these poor children who will face problem on their education, everyday meals, and other things they need for their homes. No assistance for them, and then what, they these children grow up, they will grow up living in the wrong path of the government. When he did it in his hometown favorite Davao, families of victims have assistance, now in the country why there is no assistance. Anyway, its Miss Isidro and not Mrs.

    • People are depending the president are rude, people who are against the president are rude, there is really a division among the people in the Philippines, the reason is because the president is also rude. He goes on with his offensive remarks which is becoming a common to the Filipinos, which means we can also be common like him talking harsh words. What is becoming to the country and its people and yet we are just on 100 days of him. He thinks Federalism is good and brawl US, and praises communist government like China and Russia.

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    SuperD posted an update 7 years, 11 months ago

    I’m making most of my posts here in the office because my internet in our house was cute, sigh its so not timing.

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    SuperD wrote a new post, Translation Is More Difficult 7 years, 11 months ago

    Have you ever try to translate your article to other languages like English? How do you find it? Do you think it’s more difficult to translate now?
    Why do I ask this question? Because my essay just become h […]

    • Nice post friend.English cannot be made perfect,unless write only very few words and very s short sentences.If translate your own language to English, it cannot be matched the way we do using our own dialect for we know well the language that is part of our everyday lives.

    • For me translation is fairly easy as I am fluent in both English and French (Canadian). But I agree with Cely that English is a language of few words compared to French for example. an English book for example might be 200 pages while the French book is 300 to 400 pages. Some languages like French are more difficult than other languages with their different grammar, accents etc.

    • Translation is a very difficult job. A writer who opts for translation jobs should have sound knowledge of two languages at least. He should be perfect in choosing and using the words. The expression is not at all a criteria for a translation job. Because you take the subject as per the tone of the article. But, he should be thorough with a ocean of vocabulary .

      A writer will come across a variety of translations like Technical translation, scientific translation, Administrative translation, etc,

      Among all these the Administrative Translation involves the usage of a variety of words and terms. The words used in the administration touch upon various branches of administration like Industry, commerce, literature, transport, irrigation, police dept, energy matters, telephones, etc, So for translating the work relating to administration one should be thorough with a vast vocabulary relating to many departments. Once a writer becomes perfect he can have some basic knowledge of the various terms relating to each department.
      One of the hardest parts of translation one encounter in the translation is making a translation of a scientific article. There the writer need not focus much on the grammatical use. But he should choose and use each scientific name with precision and can not use in a vague manner.

      The translation jobs require one’s dedication to the work and one has to put forth ones 100 percent to get the work done.

    • Mist of the students who are non native feel national language translation into international language very very difficult due to having no real sense of grammar of English language. The main cause of translation that they have to real concept of English Language as I have observed. I am also MA English, Master of English language and literature.

      For example in English grammar there is no difference between the present tense and future tense because future tense tell man’ intention and present tense also near future intention. Non native makes difference between the two tenses while not,

      Both tenses tell us that an incomplete intention in future is the main cause of confusion. Besides, grammar there are a lot of grammatical phrases that are spoken in English are not known to the non native speaker.

      For example: in non native speaker English (It is better for you to read your lesson) But it is the replica of the original phrase. But the native speaker will say thus *(you)had better read your lesson)

      There are a lot of phrases in English. O have written a Grammar Book, Name (Sayyar English Grammar)It is a complete book on English grammar.

      I have translated hundreds of books in English from Urdu because I live in Pakistan.


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    bestwriter wrote a new post, The mindset of online writers 7 years, 11 months ago

    Little do these online writers realize that the site owners totally depend on their participation for them to survive. 

    The online writers keep looking for greener pastures and when they find it they […]

    • It is right that most of the online writers do leave the sites if they find any site that pays more. This is not a healthy practice. The only thing they have to keep in mind is that whether the site has made any injustice to them. There is some introspection is needed. If the answer is no, then there is no justification in leaving a site just by finding another one which pays a higher amount.

      The online sites which are encouraging others are really doing a good job. Sometimes in their anxiety to develop the site in a short time they take up some steps which are not warranted.

      They should take the opinion of others and the members, discuss the issues and try to modify them as and when the circumstances demand such change.

      The writers also should realize that whatever they write should satisfy the minimum standards of English. They should at the same time develop their writing skill while writing. They should learn different styles of writing, expressions, quality of content etc and endeavor towards submission of a unique article.

      • Writers do make or mar a site. If they leave just because another pays better that is not fair.They can certainly go for new sites but ignoring those which have paid them is not fair.

    • It works both ways. Site wants me to write my best stuff but pays fractions of a penny. Take Hubpages; once it paid. Now? So why waste a keystroke?

      • I am fully with you on this. If a site continues paying then it is but fair that we stick to it and not leave them stranded just because another site pays better.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, The Revolution Of Technical Course 7 years, 11 months ago

    TESDA or Technological Education and Skills Development Authority
    is raising the bar to help the community to have a better livelihood or landing a good compensation from the job.
    During the conference of […]

    • No. It will be wrong assumption to think that there will be no poverty. Will the poverty disappear by encouraging vocational courses in the Rural villages and in the Rural Areas? As long as the unscrupulous politicians and the system is there the disappearance of poverty will be only a day dream.

      In India also such promises were made to the people and some
      programs were introduced. The people were trained. Some of them could get jobs. As the programme continued the number of unemployeds in the vocational certificates increased. Another scheme was launched providing financial assistance to those remained unemployed to set up their own industries. To some extent some people got a livelihood.

      Suddenly the wicked nature appeared by taking up the Agricultural lands which were neglected by the people for construction activities. The agricultural landlords became helpless. He is compelled to forgo his fertile lands. Already some politicians purchased these lands from the farmers and after the introduction of the scheme, they got huge compensation from the Government.

      Ultimately the farmers lost their fertile agricultural lands. The shortage of food production is likely to be felt very shortly forcing the Government to go for important which is totally a brainless planning.

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    bestwriter joined the group Group logo of elderly parentelderly parent 7 years, 11 months ago

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    bestwriter posted an update 7 years, 11 months ago

    Hi everyone. I have not been updating my status here but shall do so from now on

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    SuperD replied to the topic Home Cash in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 11 months ago

    yeah, if there are sites that would not require some investment, that would be good for us to start. Sometimes huge income is tempting but that would also require investment.

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    SuperD replied to the topic Premonitions in the forum Group logo of ParanormalParanormal 7 years, 11 months ago

    I think I have this kind of sense but not too develop. And I cannot foretell things before it happens. But is what happening to me is like this. I would go in one place which is new to me. While I was at that moment then it will come to my mind that as if it was already happened to me before. Many times I experienced this. Then I remember, this…[Read more]

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    SuperD joined the group Group logo of ParanormalParanormal 7 years, 11 months ago

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Now it is “America Needs Talent” and not “American Got Talent” 7 years, 11 months ago

    Who would not have watched those episodes entitled “America’s Got Talent”  The latest news is America is ‘America is  looking for talent’ And it is talent  in  computer languages not to employ them in jobs rel […]

    • Most of the Indian are job seekers only. Once they complete their education they start searching for jobs…to say a good job which will not be available in India as there will be a large number in the queue.So this is compelling the educated Indian to go abroad and get some job after completing further studies as it will be easy to get one. The Americans need not go anywhere in search of a job. They can stay and earn comfortably. They got well-defined policies and education system. Everything is available to them within no time. But the cost of Education is very heavy in the U.S and one cannot afford to it. So just by completing the minimum education required for a job the Americans are shifting towards earning money. They work hard. As such all high profile jobs are left unfilled. It does not mean that the Indian are more intelligent than Americans.For Indians, this is a necessity.It is this necessity which make him work hard and earn more.

      • No Indian can dream of getting jobs in the US unless they go through education once again in the US. Your justifying that Americans do not study further because it is costly the same applies to Indians as well.

    • This particular requirement is for high profile jobs fetching above dollars 50,000 per year. Do you have anyone from your country aiming that high?

    • I take your point. I understand what you’re saying via this blog post. But … I’m going to get on my soap box and start shouting!

      America’s got talent. Not only America. But all countries have talent. The thing is not all countries develop and nurture that talent. It’s there! I guarantee it! Sad to say but instead of finding these gifted individuals, educating them, and giving them an opportunity to utilize their talent, “people in charge” oppress them and don’t do anything to help them use the gifts God has given them for the good of all mankind. I can’t stress that enough! Everybody in every part of the world has been gifted in some way by their Creator. This is why I don’t believe in that crap about “the perfect race”. This is why I don’t think because a person is “handicapped” or “retarded”, etc., that they are any less valuable or talented than a “normal” person. And most definitely their nationality has nothing to do with it!

      Nobody is here on earth by accident. There is a purpose for them and they should be allowed to accomplish that purpose. Where will you get the opportunity to accomplish that purpose? Well if you can’t do it where you live, then go some place where you can! Lift yourself up, so you can lift somebody else.

      OK. Sorry to go off and spill like that! Thank you. 🙂

    • I have to agree with the comments above. Here in America, the education system is so backwards and if anyone wants to attend college it’s almost next to impossible. It costs over $50,000 just to go to college or Univeristy that has some merit. Not many kids are being pushed into the “computer” field like they should. But I know plenty of “geeks” from around the world that are knowledgeable in the languages you mentioned above. The owner of EliteWriters happen to be one of those geeks.

      • (lol) It is foolishness to insist on high profile job seekers equipping themselves with those computer languages. I have worked for a multi national and I know who ‘delivered’ there. It is certainly not those who were in those high positions but those who came up the ladder.

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    bestwriter replied to the topic Rabadaba Is Not Available in the Philippines: Any Other Sites? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 11 months ago

    I am not keen on adding any more earning sites but this App is only available on mobiles.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, An Approach To Living A Happy Life 7 years, 11 months ago

    The aim of every person is to remain happy. And happiness does not depend on how much one has but what one makes of what one has.

    There is not a day passes when situations that confront us  need handling. […]

    • My aim in life was always to become happier person and better mother. Nothing to me shall be more important or will be. I have career like gym coach but still stand very much family oriented and children oriented. that gives me not just happiness but security and being needed and useful. I admit some friends try take more time but with years I know how to send them messages to spare some tiem later because I am busy. They have to understand, it is not easy to be with family.

    • I wrote this Blog based on my own personal experience. I have wasted many years mulling over issues which I now realise were not needed for my happiness. As they say better late than never. Today I have created a world where I spend time on issues that are pertinent to my happiness.

    • For me, happiness is the act of contentment into one’s life having a some sort of solitude to enjoy the thing you want, having an inner peace of mind and heart. Honestly speaking, there is no such thing as happiness in this world but amidst all the decieving apperances in this world suffering is the only true one. Real happiness came from God, and we can achieve that eternal happiness by means of prayers, sacrifice, and devotion that somehow throughout our journey in this valley of tears at the end of our journey we will find our Loving Father in heaven to be in his arms, and to be with him and share the joys with him in paradise that was meant for us in the very beginning of the creation. Our life here on earth is like a passing journey. Like a clouds in the sky. It’s here a little while then its gone. We will pass in this world but once so we must make the most of it! For our final inevitable destination is death.

      • As you have said contentment is the key to happiness and that we can get if we know how to pick wheat from chaff. There is plenty of chaff in our life and if we know the art of finding out what is wheat and what is chaff we have reached.

    • That is a good approach. We all wanted to live a happy life but sometimes its hard to reach. Sometimes there are stress, anger, burden and many more that burden us to fulfill our happy life. But maybe we can do it not instantly but through the guidance of our Lord. Be contented of what we have and always give thanks.

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    bestwriter replied to the topic Passive income with literacybase in the forum Group logo of Earn Money OnlineEarn Money Online 7 years, 11 months ago

    @suny So it is a closely guarded secret   🙂

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Gram flour for beauty treatment. 7 years, 11 months ago


    Gram flour – besan as it is called,-  in the normal course,  is  only connected with making several food items for which there is no limit. We use it as a coating when we make batata wada and you must hav […]

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Bloggers and their Ethics 7 years, 11 months ago

    There are many sites including LiteracyBase where members write Blogs on many subjects. And that which is posted there becomes their property unless there are rules that takes away their right over those […]

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Beyong the Classroom 7 years, 11 months ago


    What one learns in a classroom is not enough to get on in this world. The aptitude of a child is totally ignored. It is this aptitude that needs to be triggered converting it into a passion which will hold […]

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    bestwriter replied to the topic Passive income with literacybase in the forum Group logo of Earn Money OnlineEarn Money Online 7 years, 11 months ago

    @Rajaraman K  @shaloo walia  One must have followers to share. I hardly have any  @suny ‘s is a Guinness Book of World Records  😀

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    bestwriter replied to the topic Passive income with literacybase in the forum Group logo of Earn Money OnlineEarn Money Online 7 years, 11 months ago

    I have never shared my blogs. I shall do so the moment I hear of increased rates   😀

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    bestwriter replied to the topic Those unfulfilled wishes that still hurt in the forum Group logo of ALL ABOUT YOUR ANGER AND HURTSALL ABOUT YOUR ANGER AND HURTS 7 years, 11 months ago

    Disappointments have to be left behind.  If one lives with a thought that disappointments are a part of life there will be no hurts.

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