• Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD and Profile picture of yasirkamalyasirkamal are now friends 7 years, 10 months ago

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, Sports That I Have Been Too 7 years, 10 months ago

    I’m a sportsman but not an athlete. Sports because I really love doing physical activities and I’m really adventurous. I love pushing myself to the limits. So I involve myself to different discipline of spo […]

    • an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment.

      Sports make men active and healthy on earth and thus ms’s all organs remain in motion and life of the life organs’life lies in motion and if anything is not not in motion is dead on earth.

      Sport and recreation entail activities that help to develop life skills, abilities, talents and improve the general health of the body. Such activities may be used as sources of income, to have fun and to stay physically fit. Sport and recreation activities include soccer, basketball, swimming, aerobics, yoga, tennis, dancing, hockey, golf, cycling and mountain biking, running, listening to music and many others.

      Sport and recreation activities can also be used to have fun and during leisure time. Some activities, such as swimming, cycling and running, are used to stay physically fit by shedding calories. Moreover, sport and recreation activities also offer a chance for people to travel, interact with new people and improve life skills. Recreational activities may also be used to help with curbing stress and during rehab programs.

      • Well buddy, this is the very real reason why do I involve myself in sports. Its not only for the health benefits that I do it but also for the physicality. When we do sports, we are quicker in or moves and we are thinkfull. Its emotionally and physically good for us. And because of that, I was really into sports since I was kid. And as I have said, not to become a competitive, I am sportsman though not an athlete.

    • It seems interesting and I am impressed as you are doing very well. You must be enjoying good health as a result of these great activities.

      One must involve oneself in such useful activities as you did in order to maintain one’s health.

      I want to run and I do love running but we do not have any proper place for such type of activity in our city.

      • I am enjoying. Actually my involvement to sports in not only for health benefits or for physical benefits. Its my passion. I am doing because I love it. My passion that it gives me satisfaction every time I finish the line or reach the last kilometers of the run. You love doing it no matter how hard you made it.

    • I would rather place your activities under ‘exercise’ as sports normally involves competition.

      • Though I used the word competition, but I think its too pressing for me. Why? Because though we participate in the competition but we are not in the place to win. For example, we participate in the marathon not to become the first or second or third person to finish the line. We know we are not going to win the race, we know the people stronger and faster than us will come first in the finish line. We know we are going to lost.

        But why we are in the competition, because we just wanted to finish the race. The competition is within us, within ourselves: finishing the race, fulfilling the personal best time, and follow the passion of our lives. If we finish the race, we win, we defeated our own self.

    • I like the last line you made. I’m a busy person too, I have a full time job, my part time is writing here in social writing sites, I also write narrative story in Ilocano which I publish in magazines and newspapers, and compete with writing contest.

      But I think its been my life, to be balance with my work and my passion– and one of the passion of my life is sports.

    • Actually u don’t have to be an athlete to engage in sports. It should be a normal routine just like eating and respirating because sports keeps one fit, and I believe that is why you’re still very healthy even at your 40s.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, A Family That Runs Together 7 years, 10 months ago

    A family that runs together stays together.

    Of course it can be told in that way too. If you ever in the running events you can relate to my article—that lots of families join together and participate. If t […]

    • Really a good idea, running with our family. This type of running and taking exercise, inculcates the habit in our children. when we join them in this way they start taking interest in having daily exercise which is very important for our health. In case we send them our alone they might not take that much interest in it.

    • I just love this post. This is a perfect way to keep a family together. Keep running 🙂

    • I think family means, a group consisting of two parents and their children living together as a unit.
      “she moved in with her boyfriend’s family”

      Family is the other name of gathering at one platform stabilizing unity among the members and mutual understanding for future generation. Family is the main source of increasing population on earth. If no family no creation within the circle of unity.

      The traditional family consists of a father, mother and children. This is the family shown on television as the standard family. However, the 21st century showcases a variety of family units, some very different from the standard of the 1950s.

      Today, children are also often raised in single parent homes, by grandparents or by homosexual parents. Some families opt to have no children, or cannot have children due to some medical or emotional barrier. The idea that parents and children make a family is a basic definition; however, in order to accurately acknowledge other family structures, a broader definition is necessary.

      In addition to a more universal family definition, there are also plenty of people who consider a group of friends to be family, and adults who consider pets as defining members of the family unit.

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    SuperD wrote a new post, Special Lanes For Motorcycles In National Road 7 years, 10 months ago

    There is a law not in the Philippines that the motorcycle riders can only drive in the special lane which can be recognized with blue and white rectangular lines. That means motorcycle riders cannot just drive in […]

    • Motor bikes cause a lot of accidents as it is very easy for them to change the lane whenever they want. Your government is doing very well in this connection. It may lower the rate of accidents in your locality.

      I think every government must consider it a serious issue and should take proper steps in this regard to safe guard th lives of travelers.

    • Motor bikes cause a lot of accidents as it is very easy for them to change the lane whenever they want. Your government is doing very well in this connection and it will surely lower the rate of accidents in your locality.

      I think every government must consider it a serious issue and should take proper steps in this regard to improve the things on roads.

    • It is good for the motorbike and to avoid accidents on the road so that precious lives may be saved at any cast but the motorcyclists must not mind it because it for your safety. Everyone must act upon the rules made by the government in any country.

      Fatalities and accidents on the road occur because someone somewhere is not paying attention to road safety rules. There are a number of factors that come into interplay while traveling on the road. There are road safety rules for drivers to follow as well as the pedestrians and other vehicles.
      In this article we will focus on the main road safety rules that everybody o9nt he road needs to keep in mind.

      Road safety rules
      Keep to the left
      Keep to the left while driving and allow vehicles from the opposite direction to pass. Most head-on accidents happen as we fail to keep to the left and stay in the middle of the road. This is one of the most important road safety rules for drivers.

      Slow done on bends and turn
      another mistake most people make is to never slow down on turns and bends. Be all the more cautious when negotiating bends and sharp turns.

      Move cautiously and slowly during congestion on roads
      This is another very important road safety rule that most of us ignore. We should move carefully especially at the round-abouts and road junctions.

      Wear helmets
      Those on bicycles and two wheelers should never go on the road without a helmet. Make sure the helmet is of superior quality and strapped properly.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Beautiful Moments to Cherish While on Tour 7 years, 10 months ago


    Travelling abroad on holiday has become easy these days with state of the art travel agents beckoning you to buy their packages.Any country will have loads of sights that one can visit but for that one needs […]

    • Consulting a travel agent is a better idea when it comes to touring as it saves a lot of time and money and we can enjoy better by doing so.
      They do planning and we focus on enjoying the natural beauty.

    • I am forever in the attitude of gratitude that I was able to see the world quite a bit. Just keep wishing and you will too.

    • Human life is also a travel and that is why we all like travel in life and travel of life, I cannot forget the happiness of Being tour with my friends two years before I cannot for get the moments in my life.
      Being the massive capital of China, Beijing is bound to be beautiful. It does great for a trip and once your trip is over, you will cherish the moments in Beijing forever. After Shanghai, Beijing is the second largest city of China. This city is the perfect combination of ancient and present buildings and structures. You can watch some of the most amazing monasteries in the place and structure that you never knew was possible to build.

      Did you know Beijing has seven UNESCO World Heritage Sites? The Forbidden City, Temple of Heaven, Summer Palace, Ming Tombs, Zhoukoudian, Great Wall, and the Grand Canal all resides in this great city. The Great Wall of China has been on your list for years and years, it is time to finally listen to your heart.

      What are the things to look for in Beijing?

      • Historical monuments like the Temple of Heaven, the Summer Palace and the Ming Tombs.
      • The well preserved historic culture like zigzagging hutongs. So don’t miss the Hutong tour.
      • The longest man-made structure in the world, The Great Wall Of China
      • The largest and finely preserved ancient architectural complex in the world, the Forbidden City
      • The largest city square in the world, Tian’anmen Square
      • The Beijing Tour Package also includes Panjiayuan “Antiques” Market and Xiushui Street Market for local tourism

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, The Aim and Shoot Cameras are Here to Stay 7 years, 10 months ago

    At the time the image above was taken I had a very simple camera that did not have a zoom feature. There were these 4 owls that made their home in our garden.

    Normally one does not see but just hear them […]

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Waterfalls a Gift From Nature 7 years, 10 months ago

    Rain or shine these waterfalls continue to do their job,  a job that is never ending. Sitting by the waterfall provides one a great opportunity to unwind. Some writers and artists get inspired by just watching a […]

    • I was feeling very sorry whenever I was reading about waterfalls. I could not see Niagara waterfalls. But the chances of visiting are still there for me.
      But during my Sabarimala tour, I had the chance of visiting Shimoga District in Karnataka . My colleagues have planned to visit the Jog falls and I accompanied them It was really a mind-blowing to see the waterfall. All my friends went near the waterfall and had their bath that too in the biting cold weather. I had no guts. I could take bath but not go near the waterfall. It was really a thrilling experience to see jog waterfall.
      If I get another opportunity I will definitely go and enjoy the spot again

    • I love waterfalls and everything around them. They not only do good to my eyes but also to my ears and in short my whole body.
      The sight of water falling from such a height and that too with such a force sends thrills all through my body.
      The sound of falling water is simply out of this world.
      The scenic beauty of rock and stones around is just so good.
      The entire aura around is worth experiencing.
      I never fail to lose any chance of visiting a water fall.

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    bestwriter replied to the topic Received my 5th payment in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 10 months ago

    You can redeem any day of the month but they will pay on or after the 10th of the following month. They paid me on the 12th.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Received my 5th payment in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 10 months ago

    Just pick a topic and work on it making it informative. It is that easy. I have read some of your posts and you can do it too.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Received my 5th payment in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 10 months ago

    I have no problems creating posts but have no patience to go beyond 300 words   🙂

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD replied to the topic Received my 5th payment in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 10 months ago

    Congratulations, that is the fruit of your hardship. You did good and you earn it. That is what we should be, determined to reach the goal and when the time comes, you harvest the fruit of your work. I always wanted to do be like this but cannot do it always. But thanks goodness I belong to the group of people for the last month. And it feels so good.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Received my 5th payment in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 10 months ago

    It is not easy for me to reach payout here but I have done that five times already (lol)

    Happy for you too.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Received my 5th payment in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 10 months ago

    I do not write the way you do. You really write long posts. I do not have any patience. I write many short posts and that is how I reach payout.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Received my 5th payment in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 10 months ago

    As I have already stated it is a bit slow here but the good news is that they pay.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, I Got Paid a Fifth Time at LiteracyBase 7 years, 10 months ago

    ”I am on a few other sites and must say all is not good there. A particular site has vanished into thin air and it has worked out a method in such a way that each time we approach that site be it to login or r […]

    • Really amazing and to the point post for me and for so many others who are new in this realm. Actually, having sent a few posts,my mind started working on this topic.I was not sure whether this practice will be fruitful. “Bestwriter” has solved the problem. I am satisfied now because I have got replies to questions that hovered in my mind. Now I can continue writing for literacybase.

    • I am glad to hear that from you, at least it gives the hope that I would be paid too when I meet the minimum payout and exceed. Thanks for sharing and thanks to literacybase.

      • This is one of the few sites that pays consistently.

        On top of any page there is a ‘How It Works’ tab. In the drop down menu you will find a tab ‘Redeem’ Click on that. Just add the amount and then click on ‘transfer’. You must have a minimum of 10 dollars in that month which will be paid to you on the 10th or later of the following month.

    • Am glad to hear that you have been paid congratulations, but am still finding it very difficult to discover fill in payment option please help, am using smart phone i was not unable discover were to commit my payment details help.

    • By mistake, my comment meant for you has been posted in the box of @Emmanuel Mensah

    • Congrats! Glad to hear this from you. Your payment proof has turned into confidence to all others. LB is always legit and pay on time even earns slower but steadily.
      I think the way can earn faster and more is write more and share the posts via social media.
      Hope we are here to support and encourage each other, and continue to write as LB never upset us.

    • I can feel your happiness being paid here in literacy base. Its really hard to find a good writing sites that do not only use our writing skills for their own sake. Its good LB is here that really pay us according to our writings and activity. I was also in tinycent but stopped there because the site is not paying. Its good I’m not active in that site. So happy that I was also paid here in literacy base. Hope this site will grow more.

    • Just keep posting informative posts and if you have the patience do write long posts as they get better paid. I have no patience (lol)
      Happy that you too were paid. Keep up the tempo

    • great to know this, keep writing

    • You’re very active at this site and your payments received show proof that you are not wasting your time here. As for me, I have not yet reached my first pay out. But I don’t write near as many blog posts as you do. You have a passion about certain topics so you can writer lots of stuff. I don’t. I definitely don’t have the patience to write long posts or even the knowledge. But still … this is a nice site. I like it! Even though I have not yet been paid, I don’t think I’m wasting my time and I do believe I will be paid for my efforts. You keep at it! If something works for you, it works! 🙂

      • How about making it a challenge to get paid. I kind of keep a goal of writing atleast 3 posts a day. Just think of a topic and shoot as they say. Hope to hear from you that you have reached payout..

    • Yes, you are lucky you got get your money soon and fifth time yes, continue writing the posts or titles to increase you money online.
      There are many other real ways to earn money online but i have discussed only most efficeient and to the point which surely gives you results in sense of geting paid online.

      Again i will reccomend every one to choose blogging as passain and establish their blog by registering your own domain name today for hosting or domain registration we can help or even setup blog, write a unique quality content and apply for google adsense account.

      f you are one of them who want to earn money by using your area of expertise or feild in which you can perform more efficiently rather then others, like web developer, graphic designer, software engineer and SEO expert.

      You want yourself to be hired by some and work from home in your field then go to freelancer.com, elance.com or oDesk.com these sites are 100% legit who pays for your works they charge little amount as per project and ensure you about your payment for any project is secure which is handled by third party.

    • Great to know and congratulations on going strong and getting fifth payout.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, A Landscaped Garden Brings in Nature 7 years, 10 months ago

    Landscaping is no rocket science.  A bit of creativity and knowing what one calls a landscaped garden is all what is needed to create one. With concrete jungles mushrooming everywhere displacing greenery it wi […]

    • the activity of tending and cultivating a garden, especially as a pastime.”her love of gardening

      Gardening is a good hobby but it asks for attention like a toddler at home otherwise the garden will be fade within days as a child falls prey to evil eye. It is business of God to grow landscapes to decorate the earth. To to plant for plants is a tough job for a lay man but it is easy for those who interested in plating a garden.

      “Gardener. In a broad sense, anyone who cultivates a garden. In the restricted sense, one who has been trained in horticulture for a number of years, passing through the different grades of student or apprentice, journeyman, and foreman. Such a man or woman must possess plenty of tact, ability to manage a staff, be well educated, and above all be thoroughly practical with a sufficient knowledge of the scientific principles on which horticultural practice is based to appreciate and apply the results of horticultural experiment and research.”

      The other key to growing organically is to choose plants suited to the site. Plants adapted to your climate and conditions are better able to grow without a lot of attention or input; on the other hand, when you try to grow a plant that is not right for your site, you will probably have to boost its natural defenses to keep it healthy and productive.

      • A passion for gardening and a bit of experience is all that is required to produce a healthy garden. Anyone with passion will put in the required effort.

    • It seems interesting and I am impressed by that very garden you are managing. You must be enjoying the beauty of that garden. It will refresh the air present there. It will fill it with oxygen gas.

      I wish I had some place for such a little garden at our home place. I tried the idea by placing some pots at the top of our building but it did not work and all the pots were ultimately broken down by kids. I am not in a position to think about such and idea. Hope in th near future I do something in this connection.

    • Thanks. My garden has a lot of greenery and that water body adds to the natural setting.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Once Upon a Time there were General Practitioners 7 years, 10 months ago

    Every neighbourhood had a common doctor who would be summoned anytime  sickness visited a household. The neighbours would rally round and someone from he neighbourhood would go to the doctor’s clinic with a […]

    • Well here in the US there are a few doctors who have started making house calls, but it is a service that few can afford. I am afraid that the old time doctor who made house calls is gone for good. At least there are some affordable clinics around though.

      • I have managed to get a doctor who though is a heart specialist listens to me, attends to my phone calls and prescribes for whatever complaints I may report but not all can do it and it is frightening to think that for every part of our body we have to go to a specialist.

      • Actually, I just recently saw a documentary on TV about healthcare specialists who were making house calls. They are not doctors but they are trained professional medical caretakers who do know how to treat patients who have an illness that must be managed, like diabetes. I watched the program. Sounds like a very good idea. What really impressed me was the specialists were visiting low income people who had difficulty getting to a doctor or a clinic, and they were taking care of their medical needs. Some cities are thinking about implementing such programs because it frees up doctors to devote their energy to persons with more serious ailments and provides medical care to the financially disadvantaged. Two thumbs up if they can get the program to work! 🙂

    • You are right in your thinking. Such type of great doctors are rarely found around us but still there are some doctors who care and give proper attention to the patients. These great doctors do not charge high fee and try their level best to improve the health of their patient.

    • Thinking back, one of the best doctors I knew was a GP. She set up her practice in a neighborhood where she could provide healthcare services to those who could pay and those who could not. She did not make house calls. But she was a really good doctor! These days it’s rare to find medical practitioners like her. I do miss that.

    • Hope old times get revived. That approach is so necessary to get back our health without having to run from pillar to post.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, Running With Kid To Train Him As Athlete 7 years, 10 months ago

    Me and my kid Bojong went running this morning.

    We went for a 5 kilometer run that stretch to the beach in our town. It was a good feeling running with my child because we have not done this for a long time. […]

    • Yes, children are most important part of a family and children heath rest of exercise and the best exercise is to be athlete. It makes makes all human organs active and makes fresh human mind and soul in the broader sense.

      All kids need to eat balanced meals and have a healthy diet. But should that balance change for kids who play on a sports team or work out?

      Kids need to eat the right amount and mix of foods to support that higher level of activity, but that mix might not be too different from a normal healthy diet. Eating for sports should be an extension of healthy eating for life.

      Kids who eat healthy, well-balanced meals and snacks will get the nutrients needed to perform well in sports. Kids and teens who are involved in all-day competitions or strenuous endurance sports (like rowing, cross-country running, or competitive swimming) that can involve 1½ to 2 hours or more of activity at a time, in particular, may need to consume more food to keep up with increased energy demands.

      Most athletes will naturally eat the right amount of food their bodies need. But if you’re concerned that your child is getting too much or too little food, check in with your doctor.

      Besides getting the right amount of calories, it takes a variety of nutrients to keep young athletes performing at their best:

      Vitamins and minerals: Kids need a variety of vitamins and minerals. Calcium and iron are two important minerals for athletes:
      Calcium helps build strong bones to resist breaking and stress fractures. Calcium-rich foods include low-fat dairy products like milk, yogurt, and cheese, as well as leafy green vegetables such as broccoli.
      Iron helps carry oxygen to all the different body parts that need it. Iron-rich foods include lean meat, chicken, tuna, salmon, eggs, dried fruits, leafy green vegetables, and fortified whole grains.

      Protein: Protein helps build and repair muscles, and most kids get plenty of it through a balanced diet. Protein-rich foods include fish, lean meat and poultry, dairy products, beans, nuts, and soy products. Too much protein can lead to dehydration and calcium loss.
      Carbohydrates: Carbs provide energy for the body.

      Some diet plans have urged weight-conscious adults to steer clear of carbs, but for a young athlete they’re an important source of fuel. There’s no need for “carb loading” (eating a lot of carbs in advance of a big game), but without carbs in their diet, kids will be running on empty. When you’re choosing carbs, look for whole-grain foods like whole-wheat pasta, brown rice, whole-grain bread and cereal, and plenty of fruits and vegetables.

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    bestwriter replied to the topic Received my 5th payment in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 10 months ago

    Aactive quality posting is the key. Go for it.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Received my 5th payment in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 10 months ago

    If you post consistently payment is sure.

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