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    Ruby posted an update 7 years, 5 months ago

    still thinking of what article to post. I hope I can think of a better article to post.

    How’s your blog day?

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    Ruby wrote a new post, Intellectual Disability replaces the term Mental Retardation or Mental Deficiency 7 years, 5 months ago

    Intellectual Disability replaces the term Mental Retardation or Mental Deficiency,


    My sister had a frequent asthma attack when she was conceiving her baby. As explained by her doctor, an asthma attack during […]

    • Indeed before that is the term @Ruby. I didn’t know that it’s now called intellectual disability.

      That is good, because those previous term is a somewhat demeaning.

      It’s good also that you explained how come Carla was born with intellectual disability.

      I am happy to know Carla had joined those that showcased her talents and abilities and we saw her on TV when she joined one. 🙂

      • I am also happy that our society now is more aware that these PWDs are not different from everyone else. They should be treated equally despite their disabilities.

        I am also happy that the government is addressing this now by having SPED in almost all public schools in the country.

    • Hi, and really amazing points you wrote there, and sorry that most of my posts and comments have but, it is not everywhere called that way, and there is nothing wrong to be called in the old name mental retardation, why? some of these people have intelligent that is more than normal people who are not labeled that way

      • Good Morning ladies and gent.
        the term intellectual and retardation are both in use since long time, non is replacing the other, both are correct and you can choose which is suitable to you.

    • The change in terminology is quite good because it is less hurting for the person affected or to the parents. It is good society had come to accept and understand their situations well. There are special schools for them to help them cope and have a social life.

      • Yes, so true. I am really happy that we have this SPED Program of the DepEd. It really is demeaning, as Dina mentioned, to use the old term. At least now, our society is aware of we should accept them despite their disabilities.

    • Hello Ruby? And finally I am able to catch up a blog from you. This day I brought my lap top to school to do inputting of scores to the school’s system, so here I am so impressed about your very nice and informative blog.My salute on this for you are presenting here many things like how MR was previously called and changed to wave the incapacity and reputation of the family if having a special child. Yes, you are right, that there are many institutions this time that cater the need of the special children and children with impaired physical properties especially the mental disability. They need care so they will know how to feel love and care.

      Take care and congrats.

      • Thanks Cely!

        I do really applaud you for your dedication in your profession and at the same time squeezing time for this site. I hope that your internet connection is now faster than before.

        I can really relate to the situation of our PWDs here in the Phils. Although there are already institutions for this, still we lack some financial support for them to be sustainable in their future.

    • @ trees and moons

      in the Special Education Program of our Department of Education, if possible we should not use the word ‘mental retardation’ anymore but rather the term ‘intellectual disability’.

      • I understand you point and I find intellectual disability is kinds inappropriate as some with mental retardation are having high IQ, and they better than some with no disability, so why to insult the intellectual ability of the mentally retarded? that is why I just say its not an international name to call these people, and still lots of countries in the special education field call it mentally retarded. I respect your point but that is not international point, that what I mean by mentally retarded

  • Profile picture of Ruby

    Ruby started the topic Intellectual Disability replaces the term Mental Retardation in the forum Group logo of COLLECTORSCOLLECTORS 7 years, 5 months ago

    My sister had a frequent asthma attack when she was conceiving her baby. As explained by her doctor, an asthma attack during pregnancy can cut back the oxygen to the fetus from her which may also include, among other risks, abnormally slow growth of the fetus (intrauterine growth retardation).
     When my niece was born it was evident that she had s…[Read more]

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    Ruby joined the group Group logo of News & ViewsNews & Views 7 years, 5 months ago

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    Ruby joined the group Group logo of Dining OutDining Out 7 years, 5 months ago

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    Ruby posted an update 7 years, 5 months ago


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    Goodluck and happy blogging!

    • Thank you ruby.I am new here and hoping for good to join literacy base that I think it would be helpful to bring my inner blogger out of me.Looking forward in making new friends.

    • Yes, you can add me in any group here.

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        Also, please don’t hesitate to request friends to members you feel like making friends with. Almost everyone is busy and sometimes they have limited time…[Read more]

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    Ruby posted an update 7 years, 5 months ago


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    Goodluck and happy blogging!

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    Ruby posted an update 7 years, 5 months ago


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    Please keep on joining groups. You can join as many groups as you like. Keep on posting and commenting on articles posted.

    Goodluck and happy blogging!

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    Ruby posted an update 7 years, 5 months ago


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    Please keep on joining groups. You can join as many groups as you like. keep on posting and commenting on articles posted.

    Goodluck and happy blogging!

  • Profile picture of Ruby

    Ruby posted an update 7 years, 5 months ago


    Hello! Welcome to the LiteracyBase site!

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    Just keep on posting & commenting, and it will earn you points. It is not as easy to someone like me who is very very new in blogging.

    Goodluck and happy blogging!

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      • Thankyou(: And how do I Join this group of yours?

        • to join the Collectors group or any group for that matter, please click on the group box.

          For the Collectors group, since I have still a few members, after clicking the group, go to ‘alphabetical’ and look for the Collectors group, click it and click join.

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  • Profile picture of Ruby

    Ruby posted an update 7 years, 5 months ago


    Hello! Welcome to the LiteracyBase site!

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    Happy blogging!

    • Just keep on posting & commenting, and it will earn you points. You can also join as many groups as you like.

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  • Profile picture of Ruby

    Ruby posted an update 7 years, 5 months ago


    Hello! Welcome to LiteracyBase site.

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    Happy blogging!

    • Hello! Welcome to LiteracyBase site!

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      Please keep on joining groups. You can join as many groups as you like. keep on posting and commenting on articles posted.

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      Goodluck and happy blogging!

  • Profile picture of Ruby

    Ruby posted an update 7 years, 5 months ago


    Hello! Welcome to Literacy Base site.

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    Happy blogging!

    • Hello! Welcome to LiteracyBase site!

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      Please keep on joining groups. You can join as many groups as you like. Keep on posting and commenting on articles posted.

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      Goodluck and happy blogging!

  • Profile picture of Ruby

    Ruby posted an update 7 years, 5 months ago


    Hello! Welcome to LiteracyBase site.

    May I add you as friend?

    • Please keep on joining groups. You can join as many groups as you like. Keep on posting and commenting on articles posted.

      May I also invite you to be a member of the Collectors group?

      Goodluck and happy blogging!

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    Ruby posted an update 7 years, 5 months ago


    Hello, Jasmin! Welcome to LiteracyBase site.

    May I add you as friend?

    • Please keep on joining groups. You can join as many groups as you like. Keep on posting and commenting on articles posted.

      May I also invite you to be a member of the Collectors group?

      Goodluck and happy blogging!

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    Ruby replied to the topic A – Z Story Challenge in the forum Group logo of Writing Challenges & TipsWriting Challenges & Tips 7 years, 5 months ago

    Oh, my bad!

    I thought yours was the start, so I followed it with the B word then when I went back to your post, there was no takers. So I submitted the next letter, C.

    Maybe, we could continue on this.  So next should start with D.


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