• Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic Receipt of payment withdrawn from LiteracyBase to my individual account in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 7 months ago

    Lb Support,

    Thanks for the prompt reply.

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina joined the group Group logo of Blogging GiantsBlogging Giants 7 years, 7 months ago

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    Tiada wrote a new post, How to stopping the children from sticking to T.V 7 years, 7 months ago

    Most of the parent know we should not let the children stay in front of the T.V for long hour or glued to T.V. Having said that, how to  stop  a T.V addiction or get the children away from the T.V is a big c […]

    • That is true. Since the parents should be the models to their children, they shouldn’t be watching TV too, but instead be with the children to teach and guide them in their homework.

      They should see to it that they will study their lessons. Allow them to watch TV only on Saturdays. Sunday morning and afternoon, they can also be allowed. However in the evening no more. They have to prepare their school bags and do their homework.

      Better still on Friday night, they should do their homeworks, so by Sunday night they can just study.

    • @Dina is right, we only allowed to watch the T.V after finishing our homework or even during Friday night and weekend is better.
      My kids only able to watch T.V when they are at their granny’s house, we have no T.V at home, but computer is another kind of T.V too nowadays.

      My kids love to watch the Youtube or some videos clips at the social media too, but always restricted by us.

      And, we always mention the computer is belong to me, not them, so they can simply manipulate it or doing something on it. They do alert on this.

      We allocate 2 hours cartoon watching time every week for them to watch some cartoon at Youtube.
      My kids love to watch the Youtube or some videos clips at the social media too, but always restricted by us,same as what mentioned by @michelle

      And, we always mention the computer is belong to me, not them, so they can simply manipulate it or doing something on it. They do alert on this.

      We allocate 2 hours cartoon watching time every week for them to watch some cartoon at Youtube. They are looking forward to this section every week and have to finish all the homework first.

      And, they have ice cream section on Monday but provided have a nail cut first. This help us to set up a life rhythm of the kids, so they won’t have much argument when we urge them to do something as per scheduled.

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar and Profile picture of Toratio WilliamsToratio Williams are now friends 7 years, 7 months ago

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar posted an update 7 years, 7 months ago

    Dear group members thank you for your support. Our group Knowledge is Power Use It Wisely has more than 170 members and counting. The most interesting part since I joined Literacy base and started the group is the interest shown by existing members of Literacybase as well as new members who keep joining daily. Many of the members has kept the…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar and Profile picture of melody danielmelody daniel are now friends 7 years, 7 months ago

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar and Profile picture of David HershDavid Hersh are now friends 7 years, 7 months ago

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar and Profile picture of Chris-adamsChris-adams are now friends 7 years, 7 months ago

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar and Profile picture of Anil VirdiAnil Virdi are now friends 7 years, 7 months ago

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic Receipt of payment withdrawn from LiteracyBase to my individual account in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 7 months ago

    Mobile confirmed,   Email confirmed, Bank account confirmed.  Hope this information helps. If I get further reply from them I will keep you informed. Lb support hope this data is useful in transferring payment into my account or for checking and verification with paypal if all things are clear before depositing money again.

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic Receipt of payment withdrawn from LiteracyBase to my individual account in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 7 months ago

    Mobile confirmed,   Email confirmed, Bank account confirmed.  Hope this information helps.

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic Receipt of payment withdrawn from LiteracyBase to my individual account in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 7 months ago

    This is what my paypal account looks like now.


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  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic Receipt of payment withdrawn from LiteracyBase to my individual account in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 7 months ago

    Kind Attn Lb Support,

    This is the letter received on email received from paypal. This is for your information.


    Feb 15, 2017

    Your PayPal account is Verified and your sending limits were removed

    Dear Krishnakumar Kongalacode,
    Your HDFC BANK bank account x-xx11 was confirmed and your sending limits were removed.

    Your PayPal…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Tiada

    Tiada wrote a new post, Tips on getting a used car. 7 years, 7 months ago

    We might look for a used car if we have not enough budget, this is the saving or monthly income limitation or a reality that with no choice.

    The banks always only provide loan with the monthly repayment amount […]

    • I think using used RV makes sense for rent. I don’t think I’d buy anything long term. I didn’t find much use for the same.

    • Used cars may fall within the budget but will it be for a long term use? It is impontant to note that though it may be within our budget today, can it be use for a while before requiring servicing. If care is not taken, you can get the car but servicing will end up costing you more which whe putting together could have help you in getting a new car.

    • As a former car dealer rep, I can tell you not to buy without being informed. Take advantage of all information available in the internet about the car you are interested in and don’t let the rep talk you into a car you don’t want. Also, new cars can be brought at a reasonable low down price especially during the fall months. When you have a lot of new cars on the lot, the dealership is losing money so they have to, practically, settle on low prices in order to get rid of them. Bottom line, whether new or not, do your homework and be informed.

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic Religion: Hinduism – About Goddess Maha Kali – 2 in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 7 months ago

    Great interpretation of the Goddess Kali. The Goddess also inspires us to remove all our avagunas or negative traits and imbibe the sadgunas or positive traits in every human being. She helps her devotees to remove dark aspects of their lives and fill their lives with brightness of knowledge and wisdom which guide and help all humans to think and…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina and Profile picture of Anitah GimaseAnitah Gimase are now friends 7 years, 7 months ago

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar and Profile picture of shaynashayna are now friends 7 years, 7 months ago

  • Profile picture of Tiada

    Tiada wrote a new post, How to escape from running errands and wasting your time? 7 years, 7 months ago

    Running errands really time consuming, because  we have go out, spend time on traffics, find a car park and waiting to be served at the counter for either making payment, making enquiries, lodging a report.

    We […]

    • Division of labour is the fastest way of doing things but the problem with it is that those you assign part of your duties to are not able to accomplish the task the way you will have done or wish for hence you doing everything yourself. With techology all of that is changing as you can now pay all your bills online so the moverment is less.

    • I usually do the errands on the same time and that’s how I try to save some time.

    • This is where online transactions comes handy – bills payment.

      At our office, we have an employee whose job is to go to banks for the deposits of the different affiliates. Since she also go to the bank where I pay my credit card, I send them through her, because she’s accorded good service since our company is one of the valued clients.

      And every Christmas I have a gift for her, for being so gracious in paying my credit card.

    • So true, we can do some many things online now and included to reduce the numbers of going out and stuck in the traffic jam.
      Agree with @Raphael, that we can do more things now in one shot with the current technology level we embraced with. We can paying bill online, blogging at LiteracyBase while having our cloths washing in the washing machine, having our tea cooking in the kitchen and have the vacuum robot to cleaning the floor. Thanks to the innovation and technology!

      I love @dina’s way which ask someone to help her to pay for the credit card bill too. We can ask for help around if the one is good and kind enough to give us a hand. Off course, we have to know how to return with kindness too. Thus, Dina has a Christmas gift for her every year, this one of the way.
      And, we can bake some cakes, cookies and food for the neighbour whom help us for pay our bills too or run some errands for us, and help in saving our time.

    • O&M is what management calls it. If one has an organised method lots can be achieved in little time.

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina wrote a new post, Do You Love Your Body As It Is, Now? 7 years, 7 months ago

    I think some of us would say No. But let’s see what the majority have to say about their bodies.

    I have just seen the movie Embrace on my laptop while I ate my lunch at the office. It’s about a former sexy wom […]

    • I have gained some weight. And I want to reduce it. Otherwise I think I am doing okay so far.

      • Just be determined in losing them through exercise and some diet and you will also get your former body.

        Sometimes, we should just be so determined and forget about being lazy in doing the exercise.

    • i love my body so much that i will not want to do anything to change it to please any one. Naturaly every one came with their body size. i dont know why people will want to change their body size to please others. Untill you appreciate yourself, no one will appreciate you.

      • I agree. We have to appreciate what we have and improve them if there is some parts that we don’t like.

        I am happy that you love your body. We should indeed love our bodies because they are what God gave us.

        Although, if you have the money, if you like a fast way of eliminating fats in your body, you can go for those smart lip, which celebrities do to have a nice body.

        I would love to have that too, if I have the money. he he he

    • I also love my body because it’s what I am. Although I am trying to lose more weight to satisfy my desired body shape.
      Loving our own body will enforce us to go with healthy diets and do some workout. It makes us realize how good it is to take care of our body from diseases.
      Every now and then, I find time to do exercise because it is one way of loving myself. To be fit.

      • That is good to know that you love your body.

        Indeed, our bodies may not be perfect though. We just have to learn how to wear clothes that suits our own body type.

        And yes, if we love our bodies, we should see to it that it gets the exercise that it needs. Exercise is an anti-aging factor and it helps in strengthening our bodies thus we have a strong immune system.

        When we love our bodies, we also love ourselves. 🙂

    • yes. One should love one’s body as long as we live. There may be some changes that may take place but we should not develop hatred for them as they are all temporary changes. They come and go. They develop and again disappear. But, as true lover of our body how can we allow it in bad shape. This is the point of concern. If we really love our body we should take proper care of it. We should allow only as minimum changes as possible but not the total change in the structure itself.
      I love my body that is why I eat what it requires that too in limited quantity. I do exercise properly and keep my stomach always half full. I never give trouble to my digestive system dumping always something or the other. This is what we should generally do. Take care of your skin Apply oil to it and give it a good expose to the sun and the moon. Take your body out and give it a good air.
      Take care of your muscles. Give them proper exercise Keep them strong and free from water. Feed them with the adequate amount of fat.
      Take care of your bones. Give them sufficient supply of Vitamin D, Calcium and other minerals. Never overburden your digestive system This is always a golden principle.

      • Very well said and I absolutely agree with you.

        If we truly love our bodies, at any change of the body that is detrimental to our health, we should already do things to make them normal again.

        We should take care of our body because doing so would mean we will be having a healthy lifestyle thus live longer.

        You amaze me because you really are doing all these things to assure you that you have a healthy body. 🙂

    • Are you not here in the Philippines? Indeed, the cold weather can make us gain weight because it whets our appetite thus makes us eat more. ha ha ha

      Just like you, I am trying to lose some fats and for me, those are in the tummy area.

      I just cut down my rice portion and eat apple instead for dinner.

      It is nice to hear that you love your body. We should really because it’s the temple of the holy spirit. So we really have to take care of it, so we can live on it longer.

    • I was so happy too, to know that I am still within the normal BMI. I thought I am way above the normal.

      I am trying to lose my tummy fat and I do that by just eating an apple for dinner. Although, when I eat the apple I see to it that I am still a bit full from my snacks in the afternoon.

      So far, my pants have loosened a bit in the waist.

    • I love my body, i am acutally lucky that i have a fast metabolism because i eat like crazy and some people even think i should be fat. I am actually skinny but with some meat.

      I never hated my body, i just adapted to how i looked and love my body no matter what. I don’t do anything to change my form either. I am too lazy for that.

      Sometimes i gain more weight and lose weight depending on the seasons but it varies between 5-7 kilos either way, so it doesn’t make a big diference on my appearance.

    • I can’t say I hate my body or that I love it. I have a little bit of weight I want to lose before summertime so I can feel confident in a bikini. I try to maintain a steady weight. But it’s important to appreciate your body and feel content with yourself physically.

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar and Profile picture of Amanda JayAmanda Jay are now friends 7 years, 7 months ago

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