Swimming is my sports. I am a deep sea swimmer since high school. We live near many beaches and deep sea.
An advantage that both individual and team sports share is that it helps in bringing people of different backgrounds together to interact. This is seen in the attendance in the stadiums and different arenas.
Politics apart any country has a responsibility towards the good health and the welfare of its citizens. It is the responsibility of the government of the day to see that they do not damage what structure is already there. It is better if they try to improve the system which exists. That should be the ideal goal of all politicians or parties around the world. If the people of the country are not in good health it affects the economy of the country directly and causes economic loses for the country as the country will not have good quality human resource which is healthy.
Keeping this in view it is always better to have countries which provide a strong social welfare for its people. As government is of the people, for the people and by the people. This should be arrived at irrespective of the costs involved. As if people are unwell it will reflect badly on the image of the country and if it is told that if you do not have insurance you die in a country. It reflects very adversely on the image of the country too. Happy to see that a good caring scheme for the people continues.
Perfectly put; health is important. A state should spend on health and education as priorities.
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