• Profile picture of SOFIA TSOURLAKI

    SOFIA TSOURLAKI commented on the post, How to Cook Dry Chicken Curry 7 years, 11 months ago

    In reply to: peachpurple wrote a new post, How to Cook Dry Chicken Curry Honestly, I do not often cook Indian food because I am not familiar with the Indian recipes. Indian recipes are usually related to hot spices and […] View

    I will try it and come back to you!

  • Profile picture of SOFIA TSOURLAKI

    SOFIA TSOURLAKI wrote a new post, How to become a broadcaster / radio presenter (Part 1) 7 years, 11 months ago

    My first radio show took place a winter night, back in 2000. I was shaking from excitement and stress. Since then, I have presented so many shows that it has become my second nature. For the last four years, I […]

    • As an educator, we have gone to series of seminar and workshops on journalism and news casting is one of those topics we underwent. News casting is like a news writing. You have to observe the basic questions on presenting the news. You have to take cognizance of the what, the who, the where, the when, the why, and the how of the event to cover for reporting. In news casting, time is so limited unlike news writing. The people usually hear the news on radio news casting.

      The next is the familiarization of the equipment or gadgets to be used in news casting. Primarily, writing of the script is the basic step on the said medium of delivering the news. The microphone, the console to operate, the background music and the commercial that sponsors the news spot. It takes several days or weeks to undergo the training. I have been a news stringer in our place. I did some news reporting directly from my place of assignment. It pays to that thing for I was doing it for free.

    • yes. This is seemingly easy job. But it actually carries greater responsibility than handling news on t.V.

      The job actually demands varieties of knowledge that include;
      handling the guest
      the personnel of Radio Station
      using the electronic gadgets
      Social intimacy
      Tact and diplomacy
      emotional balance
      Voice according to the type of the programme

      Important among being your reaction to the immediate happening while dealing with Traffic Jam Weather Cyclones etc. Different people from different places will be shooting question which should be answered with tact and diplomacy.

    • Your experience about Radio Broader caster is valuable and you say there is no institution on earth to tech about this field but my friend keep in mind that every person learns according his or her by birth traits if someone has no natural talent of this field he or she cannot become a broad caster at all. In every field we all of us follow our natural trends and the key of success lies in i.

    • Being a radio presenter is not an easy job just like any other. There is no job that is easy in this world, all jobs have their own challenges, if you have the focus to do whatever you want you can do it no matter what people say or do. I have never desired to be a radio or tv presenter because I know the hard work that is involved is a lot and it needs a lot of patience. It am a needs someone who has a good common of English or some other language. I heard one radio presenter talk about her experience in the radio broadcasting, she says it was never easy especially if your a lady. There is so much pressure you will find men especially putting the woman down, and they would say things like you don’t fit this job, or your voice is not right those sorts of comments, so if your weak it’s easy for you to quit your job thinking that your not good enough. But the above points can definitely work.

  • Profile picture of SOFIA TSOURLAKI

    SOFIA TSOURLAKI became a registered member 7 years, 11 months ago