• Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar and Profile picture of TracyTracy are now friends 7 years, 7 months ago

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar and Profile picture of Nandi. I'm your all-in-one content writer. Creative and original ideas.Nandi. I'm your all-in-one content writer. Creative and original ideas. are now friends 7 years, 7 months ago

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic Medical: Treatment – Emergencies – Ten Facts Which Are Often Ignored in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 7 months ago

    The above are only a few important of the facts which are often ignored or not taken care of by the patients themselves or their family members. There are many other reasons like. Ignoring a message which the body gives repeatedly in the form of aches, cramps, joint pains and many other symptoms. In the case of people who are middle aged or those…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar posted an update 7 years, 7 months ago

    Congratulations to all new group members who have joined recently. Participate and share what is new in your life, surroundings or any other information which is interesting and useful for others to participate and comment on. Your participation is what makes the group Knowledge is Power Use It Wisely colorful, interesting and informative. Happy…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic Commenting on Blogs add to your earnings in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 7 months ago

    True commenting on blogs is a good way to earn. But more interestingly it helps those who would like to write articles get ideas about how to go about in writing a good post as some of the blogs are exhaustive and cover a vast area of information. This helps people new to learn process of blog writing.

    But one must make sure that the articles are…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Tiada

    Tiada wrote a new post, The Pro and Cons of purchasing a group insurance plan 7 years, 7 months ago

    We might be offered some group insurance plan either medical or personal accident plan, other than the company insurance coverage.
    This kind of group insurance normally involved at least few hundreds of policy […]

  • Profile picture of Tiada

    Tiada wrote a new post, Activities without Television for the children 7 years, 7 months ago

    Watching television is one of pass time activities in the modern life or modern family. However,

    We would like to stop the children to stay away or stay less in front of the television due to some negative […]

    • For me, the best thing is to have another peer come over the house. I did that to our daughter when she was still a kid.

      We would ask the neighbor’s kid to come over the house. The kid would be there in the house with our kid the whole day. The helper would let the kid eat with our daughter and they really have fun playing.

      In the evening it’s our turn to play with our daughter. 🙂

    • Yes, you are right, @Dina,the kids need another peer, if not, they might need the parent to stay along almost the whole day.
      I have two kids, so they can play with and play around sometimes, but do need the guidance from the parents sometimes.

      Some single kid can play and stay alone for hours, it’s good also for them to have “me” time, I think.

    • There is a lot more you can do. I would like to write an article on this myself. As we did not have a T.V as my kids were growing up I have a lot of experience! One thing I did was create a craft box with all sorts of things to make things with and paint and brushes and glue and junk. If it would work to make something, into the craft box it went. We had many happy afternoons getting that box out and once, my daughter and I used a huge cardboard box and made it into a play oven. That was an afternoon and then other afternoons “cooking” for the dolls.

    • Those are actually all the things I did when I was younger. I am a 90’s child so cellphones and computers were fairly a recent thing especially the Internet.

      But my favorite things to do when I was a child was playing with my neighbor. Would would make up the weirdest games,camping in our back yard or just play finding Waldo.

      Those were the times we’re we actually spent quality. time with people.

      Now a days I see children with iPhones even and that is something I dont find right. I can’t say how to parent a child but let them be a child while they can. Once technology hits it will be impossible to get them off it.

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar and Profile picture of Kelly DuttonKelly Dutton are now friends 7 years, 7 months ago

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar started the topic Cruelty To Chicks:Poultry-Different Methods Adopted By Hatcheries To Kill Chicks in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 7 months ago

    While humans do not want any harm to be caused to them they go all out to make life a living hell for other living beings of the world. Be it pets, domestic animals, fish and other marine animals and in the present case chicks. Basically humans by nature are selfish and they are the only living beings who have a mind of their own which can do…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic Good news, Literacy Base paid me $30 , Cheers in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 7 months ago

    Dear friends,

    I wish to inform you that I have received my first payment from Literacybase. No doubt it took quite sometime, I was happy with the way Lb support team responded on time and tried to help me out of the problem and sort the issue with the bank. I found the same when I checked paypal account  today. Thanks one and all and the Lb support team.

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar started the topic India: Economic Reforms – Goods & Services Tax (GST) – Features – The Road Map in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 7 months ago

    images (13)
    As the Indian Economy marches from strength to strength to a new level of development despite different problems and difficulties plaguing the economy and dragging the growth down and reducing the gains achieved. This is one of the measures which has been in cold storage since a number of years. It has come to the final stages of implementation.…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar started the topic India: Economic Reforms – Goods & Services Tax (GST) – Features – The Road Map in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 7 months ago

    images (13)
    As the Indian Economy marches from strength to strength to a new level of development despite different problems and difficulties plaguing the economy and dragging the growth down and reducing the gains achieved. This is one of the measures which has been in cold storage since a number of years. It has come to the final stages of implementation.…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic has anyone ever tried earning real money from PTC sites, survey sites? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 7 months ago

    I was trying to earn some money from taking surveys and I wanted to understand what these sites were upto. This was more than ten years ago. I was registered with more than 5 sites. I remember the name surveysavvy, american consumer voice opinion or something of that sort, one more site was regarding medical testing they used to ask some questions…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic My Experience with Literacybase Support Team in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 7 months ago

    Lb Support,

    Appreciate your prompt response as always I checked my account now and the payment has been cleared. Thank you once again.

    @Lee Ka good to hear your experience and the positive vibes it has generated in you as they say first impression is the best impression. That saying holds true in your case.

    @ Cely and to all other friends and…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Tiada

    Tiada wrote a new post, The tips on blogging and commenting at LiteracyBase 7 years, 7 months ago

    As we all known, there are few ways of earning at LiteracyBase. I would like to touch on two ways of earning and some tips on that.

    Earn via blogging. This could be the main source of earning at LiteracyBase […]

    • Very well said. Yeah these things do help a lot, when i was new here, i confused a bit and almost were not able to post my blog for about 4 to 5 days. But now I am able to know some rules and this blog of yours will surely help me ans many other new bloggers and lb members here.
      I don’t think and I never heard of anyone getting 22 cents for posting blog, but 15 Cents, but yes I haven’t tried posting a long 800 Words blog, i am blogging for about 330 to 400 words on an average and for comments, its sometimes difficult to comment for about 170 Words, so that it may earn 2 cents but still uts good and worth. Besides I am also still new here and learning with experience and will share my experience with You and other Literacy Base Members as well

    • OK Ceci. Somebody said you could earn more than 15 cents for a blog post which was an eye-opening and very helpful tip. But I did not know that the number of words in comments mattered. News to me!

      But it really doesn’t matter to me. I make comments according to what I’m trying to communicate. It could be as little as 20 words, but I do my best not to make my comments 300 words. If I find myself making a comment or contributing to or starting a topic in a group/forum and suddenly realize that can be turned into a blog post, it gets turned into a blog post! That’s how it works for me.

      What I’m trying to figure out is why my blog posts are being avoided? Nobody’s commenting. Are my posts that boring or are they too complicated to understand?? (O.o) I need to find the “magic post formula” to get folks to comment AND share. Whew! It’s a tough mission but I’m working on it! 🙂 😀

    • Those are great statistics about word count for comments. I wish there was word count for our blogs.

    • When it comes to the blogs i am not sure because i am new here and haven’t started blogging yet. I mainly put myself into commenting other blogs and surfing around to see how the site works.

      I have, however, noticed the earnings due to length of comments also. I am usually a big commenter. If i comment on something then it is because i have something to say and i like to try and explain myself as much as i can.

      I noticed the amounts due to length because i did make one or two comments a little smaller than most and saw the difference in the balance.

      If what you say about the blogs are true about the 0.22 cents then i do believe that if you have a good idea for a blog and it is a bit long then you sould divide it into 2 blogs. I think it is a better choice, just like you said.

    • The blog is very informative. I’m a newbie on literacy base, I have found your blog very helpful. I have not yet written any blog, but with so much of information you have laid down Am sure I will be writing my first blog very soon.This has also encouraged me to make valuable comments.

  • Profile picture of Tiada

    Tiada wrote a new post, LiteracyBase and your social platform 7 years, 7 months ago

    LiteracyBase is one of the site I like to work on currently as there is no LIMIT on earning per day, no limit on blogging numbers, commenting, etc.
    I found there are many newbie joined and on the board recently, […]

  • Profile picture of Tiada

    Tiada wrote a new post, Pay day and payment issue on LiteracyBase 7 years, 7 months ago

    We love to come here and blog, comment, and share out of ideas of life here, and LiteracyBase pay us some penny as reward. I know there are some newbies joined recently and still confused on how the payment policy […]

    • Yes, I think most users concern about how we can redeem from the site, and when we will get paid too. This post will be helpful to many people, even for those who are considering to join.

      I am glad to know that the minimum payout is still $10, at least for PayPal, which is my preferably payment processor. If the rule hasn’t changed since the time I joined, as long as we redeem by end of the month, then we will get paid on 10th next month.

    • I am glad you mentioned the server is slow for everyone as I thought it was just me! I hope they can sort that in time. For now I will just enjoy reading and posting seeing as I am new and the first payday is a long way off.

    • I just joined and still a baby on this website so far I like what I’ve found and hope to learn new things earn a bit of cash and make some new friends. Thanks for letting me know how people are paid thru this site and for letting me know it’s a bit slow. I love reading different blogs and adding my 2 cents as well.

    • Tahnks for the info about redemption dates. It was a thing i was wondering about when it comes to payment and you have explained it nicely.

      When it comes to the server i have also found that it takes a little long to submit things but this isn’t a veyr big issue for me yet. Either way i hope they fix it. Everybody likes things uploading faster than slower.

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina replied to the topic I miss to write long blogs, but I won't write this timer, no payment yet in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 7 months ago


    I know by now that you have been paid for the $20 which was given to you at $30. Congratulations!

    So, you have been to a lot of sites already. And you really are a writer, my friend.

    Basing on your narrations, you have been to a lot of sites already and they eventually closed.

    Can it be that you have a “balat sa pwet”, an inborn…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina replied to the topic I miss to write long blogs, but I won't write this timer, no payment yet in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 7 months ago

    I know by now that you have been paid for the $20 which was given to you at $30. Congratulations!

    So, you have been to a lot of sites already. And you really are a writer, my friend.

    Basing on your narrations, you have been to a lot of sites already and they eventually closed.

    Can it be that you have a “balat sa pwet”, an inborn dark mark…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina replied to the topic The money earned here, what are going to do with it? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 7 months ago

    Just like you, I just let my money just be in PayPal too. I transfer them to my account when they have grown big and I can use it to buy something nice for me or for the house like curtains.

    At least, PayPal won’t be deducting 50 pesos or $1 every time I transfer it to my savings account.

    They may be little earnings, my friend, but over time…[Read more]

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